Turns out not all the people on that infamous email chain are enemies of Kathleen Kane.
In her news conference earlier this month, the Attorney General asserted that her troubles began because of a group of hostile individuals were fearful that she uncovered a string of pornographic emails on their work accounts.
Apparently, the AG has forgiven some, though obviously not all.
According to Steve Esack of the Morning Call, Kane promoted a member of her protection detail, Louis DeTitto. Despite being suspended last fall for involvement in the email chain, DeTitto recently took charge of the illegal firearms task force and received a raise.
A source told Esack that DeTitto was suspended not because of the emails themselves but because he headed the firearms training and SWAT team.
This situation is similar to the firing of appeals office head James Barker last April. Kane’s office stated that Barker was let go because they believed leaks were coming from his office and “supervisory accountability falls to the head of the unit.”
Barker thought it was because he testified against Kane during her grand jury proceedings.
The Attorney General’s next court hearing is today.
28 Responses
Difference from what? He wasn’t charged, so he cut his deal weeks months) ago. So, his testimony is status quo.
Of course, if the case revolves around him, and he screws up or a conflict of interest sheds doubt on his integrity, then the case could be damaged.
What charges did he face, and dodge by cutting a deal?
How much of what he did was on his own initiative?
Did he have conversations with others that contradict what he’s saying on the stand?
Cross examination should be interesting.
DD and Busta — still waiting to hear how DP’s cooperation won’t make any difference…………………………………………………………..
No significance whatsoever. Totally arbitrary.
Sorry. I wish I could say it’s an obscure, clever literary reference.
DD — Jessica = Angela
Assuming you are posting under a fake name, what’s the significance of the choice? Character from a story? Any relevance?
You are conflating the porn emails and the adultery.
The adultery is only embarrassing to elected and aspiring politicians (and maybe some donors) as it could affect public perception in voting for them or their endorsements.
The porn emails matters (to the public) for the lawyers, ONLY if they were exchanging them with judges involved in their cases. Nobody cares if the lawyers are having affairs (unless it’s with the judges or other lawyers they are plea bargaining with).
Nobody gives a crap whom the security guards are sleeping with (unless it directly interferes with their job when they are on the clock). That’s between them and their wives.
HaHaHa — You were more fun to clown when you were BustaPerv.
In any case, welcome back!
I mean … Jessela … or is it Angica??
Either way … not “Andela” ….
LOL … You just called yourself dumb, Andela!!
BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! You think Angela is stupid enough to partake in THIS commentary with THIS group of folks?
LOL. Clearly you don’t know Angela.
Jessica = Angela. Now it is starting to make sense …
Angela Couloumbis seems to think Dave Peifer is cooperating with the government.
David, I’m having trouble following your line-drawing here. On the one hand, you’re saying that the supervisory agent is not a public figure, so we don’t care about his affairs or porn emails on state computers. The public doesn’t care about him, because he’s not voting on anything or running campaigns.
On the other, you seem to believe that supervisory lawyers must have the very same emails exposed, even though they are just line state employees like the top agents. They don’t influence policy and don’t get involved with campaigns. That’s a squiggly line you’ve drawn.
I’m sure your deliberate ignorance and obfuscations tire out the traffic court judges for your clients.
However, it’s the voting public the politicos answer to. They are far less concerned about whether the security guards are having affairs than the elected officials. The agents are generally not known to the public and their names rarely appear in the press, nor do they make public statements to get votes.
Next you’ll be claiming that the janitor who cleans Kane’s wastebasket is having an affair.
David, I’m glad we settled that the Ashley Madison emails or porn emails don’t matter unless it is from a person elected to office. So, what you’re saying is that the porn emails of anyone other than elected officials do not matter and this porn email nonsense should stop unless it involves Kane and McCaffery? Got it.
I was very clearly referring to people whose jobs/positions are explicitly political jobs and openly engage in elected politics.
Given the behavior of the top agents in the US (the secret service), why would anyone have any expectation of marital fidelity from any agents?
But, no, agents are not politicians, and neither are secretaries who engage in office politics.
David, if you are not familiar with how a person gets to the top of any law enforcement hierarchy, then that would explain your idea that agents are not politicians.
Also, how about KK using her sister as a decoy in the Montco courthouse?! You can’t make this stuff up.
No, I was referring to the political establishment in PA (legislators and their aides, and maybe some prominent donors or political lawyers).
Agents are not politicians.
David, do you mean one of Kane’s top agents, who has already been exposed as using his AG email address on Ashley Madison?
Larry – I don’t “wonder” about things I know nothing about. There is NO WAY for me to know what this Agent is alleged to have done in Porn-gate.
If this Agent was as involved as the people that Kane is calling corrupt, then she IS A HYPOCRITE for promoting him.
See – it’s easy to be reasonable when you aren’t shilling for one side (like you are).
Larry probably has an embarrassing email cache of his own he’s been trying to delete.
Also, with the Ashley Madison leak, I’d expect a lot of PA politicos are less worried about their email address being on porngate and more worried about it being in the Ashley Madison dump.
HaHa, how do you know that Fina sent any of the emails, as opposed to Abruzzo (who lost his job) or Parno (who lost his job)? As for your second question, if we’re talking about high-level promotions, then all you porn email enthusiasts might wonder why the AG would exercise her discretion to promote someone with that background in his employee file.
Larry – You don’t read too well. If the Feds have evidence she used my money to go to D.R. with her new boyfriend, I want her OUT … and prosecuted criminally.
But your comment didn’t really address mine. Is the writer suggesting that the punishment for the folks who RECEIVED these e-mails from Fina and his pals ought to be that they NEVER get promoted? That doesn’t even make sense. Does it?
What do you know about the racist emails? Who thought they were funny? Who thought it would be a good idea to send them to other State employees?
Good questions, Ha. I can’t wait to see how long before the Frat Boys start squealing on each other.
HaHaHa, Kathleen Kane could be videotaped in the act of murdering a child in the square in Scranton and you would whine about Fina and porn emails. Even among the fringe element of Kane supporters, you take shill status to a whole new level.
Hold on!!
Is the writer suggesting that the punishment for the folks who RECEIVED these e-mails from Fina and his pals ought to be that they NEVER get promoted?
That doesn’t even make sense. And it’s probably illegal too. As the Press reported from the outset, there were employees who were disciplined for their roles. Those employees, after they serve their suspensions, should be considered for raises/promotions just like everyone else.
I can’t wait to see who in the AG’s Office was the “ring-leader.” Who was sending the porn to Judge? Who was sending around the pictures of female employees performing oral sex on their male “bosses?” Who sent around photos of little boys and little girls forced to pose in sexual positions?
Sweet Lou!!!