Lynne Abraham Interested in Possible AG Appointment

LynneAbrahamIn case you haven’t noticed, Attorney General Kathleen Kane is in quite a bit of trouble right now.

While she has pledged to fight on, the possibility that Kane will step down or be removed has become very real since her arraignment.

If Kane is forced to leave office before the end of her term, Governor Tom Wolf will have to select a replacement.

There has been plenty of speculation on just who that official could be.

One person, however, is already pitching their candidacy to party leaders: Lynne Abraham.

Abraham served as Philadelphia’s District Attorney from 1991 to 2010. Earlier this year, she ran for Mayor of Philly but finished in third place.

According to a source with knowledge of the situation, Abraham believes she can be an effective placeholder until Jan. 2017. Several of the people she worked with in Philly are now in the AG’s office and she briefly considered a run back in 2012.

PoliticsPA has also learned that Abraham has secured the commitment of Congressman, and Philadelphia Democratic Party Chair, Bob Brady.

An Abraham appointment, though, would face a number of potential roadblocks.

First, her tenure as DA was quite controversial, particularly her strong support of the death penalty.

Second, Abraham is 74 years old and the last image many Pennsylvanians have of her is when she fainted during a TV debate last April. By all accounts she is still an indefatigable individual but that high-profile incident will be tough to shake.

Finally, any appointee would have to be approved by the GOP-controlled Senate and the Philly Democrat doesn’t have many connections to Harrisburg Republicans.

Nevertheless, there aren’t many contenders that are willing to only serve until a successor is chosen in 2016.

16 Responses

  1. Lynn would be a good choice, since she has great experience and would not use this AG job as a steppingstone to run statewide–unlike some other names in the magic hat. (look at what happened when the Dems elected someone with minimal prosecutorial experience and no management experience: we got Kane. )

  2. Allan Kennedy-Shaffer is a terrible and unqualified human being, I hope people are seriously kidding.

  3. Abraham ignored corruption when she was D.A. and now we want her to ignore it on the state level just like Kane? How is this an improvement?

  4. Alan Kennedy-Shaffer, the key endorsement that helped Wolf carry Dauphin County would be a fabulous choice.

  5. I do believe in experience and commitment. I do believe in fair play without rushing to judgement. But the office of AG is the peoples office.

    I don’t agree with the rush to judgement against AG Kane. I also agree that it is in everyones best interest for AG Kane to take a leave of absence with a suitable person such as Ms. Abraham to be a place holder.

    As a former judge and DA Ms. Abraham with her experience cannot be discounted as a primal reason for supporting her should Ms. Kane do what is best for everyone by temporarily stepping down.

    Ms. Kane, as an elected official has every right and even a duty to prove her innocence while not compromising the office she holds in the name of the people.

  6. Fed Up, Shapiro would be a terrible choice. He may be a rising Dem, but he has even less experience than Kane.

  7. Supposedly Montco commissioner Josh Shapiro (currently running for re-election) has been teed up for that role. He wants it and is the Democrats new ‘it boy’. I guess that news hasn’t spread to Philly however.

  8. Do we really want the lady who ran those creepy ads with thousands of pictures of kids serving as AG?

  9. No chance any anyone getting the temp job.
    No chance of anyone getting confirmed who will run. Political holdovers in the AG”s office will keep the seat warm and do a little auditioning for their next job and try and not draw any more negative attention.
    Nothing to do will skill or integrity- just the way it is.

  10. Just what Pennsylvania needs… a Philadelphia Democrat to prosecute all the corruption cases against Philadelphia Democrats.

  11. Word in the lobbying community is that Dave Tyler has the inside track on the interim AG appointment!

  12. Burgermeister-

    Yes. I heard there is already a petition drive to nominate him (and he’ll be notarizing them himself).

  13. Seriously Lynn? You’re like 110 years old. Attention “Great Generation” You have FAT pensions, younger people need good paying jobs. Get the hell off the stage and let younger people have the chance they need!

  14. Wouldn’t Alan Kennedy-Shaffer be a perfect for to serve as AG in an interim basis?

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