Kane Seeking Immediate $1 Million From Ex-Husband

kane-press-conferenceKathleen Kane wants $1 million of the $6 million she believes she is owed in her divorce settlement as soon as possible.

According to the Associated Press, Kane needs the cash to pay her legal bills.

Her reasoning is that because of her resignation following her conviction, she is now unemployed. She claims her only income is the $19,000 a month she receives from Christopher Kane in alimony and child support payments.

Barbara Miller of the Patriot-News is reporting that the ex-AG’s attorney has said that Christopher Kane received $8.1 million from his family’s trucking company between 2013 and 2015.

Kane’s scheduling hearing is set for October 24th.

32 Responses

  1. Claude Thomas’ money/driven lawsuit — tossed out by Judge.

    Marc Costanzo’s money/driven lawsuit — tossed out by Judge

    Frank Fina’s money/driven lawsuit — tossed out by Judge

    They ruined their own careers. They made themselves unhirable in the private sector. Their kids will see the truth when they Google their Dads’ names. And now they aren’t even getting any case money!!


  2. Dave Diano will give her some dough if she poses for pictures for him! He’ll have her dress up like Betty Page!

  3. Look everyone HaHaHa is wrong again. They settled lawsuits including Kane being sued by her own sister. She wants to commit crimes, hire crazy expensive attorneys, lose and then expect her ex to pay. Sounds like an upstanding person to me. Oh yeah. I hear more lawsuits are coming so get read PA taxpayers because she will be the crappy gift that keeps on giving.

  4. Those money-grubbing losers who tried to sue Kane and the OAG have all lost. Their pitiful attempts to line their own pockets were laughed at by every Court. Fina & The Corbett Pervs should have to pay those attorney’s fees.

    Hey Fina! Hey Corbett pervs! No free money for you!!!

  5. Kathleen Kane is a “monetary vampire”.

    She’s already charged over $252,000 in attorney fees to TAXPAYERS for costs incurred in civil lawsuits of her own making.

    Ms. Kane belongs in jail. She is a walking talking scam.

  6. KK is goin’ to jail — while you are almost certainly right about that, people are ignoring that the report is seriously flawed. It has been reported that the report contains a staggering number of “false positives” — meaning that it picked up words in an email and flagged the email, but the email turned out to contain nothing improper. For God’s sake, the report itself gave Castor’s computer a virus.

    Yes, you are right that KK is a magnet for liability, but more important is the astounding lack of sophistication in the report, especially for a somewhat established Washington DC law firm. It’s time for KK’s supporters to face the reality that she is nothing more than a mentally imbalanced and highly vindictive twat and this report is the perfect illustration of that reality.

  7. Agreed, gulag. As a taxpayer, I want to know what those perverts and racists were up to while they took my money.

  8. My guess is KK and the OAG don’t want the report released . Betting that the men Kane “outed” weren’t the 38 primary senders but political enemies. Kane will have huge liability for lying about them and covering for the people that did the sending. I bet DeTitto was one of the 38 primary senders and she promoted him and gave him a raise. Kathy couldn’t tell the truth if $1million depended on it.

  9. All PA taxpayers have a right to see the Porn Gate scandal report. Their tax money paid for the Gansler report. Their tax money also paid for the govt time and computers that were wasted by this perverted behavior.

  10. Fake Ha3 – what former D staffer are you saying likes little boys?

    Denny – I join in real Ha3’s question. Do you believe the public has a right to see the Porn-Gate report?

  11. Denny, I should add to my question that I am a disgraced former Democrat staffer who spent time in state prison (as all Democrats do eventually). I also like little boys.

  12. Denny – I will assume (for now) that you are not the pathetic retard troll (though I suspect you are). I take it, with the view you espouse below, that you agree that the Gansler Report must be made public?

  13. ALL divorce proceedings, for celebrities and non-celebrities, should be fully reported. Why? The people who serve as masters, hearing officers and judges can be astonishingly unfair, and there is no recourse! You pay or you go to jail, even if it is unjust. In the misguided name of “privacy” — which cannot exist in the Internet age — we have evolved a secret punitive “justice” system. Why should it be public? Hey, if you involve the government, that is OUR government and we have a right to know how it works, and hold elected officials accountable.

  14. Militant Republican Moderate says:
    September 7, 2016 at 3:44 pm
    She should be paying them for the damage that she caused to their family name.

  15. How cute….someone wanting to be me. Well other me when you put yourself in the public eye, when you use your kids as part of your defense for crimes comittes. Then yeah you put your personal Business on the table to be discussed in public. Go to a grocery store and the magazine rack is littered with the personal details of those in the public eye.

    ….I agree ==she used her sons as a sword and not as a shield

  16. How cute….someone wanting to be me. Well other me when you put yourself in the public eye, when you use your kids as part of your defense for crimes comittes. Then yeah you put your personal Business on the table to be discussed in public. Go to a grocery store and the magazine rack is littered with the personal details of those in the public eye.

  17. > She claims her only income is the $19,000 a month she receives from Christopher Kane in alimony and child support payments.

    lol. ‘Only’ $19k. I get that its a legal filing, and you ask for more than you expect, but lol. Who cares about Kane anymore, aside from Todd Stephens?

  18. Not me at 10:30. Only a pathetic loser would care about the divorce of someone that is not a family member or close friend.

  19. Not me at 537. I think her Divorce is a personal matter but I think she put herself into the position of being reported on by her illegal actions. I also find it amazing that Kane pulls in a month. I wonder if her rumored extramarital instances will play a role in the case.

  20. How do people get by on $19,000 a month anyway? Guess she was clipping coupons while she was terrorizing her staff.

  21. No. Not yet, aaron. But rumor has it the FBI is working overtime. Orange jump-suit better be in order!!

    OK …. Now back to your hack article about someone’s divorce …. WHO THE FUCK CARES!?!

  22. Wait, if Chris Kane is litigating against Kathleen, then he must be one of the Corbett Pervs! Who knew?!! You’re either with Kathleen Kane or you’re a Corbett Perv and a retard. So says PPA.


    But quick, Kooky Krazy Kane supporters, change the subject to Seth Williams!

  24. She should be paying them for the damage that she caused to their family name.

  25. Who cares ….

    Hey Nick — Seth Williams and his lawyer’s wife (Kathy Martin) covered-up a crime committed by Seth’s girlfriend. The recent arrest came only because they knew their cover-up was an epic fail.

    The girlfriend committed the crime because she heard who Seth was banging on the side. You know who that was too, right Nick? I’ll give you a hint – blond hair!!

    Seth and his lawyer’s wife decided it was a good idea to have his Office investigate the crime committed by his girlfriend. How convenient!!

    And then his Office just so happened to find that their own investigation was too bungled to arrest his girlfriend. LOL.

    But now she is arrested anyway. Strange ….


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