Lentz Agrees to Meet Meehan in Fifth Debate of Campaign
Springfield, PA – Representative Bryan Lentz, the Democratic nominee for Congress in Pennsylvania’s 7th Congressional District, announced today that he was gladly accepting an offer to debate Pat Meehan at Neumann University on October 25 at 6 p.m. Larry Kane, host of the Comcast Network’s the “Voice of Reason”, has agreed to moderate the debate.
With polls showing the race in a dead heat, Lentz said he welcomed the chance to have voters compare his stand on bringing good-paying jobs to the 7th Congressional District with his Republican opponent’s. Lentz said Kane, a television legend with about 45 years of industry experience, was an excellent choice to question the candidates on the issues most important to voters, like the economy.
“As the election draws to a close, voters are more focused than ever and this debate will be an excellent opportunity for both candidates in this race to make their closing arguments to voters,” Lentz said. “I look forward to sharing with voters how I plan to get our companies hiring workers and investing in themselves again.”
For months, Lentz has been reaching out to voters around the District, holding a series of town halls on jobs and the economy open to anybody to attend. As part of Lentz’s 10-weeek, 25-stop jobs tour, Lentz also toured a range of businesses throughout the District.