Koch-backed group throws support behind Scott Wagner’s bid for Guv.

Here they come.

Yesterday, Americans for Prosperity-Pennsylvania (AFP-PA) jumped into one of two statewide races, announcing its support for GOP Guv hopeful Scott Wagner.

The “free market activist” group will canvass, make phone calls, and run advertisements in its effort to unseat incumbent Democratic Gov. Tom Wolf and his “failed policy record”.

“Our activists fight to break barriers to opportunity that let our Pennsylvania communities thrive – but Wolf’s policies stand in the way,” said AFP-PA State Director, Beth Anne Mumford. “Our grassroots teams are energized and ready to mobilize across the state to have conversations with their neighbors on why Wolf is wrong for Pennsylvania and why he must be fired.”

The endorsement carries some muscle, as AFP has several permanent organizers based in PA.

AFP stated in its press release that Wolf’s tenure has left Pennsylvanians with “bigger government, higher taxes, and runaway spending” that has not promoted economic growth.

Wolf’s campaign believes the arrival of AFP into the campaign exemplifies the notion that Wagner is “beholden to special interest groups”.

“There’s no greater proof that Scott Wagner is beholden to special interests than an endorsement from the Koch brothers,” said Beth Melena, Gov. Wolf’s campaign communications director. “These big oil and gas barons are trying to buy the election for Scott Wagner so he can continue to give handouts to billionaires like the Kochs by blocking a severance tax and refusing to make big corporations pay their fair share.”

Wagner’s campaign welcomed the endorsement of the group and countered that Wolf is at the whim of the public sector unions.

“Scott is pleased to have the support of an organization committed to promoting business friendly policies and fostering economic growth – something that, despite his MIT degree, Tom Wolf knows nothing about,” said Andrew Romeo, Wagner campaign spokesman. “While Tom Wolf is bought and paid for by the public sector unions that continuously hold our economy and our education system back from the reforms that we desperately need, Scott will continue to work with everyone who shares his vision of protecting paychecks for hardworking Pennsylvanians.”  

Worth noting with AFP’s introduction into the Governor’s race is its abstention from entering the U.S. Senate race in Pennsylvania between incumbent Democratic Sen. Bob Casey and GOP challenger, Rep. Lou Barletta.

It’s part a broader cold war between Trump and the Kochs about the direction of the GOP.

Barletta holds a lifetime grade of 74% from the group, while Casey comes in with just 7%.

AFP has been at odds with the Trump administration over tariffs and immigration, while Barletta’s campaign has shown support for the President on both issues.

A couple of months ago, AFP was specifically critical of Barletta’s yes vote on Trump’s omnibus spending package.

The Barletta campaign declined to comment on the announcement.   

9 Responses

  1. Considering Wagner wants to tax elderly folks’ retirement checks so he can give himself and his rich buddies a tax break, this probably shouldn’t come as much of a surprise.

    1. Isaac, you’re another fool who refuses to know the truth. Wagner DOES NOT WANT to tax retirement checks. That statement was made as an interrogatory almost three years ago at a Berks Patriots meeting and was taken out of context as a weapon by both Mango and Wolf. I hate liars.

  2. Most of the other articles I see on here about this race have at least one comment from a conservative… Where are you now? Even Republicans know these astroturf groups are a joke

    1. I’ll bite here Jeff. You’re an idiot. Koch money helped to push major candidates over the line in 2016, have you ever heard of Pat Toomey? The guy who put Shady Katie in a political grave?

      Best thing about the Koch Brothers is that they stand up for what they believe in (regardless of support from the President) and are a great counter weight to George Soros and the other out of touch, super liberal mega donors that back every shitty democratic candidate.

  3. Let’s be very clear here. The Koch Brothers backed group “Americans For Prosperity” is proof that Scott Wagner’s interests are with the ultra wealthy. Tom Ridge and Gov Bill Scranton as well as Bill Scranton, III, would be too smart to get entangled with this group that focuses on the interests of that 1% ultra rich. The “Americans” in “Americans For Prosperity” are that ultra rich elite represented by the billionaire Koch Brothers. The “prosperity” is “prosperity” for themselves. When Scott Wagner encountered added costs in his business due to Trump’s policies he immediately sought to renegotiate with municipalities who are basically the everyday Pennsylvanian. You didn’t see the Koch Brothers get assigned the additional costs of Trumps policies by Wagner’s company.

    1. Well put together Comms plan here Nick but you’re also an idiot. Standing up for American prosperity doesn’t mean that they only care about the ultra rich. They want the government off of the backs of every taxpayer and private control of business.

      Not your ridiculous, ideological Democratic-Socialist failures at policy. Listen my 4 year old daughter can dream up some pretty wild stuff too, but they usually lack the same things the Democratic Party does–plausibility.

  4. If we had truth in politics, this group would be called Ultra Wealthy for more Money in Our Pockets.

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