Kathleen Kane, the Democrat running for Attorney General, is on TV. Her first ad of the general election is a greatest hits collection from her effective commercials in the Democratic primary.
“You want somebody tough enough to tell the Harrisburg boys ‘enough is enough’?” asks Kane to the camera, a reminder that she is the first woman nominated for the office. “You need to send them a prosecutor, not a politician.”
An announcer continues, “Kane prosecuted violent predators. Child molesters. She took on a corrupt judge – and won. Now, she is running for Attorney General to stand up to the career politicians.”
It’s part of a statewide ad buy that began Monday and cost over $1 million. The language and footage from this ad is the same as her ads in the primary.
Kane served as an Assistant District Attorney in Lackawanna County for 12 years, until 2007. She defeated former Congressman Patrick Murphy in the primary, in part due to her strong television campaign.
But the message isn’t as strong a hit against her Republican opponent Dave Freed, a career prosecutor. Freed started in the York County District Attorney’s office out of law school, was a prosecutor in Cumberland County and has been the County’s District Attorney since 2006.
By way of contrast, Kane boasted in the primary that she had prosecuted over 3,000 cases – a number which includes everything from cases taken to trial, to cases where she looked plea bargains, all the way down to paperwork.
By the same measure, Freed has prosecuted over 20,000 cases.
Freed Campaign Manager Tim Kelly said the “politician” label more aptly applies to Kane.
“Kathleen Kane can repeat Jim Eisenhower’s failed 2000 campaign slogan every day of the week,” he said. “It doesn’t change the fact that she hasn’t worked as an assistant DA since 2007, nor does it erase her more than $46,000 in personal political contributions in the past 7 years. Maybe her slogan should be reversed.”
She also volunteered for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008.
Freed’s campaign is due to hit the airwaves Wednesday.
11 Responses
we need someone to look at the files after 30 years of one party rule that started with zimmerman
How many cases has Dave Freed tried to verdict? How many cases did Tom Corbett try to verdict? How much experience did Tom Corbett have when he was first appointed AG.
Jack If you don’t know what Harrisburg corruption is, then you are not paying attention.
In addition to the three year slow roll investigation, there is the failure to investigate Senate Republicans for Bonusgate violations, and failure to press on Zimmerman Hershey investigation. and Harrisburg bond snafu may well be more than a snafu. Lots of interconnected law firms and insiders. This needs to be investigated. but these are mostly Republicans.
32 Years of One Party Rule will get us what we can expect it will get us. Dave Freed = Cover Up.
Freed is qualified? Really? He married leroy Z’s daughter and was handed the Cumberland Co DA job as a wedding present. His office has 8, count em 8, full time assistants who take guilty pleas to DUI’s and misdemeanors.He has ZERO civil experience and has never seen an antitrust, class action or consumer complaint in his life.Freed has no clue what the AG does or could do. Vote Kane. Tough. Independent and honest.
Jack, I’m sure Freed won’t run ads with snippets of his debate performance – I’ll send taxpayer money to hire an outside investigator to continue the investigation into my father-in-law. Seriously, we should vote in a guy to be AG’s who’s father-in-law is one of Corbett’s money men and is “supposedly kind of, but not really under double secret” investigation by the current AG’s office. I’d vote for a shoe over Freed!
Kane has far more experience than Mike Fischer had.
Kane has good name recognition from her defeat of Murphy (and instant credibility as a tough fighter against the establishment). There’s nothing wrong with the AG race also being a referendum on Corbett, because the AG is supposed to investigate corruption, which is long overdue for Corbett.
Kane is ready. She is a very strong-willed person with twelve years of experience. As we both mentioned before and as both candidates Kathleen and David acknowledge both have been in the game, at the crime scenes, and in the courtrooms. Freed has experience. Kane too, had experience, plus the fact she is the most independent candidate. She was in the primary and clearly is now.
Putting aside Kane’s qualifications for a minute here, but doesn’t this ad look like it was done either 20 years ago or on someone’s iMac? LOL
I thought a car salesman was going to spring out at the end and say COME ON, DOWN!
doesn’t put her best foot forward with voters I don’t think. they could have done something better for pete’s sake.
steelblitz, I actually think she did okay, but not great in the debate. She delivered canned lines about being “independent” and “cleaning up Harrisburg” (whatever that means). Freed, however, is clearly far more experienced as a prosecutor and has a clue about how to run an office that large. So at the end of the day, you and other Kane supporters make this a referendum on Corbett. I think Kane will win with that platform, but it’s winning a battle and losing the war for the Commonwealth, as she will flounder when trying to run the AG’s Office. She’s simply not ready for the job.
Kane did well in debate. She obviously has the independence mantle & the people want someone who works for them as AG… not at the pleasure of the governor.
I’m sure she won’t run ads with snippets of her debate performance. Yes, she WAS a prosecutor — an ASSISTANT DA — but hasn’t worked for over five years. And, she wants to become the head of a large agency and actually try jury cases. Clueless. But, hey, if you buy into political conspiracies, let’s avoid Freed, a qualified candidate, and vote in an incompetent AG.