Kane to Announce Special Prosecutors for Porn Emails

kane-sad2Kathleen Kane will announce special prosecutors to investigate the infamous pornographic emails tomorrow.

The Attorney General has stated that these people will “go through every public email account trafficking this filth and track down every public server over which it was circulated.”

According to Wallace McKelvey of the Patriot-News, the press conference will take place at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia at 11:00 (although it’s hard to imagine the framers of the Constitution, as well as the founders of the Center, ever intended an event like this to happen).

The question remains, though, whether Kane still has the power to appoint special prosecutors. After all, her law license was suspended last month.

“The attorney general believes the appointment of a special prosecutor is a policy decision that doesn’t require any legal consideration and she also retains authority over personnel,” Kane’s spokesman Chuck Ardo said.

Expect that to be a major point of contention after tomorrow.

141 Responses

  1. We need Observer here to tell us what really went down with the “sting” case. Apparently – Frank Fina was desperate to find a way to get that file out of the AG’s Office … I wonder why …. Hmmmmm … …. …

    Let’s see — the lawyer that represented the star witness in the sting case (con-man Tyron Ali) talked Fina into dropping ALL CHARGES against Ali. Turns out that lawyer is also Fina’s lawyer.

    Fina’s lawyer also convinced Fina to let his other client – Ali – keep the $400,000.00 he stole from the taxpayers of Pennsylvania.

    Now Fina’s lawyer’s wife is the newly minted “General Counsel” at the D.A.s Office.


    Someone is going to flip. Who will it be!?!

  2. jpaul – you keep talking smart like that and I may take you up on it. I would actually really enjoy seeing The Donald speak.

  3. Agreeing with the likes of D2, Haha and Pat Unger makes for a really bad day but this whole process with Kane reeks of corruption. Elections have a consequence-until she is convicted of something she is entitled to serve. The so called Disciplinary Committee of the Bar, our wonderous Supreme Court and now even our legislators abuse our system with this twisting of the process.Seth Williams not taking action just demonstrates how twisted this whole sad episode has been.
    Pat- do u need a lift to hear the Donald speak at the Pa Society- it could be a wonderful learning experience for you.

  4. But contrary to what you said, Pat Unger, he’s not going to jail for that email because there’s no law against it. In fact, the First Amendment protects it.

  5. Moron troll-boy — it has been reported that the “Bravery at its Finest” that image was SENT by Fina … nit just received by him. He saw that and decided it was so funny that he just had to send it to his white male buddies.


  6. HaHa. Here is something you can laugh at. Just got back from a quick lunch with an attorney friend of mine. Your name happened to come up and the fact that you posted the link with the disgusting racist people inviting people to look at it.

    Since you are constantly making false allegations against Fina and you alledged that this picture was one that was sent to Fina. Is there a nexus that you could have sent the picture to Fina. Since there is the similarity the special prosecutor surely would want to investigate you as to how you and it is alledged that Fina have the very same disgusting picture. I’m sure that they will want to do a forensic analysis of your computer to check emails and to see if you have any other disgusting pictures. I believe your IP address has been captured. The prosecutor claims to have subpoena power to get your identity. Next a search warrant. I’m really getting a chuckle HaHA over this HaHA of course when they contact you I’m sure you’ll be calling them Trolls too.. Wait for that knock on the door it’s coming.

  7. Marie –this is the part where “Terry M” + “Doglover2015″ (sometimes just “Doglover” when he forgets his fake screen-names) + “Sponge(B)ob” pretended they are not the same person. Don’t fall for it. DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS. Just call them names.

  8. Marie, HaHaHa/Pat Unger is unable to name the criminal law that Fina or Eakin supposedly broke. Can you? I doubt it. But nobody’s going to jail over some emails, especially because of two AGs who lack a PA law license. By the way, Joe Paterno was an enabler of child molestation.

  9. You know what?? I am proud of Kane. She actually did something right. She chose a respected prosecutor and is giving him the ability to go where the facts take him. As Senator Williams stated, this is not really “porngate” as much as it is “hategate.” The people involved with sending this hateful crap should have resigned a long time ago. Now they will be going to jail instead.

  10. HaHaHa/Pat Unger, hey buddy, still waiting for you to name the criminal statute that Fina supposedly violated. I know you are incapable of supporting any of your claims with facts or law, so I’ll just keep asking in order to OWN you.

  11. Oh look, everyone. The mental patient is upset. He is a TEA-guzzling Repervlican … and yet he does not want to see criminals who stole from the taxpayers be held accountable … Go figure. Some cats hate women so much, they will even abandon their TEA party beliefs.


  12. Ha ha you know what a big deal cause I didn’t put in 2015. Just like you and the others to never deal with the real issues just deflect and intimidate but we’ve caught on to you and the fascist you are. By the way I’m very proud what I see. Are you proud being anti African American by posting that racist picture plus like your friend Pat can’t answer the question.

    Just like the Democratic Chairman disowned David D yesterday after hearing about his Ret…. Remarks you now will get the boot but maybe you’ll like that racist boy. I think you should post under that name it more aptly describes you,

  13. H3/PU: still waiting for you to cite that criminal statute that Fina supposedly violated. OWNED OWNED OWNED.

  14. BTW – troll-boy … you forgot to add “2015” on your last post … that’s because you are posting under so many dig=fferent screen-names that your little brain is getting confused!!

    Remember – it’s “Doglover2015”

  15. Rskrloff…. Oh ok the only reason I brought it up was because I saw a post from David D that he was going even remarked about kids sitting at the kiddie table. I thought well heck maybe Dave could ride with you guys. You know less carbon emissions, save the world. That big with the Dems right now. Wait a minute you couldn’t have been mistaken and used Daves ID yesterday and screwed up and using another account and saying the same thing today.

    Why if you did that then you’re doing what HaHa (who posts racist pictures) accuses everyone else is doing. Ha Ha will you look into this for the group. You know what would the DMBC think about a fellow Democrat posting that picture. Should we find out?

  16. LOL @ the scary trolls!!! Oh no!! Please no!! Don’t tell me he is “capturing” what has already been captured by Kane. That image is the “Bravery at it’s Finest” e-mail that Fina sent to his buddies using his State computer/server. The public HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW.

    After all – he is still collecting a salary from the taxpayers … for now.

  17. @ Doglover & Bonzo:

    I am going to the WHYY-Board Meeting with Jim Foster, the guy who had been excluded from the mayoralty debate.

    Asher–to whatever degree he was guilty, noting he never sought/achieved self-enrichment–paid his debt to society.

    Also, the RNC won’t determine the POTUS-candidate; the delegates will.

  18. So, Pat Unger, once again, you have no idea what “crime” Fina supposedly committed? OWNED.

  19. Ha Ha. It’s very possible using the standards the special prosecutor imagines are law that you just committed a crime by posting a link under your name to a despicable picture. At the very least you are a disgrace for promoting your blatant racism by posting that picture. You know what that was and the words attached to it yet you still posted it. Don’t worry I captured it and will forward it to the appropriate special prosecutor. Little hint. Since everyone has probably seen this I wouldn’t tell your buddy to delete it like the others.

  20. When is Fina’s deposition in his civil case???

    I am sure the lawyer will have tons of questions for him. Off the top of my head, here are a couple topics: his taste in porn, his racist e-mails, his contacts with Craig & Angela at the INKY, his relationship with Feudale, his relationship with Tyron Ali

  21. Marie…….Sorry if those words are hard for you to understand. Look it up its a term used in law enforcement. Oh that’s right the most significant post you made is the rats are scurrying. Wow you could be a speech writer for HaHa

    . Notice there is still no factual response from HaHa other than his usual dribble of Troll etc. .

  22. , said HaHaHa, talking to himself (Pat Unger). *HaHaHa scrambles to change his screen name to aaron to post about Eakin retiring and then scrambles to post something as Pat Unger*

  23. Were any of you shills at the Press Conference? Did Kane show Fina’s favorite videos on the big-screen?

  24. Pat — this is the part where “Terry” + “Doglover” + “Sponge(B)ob” pretended they are not the same person having a conversation with himself. Don’t fall for it.

  25. So, Pat Unger, you can’t name the law that Fina supposedly broke? Thanks for clarifying. OWNED.

  26. Why does a Criminal Felon like Bob Asher have anything to do with The Republican Party . A Felon should be nowhere near Elected Officials and or Candidates . This Felon Bob Asher is one of 100 Republican National Committee Members who will Decide who The Republican Nominee for President of The United States of America will be in 2016 . Get Felon Bob Asher of Asher’s Candies out of Government NOW

  27. Terry M. Thank you for spelling out what I was thinking all along. I look forward to seeing your posts which are of substance and fact.

    Also, let me save the new Special Prosecutor some time the only law that applies to adult pirnography in Pennsylvania is call Obscenity. The definition off what Obscenity is is Community Standard. There are not many prosecutions in the last 20 years for this. While I may deplore the visual depictions or the words that accompany it not sure it’s a criminal offense. Again, let’s remember the server this special prosecutor will be reviewing has already been tainted by Kane employees who at the direction of Kane accessed the information looking for messages to reporters. Since the server was rendered non pristine any information from that is questionable at best.

  28. LOL – Yeah. this is all about the money it is going to cost now. You guys are grasping at straws Give it up. You are embarrassing yourselves.

    Fina let Tyron Ali keep the $400,000.00 he stole from PA taxpayers. You say NOTHING about that … even when it turns out that the lawyer who convinced Fina to let Ali keep the $$$ is also Frank Fina’s lawyer.

    He’s going to jail.

  29. Why is it HAHAHA who posts as multiple people is always accusing me of posting as multiple people? Why is it that the response is always shill boy and troll. She appoints a guy who thinks sending porn pictures is illegal in PA. What’s the statute that makes porn illegal? What’s the statute that makes transmitting it illegal?

  30. I hereby call upon Kathy Kane to release every single E Mail that has gone through the AG Servers . Kathy I want you to bring down every scum Bucket Porn and Racist Peddler in Pennsylvania The Federal Government and any other Jurisdiction these emails went to or came from . Lets have it out and let The Court of Public Opinion decide what should be done with all of these Creepy People in our Government

  31. Pat Unger, Dwyer not only committed a crime, but was also convicted of a crime. Maybe you (since you’re the same person as HaHaHa) can answer the question: what crime did Fina commit? Cite the statute. Identify the personal pecuniary benefit that he received.

  32. David, did the special magical our of state with no authority in PA who does not even know the PA laws say he was going to grab emails from private citizens? Well then no, my porn can roam freely along with the letters being penned to several groups you are a part of with samples of your hatred for those with disabilities. I think this is only the beginning of this story but the real losers is the Pennsylvania taxpayer as this is going to cost a ton of money and end up just like the magic Sandusky review.

  33. I can’t wait to see what they uncover. My bet is that the vile perverted racist material is the least of Fina’s worries.

    If he used his e-mail on racist material, he surely used it on his corrupt dealings with Judges, the press, etc.

    He knows what’s coming – which is why he has been so DESPERATE to smear Kane. Hope he doesn’t go all Bud Dwyer on us …

  34. Yep, I’m just terrified. So, HaHaHa, what criminal statute did Fina violate? You’ve had plenty of time to come up with an answer, but all you have is name-calling. Can you answer a simple question, since you claimed he committed a crime? Bonus points if you can explain how Fina gained personal enrichment.

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