Kathleen Kane’s Chief of Staff Jonathan Duecker finds himself in the midst yet another of an embarrassing scandal.
The first scandal concerning Duecker was unveiled in May when we learned about sexual harassment claims made against the AG’s top lieutenant. Furthermore, it was revealed that not only had Kane dismissed H.R.’s recommendation to fire Duecker but also that he was given authority over personnel decisions.
Now, Brad Bumsted of the Tribune-Review has uncovered another disconcerting fact about Duecker. Apparently, the former head of the Bureau of Narcotics is driving a 2006 Mercedes R-350 that was seized during a drug bust.
Additionally, Duecker has spent about $6,000 on repairs to the car since last year at public (i.e. taxpayer’s) expense.
Typically seized vehicles are either sold at auction or used by agents in the streets. PA law states that cars taken during drug raids can only be used for drug investigations.
The Attorney General’s (seventh) spokesman Chuck Ardo, however, is defending Duecker’s use of the car.
“Although Mr. Duecker is acting as chief of staff, he is still intimately involved with narcotics investigations throughout the commonwealth and, therefore, qualifies for use of the automobile in question,” Ardo told Bumsted.
“[There’s] “no bright line between Mr. Duecker’s role with the Bureau of Narcotics Investigation and his role as chief of staff,” Ardo asserted.
Neither Ardo nor Duecker addressed why the AG’s Chief of Staff had to use a seized car at all or why anyone would even want a car used for drug running in the first place.
13 Responses
LOL … This is the “shoe” they have been waiting to drop on AG Kane??? OMG – the Clown Car is now a FLAMING JOKE OF A CLOWN CAR.
Seriously – who cares about what they do with dry dealers’ cars. They better worry about the criminal charges that could be coming on what they did with their State computers!! According to media outlets, Fina & The Corbett Pervs used their State computers to view and distribute videos and pictures depicting:
– graphic violence against women
– sexual images of children
– bestiality
Is this action any different than previous administrations or are we just picking her apart because she is the target? I am sure other Attorney General’s had their staff do the same thing. Still seems like what is good for the goose is not good for the gander in the PA State Capitol.
This is an unconstitutional abuse of power. Instant removal and bar from holding public office upon being found guilty is the minimum justice. Loss of pension is warranted, but that won’t happen.
It’s amazing that Kane still has defenders on this site.
Sub “taxpayer” for “person with a double digit IQ” and I’m with ya Montco
Deflect, deflect, deflect … now Brad Bumsted is a partisan hack and in on the conspiracy??
“In 2006, his ‘Capitol Cash Grab’ series for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review with colleague Debra Erdley, won first place in the prestigious Public Service category of the Associated Press Managing Editors competition. The series highlighted excesses and abuses in the Pennsylvania legislature … The series also won first place in the Associated Press metro category for investigative reporting. With other Trib reporters, Bumsted won first place awards three years straight (2005-2007) in the Society of Professional Journalists’ Spotlight Awards for stories on the legislature and the new gaming industry in Pennsylvania. He has been the recipient of numerous awards from the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association, Capitolbeat, the Pennsylvania Women’s Press Association and the Pittsburgh Press Club … Bumsted has served as president of the Pennsylvania Legislative Correspondents Association, the oldest capitol correspondents group in the nation and as a board member. He is currently vice president.”
Here come the partisan hack attacks, led by Richard Mellon Scaife’s army of loons, raising a stink because a guy is driving a 10 year old car. As a taxpayer I say thanks AG Kane, you saved us a bunch of money on that one.
At some point, if you are an embattled politician, you should really look around you and make sure everyone involved with you is totally above board and that all of their decisions could not possibly be impugned. If Kane was not constantly surrounded by scandal, no one would make a big deal of this or likely even look into it.
Here come the long knives
bahahahhaha the hits keep coming
but wait i forgot oldboysclub/pornemails/waronwomen there guys I did it for you no need to post
It’s an issue because he is a high level official in the Attorney General’s Office (by the way, that is a law enforcement agency) who is spending $6,000 of the taxpayer’s hard earned money to fix a car he is by law prohibited from using. We would rather him follow the law and drive his own car. If you can’t see how this is an issue, you should put it to be Kane’s eighth spokesperson.
Its right in the article ABCDEF. ” PA law states that cars taken during drug raids can only be used for drug investigations.”
Stop being a partisan hack and start reading.
How is this even an issue? So, he’s using a seized car. Would we rather that he be using a new car paid for at taxpayer expense? Get a life.