Anything Brad Koplinski can do, Mark Critz can do better. At least that’s what the Critz campaign would like you to believe.
Earlier today the Koplinski campaign trumpeted the backing of 20 Democratic state officials, now just hours later the Critz campaign unveiled 54 officials and organizations that are endorsing his candidacy. Both men are fighting to become the Democratic nominee for Lieutenant Governor.
“I am honored to be endorsed by a diverse group of leaders and activists,” Critz said. “They know that I have a record of fighting to strengthen the middle class and working to create jobs that pay a livable wage.”
It should also be noted that these campaign releases are likely targeted towards the annual PA Society weekend which begins tonight. The PA Society events provide a prime venue for leading politicos to gossip about and chew over the latest political news. For instance, this morning Attorney General Kane made headlines by expressing her interest in a 2016 race for the Senate against incumbent Pat Toomey.
The full list of endorsements is included below:
Campaign Co-Chairs
Joyce Murtha, Honorary Co-Chair
Ed Cernic, Sr., Honorary Co-Chair
United Steelworkers
Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 354
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1279
Johnstown Building and Construction Trades Council
Beaver County
Mike Sisk, Chair, Beaver County Democratic Committee
Joe Spanik, Beaver County Commissioner
Tony Amadio, Beaver County Commissioner
Carol Fiorucci, Beaver County Register of Wills
Nancy Werme, Beaver County Prothonotary
Judy Enslen, Beaver County Clerk of Courts
George Quay, City of Beaver Falls Mayor
Cambria County
Heath Long, Chair, Cambria County Democratic Committee
Tom Chernisky, Cambria County Commissioner
Helen Whiteford, Cambria County Jury Commissioner
Sue Kuhar, Cambria County Clerk of Courts
Patty Sharbaugh, Register of Wills
Debbie Martella, Prothonotary
Bob Kolar, Sheriff
Lisa Kozorosky, Treasurer
Kelli Callihan, Disctrict Attorney
Ed Cernic, Jr., Cambria County Controller
Fayette County
Fayette County Constable Association
Fred Lebder, Chair, Fayette County Demorcatic Committee
Vince Zapatosky, Fayette County Commissioner
Al Ambrosini, Fayette County Commissioner
Gary Brownfield, Fayette County Sheriff
Robert Yatsko, Supervisor, Menallen Twp.
A.J. Boni, Supervisor, Perry Twp.
Fulton County
Rheon Gelvin, Chair, Fulton County Democratic Committee
Greene County
Greg Leathers, Chair, Greene County Democratic Committee
Shirl Barnhart, Supervisor, Morgan Twp.
Blair Zimmerman, Greene County Commissioner
Chuck Morris, Greene County Commissioner
Indiana County
Ron Fairman, Chair, Indiana County Dems
Patty Evanko, Indiana County Commissioner
Sandy Kirkland, Treasurer, Indiana County
Denny Clawson, Mayor, Clymer Boro
Cal Cecconi, Mayor, Homer City
George Hood, Mayor, Indiana Boro
Somerset County
Shelley Glessner, Chair, Somerset County Dems
Donna Matsko Schmitt, Treasurer Somerset County
Somerset County Commissioner John & Janet Vatavuk
Washington County
John Lignelli, Mayor, Donora
Westmoreland County
Dante Bertani, Chair, Westmoreland County Democratic Committee
Ted Kopas, Westmoreland County Commissioner
Gerald Lucia, Mayor, Mount Pleasant
Senator Rich Kasunic
Gary Haluska, PA Rep. 73rd district
Bryan Barbin, PA Rep. 71st district
Ted Harhai, PA Rep. 58th district
Pete Daley, PA Rep. 49th district
Former US Rep. Chris Carney, PA-10
9 Responses
Maybe Critz just doesn’t get it but there are a lot of women all over the State who will never vote for him for any political office. The public comments that Fritzade at a Women’s Democratic Meeting will never be forgotten.
They where crude, rude, and insensitive to all women. He doesn’t have enough apologies to get his foot out of his mouth. I can see those remarks making great TV ads for his opponents in the primary.
So in Congress, Mark Critz voted AGAINST DADT and FOR DOMA. But now that he’s running in a Democratic primary we’re to believe he’s pro-marriage equality? Gimmie a break.
He’s far from being a “gay basher” and in fact has publicly stated his support for marriage equality.
Your right he is a team player and an excellent choice for Lt. Governor. He is the kind of person that gets things done and works very hard.
@ Mike – Saying he’s not a Democrat is ludicrous. He lost his seat because he wouldn’t vote to repeal Obamacare. Is he conservative? Yes but I’ve heard that he’s a real team player
Mark Critz was an excellent Congressman and will be a fine Lt. Governor. I look forward to working hard to help him in 2014.
Not the worst point to be made, but Critz is so diametrically opposed on the major issues of the day to Mccord, Schwartz, Wolf, and most of the others in the race, that he would have to eat so much crap is Lt. Gov. to hold down his true feelings about the issues. And heaven forbid something good or bad happened to our Governor and he got elevated to the position. Ardent pro-lifer, gun lover, gay basher, natural gas lobbyist – what a guy. And certainly no Democrat.
State politics being what it is and the reality of the climate in PA politics. Critz is the best option to tag along with McCord. While Allyson Schwartz maybe the candidate everyone loves, the reality is that with her long public record of voting on issues (some more controversal than others) she will be the weakest candidate to unseat Corbett.
As McCord is from SEPA, Critz will be a nice geographical balance to him politically.
None of those counties are east of the Susquehanna. How many of these endorsements are from Blue Dogs such as himself????