JET 24 reported that according to county voting records, Graham didn’t vote in the 2016 election. The Pennsylvania Republican Party called for the ad to be taken down once this was known, but according to PennLive as of December 27, the ad was still running.
The push for Trump voters begins with this liberal Super PAC.
American Bridge, which describes itself as “the largest research, video tracking, and rapid response organization in Democratic politics,” has debuted their first multimillion dollar ad buy in three key swing states that includes Pennsylvania.
Their initial television ads feature a man named Mark Graham, a lifelong resident of Erie, Pennsylvania who said he voted for President Donald Trump in 2016, but won’t be supporting his reelection effort in 2020.
“I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because I thought he would make a change,” Graham said in the minute long spot. When he was asked if Trump followed through on a promise of change, Graham responded by saying the change was “not for the good.”
“Donald Trump only plays favorites for people like himself, not Erie, Pennsylvania,” Graham says in the ad. “…He doesn’t understand life around here.”
Graham continues to criticize Trump in the ad as someone who is out of touch with Americans like himself, as he described Erie as “blue collar town,” and cautioned voters to not support him in next year’s election.
“Voting for Donald Trump in 2020 would be like putting gasoline on a fire,” Graham says at the conclusion of the one minute ad.
This ad and a 30 second spot of Graham that criticizes Trump on healthcare policies, is part of a $5 million ad campaign targeting “Trump defectors” in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The ads will run for four weeks starting Nov. 13 in the Erie market in Pennsylvania, according to a release from American Bridge. Versions of these ads will also run on radio and digital platforms.
The Pennsylvania Republican Party shrugged off this ad buy as a waste of money and claims that if Trump were to hold a rally in Erie tomorrow, he’d have great support there.
“American Bridge is wasting liberal billionaire George Soros’ money. President Trump has delivered in unprecedented fashion, and if he held a rally in Erie tomorrow thousands who love him for it would pack the facility and the streets outside,” Pennsylvania Republican Party Senior Advisor Vonne Andring said to PoliticsPA. “These videos aren’t going to dissuade anyone from the truth — because at the end of the day, people aren’t stupid like Democrats think they are.”
These ads are just the beginning from American Bridge. Earlier in 2019, the liberal super PAC announced that it was launching a $50 effort in four specific states that included Pennsylvania.
A spokesperson for American Bridge told PoliticsPA in September that the Pennsylvania effort started out with focusing on the three counties that voted for President Obama then flipped to Trump in 2016, but has expanded into including a total of 22 counties in the state that voted for Trump in the previous election, although the group is likely to add more.
The Pennsylvania counties being targeted in their 2020 effort as of September include: Erie, Luzerne, Northampton, Greene, Fayette, Cambria, Elk, Somerset, Armstrong, Juniata, Clearfield, Jefferson, Bedford, Fulton, Cameron, Indiana, Clinton, Clarion, Huntingdon, Potter, Sullivan, and Northumberland.
The Hill reports that Trump’s approval rating in rural areas of Pennsylvania is 60% according to a Change Research survey released in early September by two Democratic groups.
The specific ads released today from American Bridge will be played in one of the three counties that flipped to Trump in 2016 after voting for Obama twice; Erie County.
While all three counties that flipped to Trump are of particular importance to both parties, Erie has garnered special attention over the past several months. In early September, The Hill named Erie County as one of the ten most important counties in the nation in deciding the 2020 election, while Mercyhurst University released a poll in early October showing Trump trailing former Vice President Joe Biden, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders in hypothetical head to head matchups in the county.
21 Responses
Dont include the money symbols in the link address.
What a surprise….Mark Graham turns out to be a typical Democrat stooge who will just plain lie through his teeth. Truth comes out he never voted for Trump or anyone in 2016. Let’s see if any of the liberal news outlets that covered his story will expose this piece of crap for what he is. I also home this effects his business. Would you trust this man to sell you a house?
Mr. Cole,
You may need to fact check you’re actor in this ad.
P.S. Who can legal teams contact in regards to lying to influence the outcome of an election? Seams to be a lot of that today…asking for a friend?
I suspected this slimy snake was a demtard all along just listening to his hollow flawed reasoning skills. HE NEVER VOTED IN 2016!!! He would have you think its best to go back in time before 2016 and bathe in dirty democratic Erie bathwater like a democratic pig and he would be happier? Make sense dude. Now the slimeball says ” I dont remember if I voted at all”??? I’m surprised the local Erie tv stations actually covered this scam, let’s see if libertard rag Erie Times News will report it, Pat Howard are you listening?? Crickets!! I hope Fox News Tucker Carlson interviews and exposes this George Soros funded crap.
I suspected this guy was a lying scumbag. They think everyone is stupid and will believe their lies.
Here we go….Republicans hate to admit they made a mistake voting for the low life draft dodger. He’s the big divider of this country. The only scum bags are republicans who continue to support this lying piece of crap. Trumpy is in the wrong job…..he would be better suited for the circus with rest of the CLOWNS…… lock his lying ass up
I’m very happy they exposed this liar for what he is. However, I’d like to see legal action taken against him if it can be done. People should not get away with this. He went through all this to manipulate everyone against our president and now states he can’t remember he didn’t vote three years ago! Give me a break! This type of bullshit is dividing our country in a bad way. I didn’t agree with everything Obama did during his presidency but still respected the office. We are one nation under God, which made this country great. We need to pull together again. When we vote there are winners and losers. I’ve never seen such poor losers in my life.
This clown didnt even vote in 2016. Local news station pulled his voting record. All the left does is lie!
Mark appears to be a liar. post an article that said Mark didn’t vote at all in 2016. I wonder if they will pull the ad.
You’re damn skippy. Straight to hell with dems
I vote TRUMP 2020 ..???????? TRUMP Jr. 2024 .. ????????????????????????????????✅
What a joke these ads are , Trump is the only President to actually keep his promises to the voters. He has only helped all American people and all the while the left tried to take him down with their fake narrative. He has my vote and I am proud to be an American and have a President fight for America ????
I roll my eyes at that commercial because the way he talks, I find it most likely he never voted for Trump in 2016. Like most Trump haters he has not come up with even one actual thing that Trump did that hurt Erie or the country. He can’t fix all problems immediately but not all problems are his fault or started by him. That guy Mark Graham says voting for Trump would be like “Putting gas on a fire.” He has not presented himself as knowledgeable so I guess I won’t worry too much about his opinion.
I’ve lived in Erie my entire life (45 yrs) and most of us have watched Democrat’s run this city into the ground.. FYI, Trump “trumped” Erie for a reason.
I’ll be polite and keep those many reasons???? to myself
Life is short. Make sure to spend as much time on the internet as possible arguing with strangers about politics.
I’m coming for YOU graham !!
You must be an for the idiot is one thing,but to continue to support a draft dodging,rat soup eatin,fraud. Must be a moron and we don’t need morons in erie. So please dont come back
You’re just a dumb old Pollock that can’t see beyond the end of your nose.
I moved back to Erie from the Eastern shore of Maryland. Small town of 34,000 turned into the 4th most dangerous city in America. Trump is amazing. Soros is behind this along with all this. POTUS will be reelected in a landslide. Dont like Erie, dont let the door hit you in the Depends.
Every time this commercial.comes on, people roll their eyes and ask if I can “turn that garbage off.”
Hey Mark since your a life long resident from Erie, Pa .are you a life time democrat or Republican? As I’m sure you know that Erie,Pa. City and County government has been under Democratic rule and have run this City into the ground just like all the other big Cities that the Democrats have had control of. But since you brought it up all the City and County Democrats do is keep raising taxes and giving tax breaks so their banker friends make money. Please tell me how much better this City was under President Clinton and President Obama?