A New Quinnipiac poll shows Biden leading Trump by double digits in a hypothetical matchup in the state, Trump’s 2020 campaign hires a state director and Superior Court ads land on TV. Here is the Playbook.
Quinnipiac Poll: Biden 53, Trump 42: The former Vice President holds a double digit lead over Trump in a hypothetical head to head matchup despite a majority of voters saying they are better off financially since Trump entered office.
Trump 2020 Campaign Hires PA State Director: Robinson most recently served as the RNC’s Pennsylvania State Director for the 2018 midterm election.
Superior Court: McCaffery Launches 1st TV Ad: The Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas judge details his blue collar upbringing and career as a judge and prosecutor.
Superior Court: Tarasi Releases 1st TV Ad: The Western Pennsylvania attorney touts her courtroom experience in the 30 second spot.
Harrisburg & DC
Post-Gazette: Poll shows Biden leading Trump in Pennsylvania in potential match-up
AP: Pennsylvania’s campaign trail draws Trump, Biden and Pence
AP: Pennsylvania boosts student-loan aid to bolster opioid fight
AP: Another Pennsylvania casino gets sports-betting license
AP: Reading Eagle newspaper gets ‘multiple bids’
StateImpactPA: Poll finds most Pennsylvanians think climate change is major public health risk
Inquirer: Poll: In Pennsylvania, Joe Biden has a big lead on Democrats — and on Trump
Inquirer: Pa. Catholic Conference to clergy sex abuse survivor: ‘Why do you have to troll here?’
WITF: Pa. House passes veto-bound abortion bill amid constitutionality questions
Morning Call: Pennsylvania voters pick Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders over Donald Trump in new Quinnipiac poll
Morning Call: As Congress finally starts paying its interns, Pennsylvania lawmakers figure who gets what
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Wolf makes closing pitch for infrastructure plan ahead of start of budget season
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: House Republicans again call on Rep. Brian Sims to apologize for harassing Planned Parenthood protesters
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Decision on adding anxiety, Tourette syndrome to medical marijuana list coming this summer
KDKA: Pa. Boosting Student Loan Aid To Bolster Opioid Fight
Patriot News: Gov. Tom Wolf summons army of municipal leaders to show support for his Restore Pa. plan
Patriot News: State universities may see cost savings through phased retirement program for faculty
PLSReporter: Abortion vote underscores shifting makeup of Democratic caucus
PLSReporter: Wolf calls for passage of severance tax to fund ‘Restore Pennsylvania’ plan, but not all lawmakers are on board
Inquirer: With days before the primary election, six Council candidates are running TV ads. Will it work?
Inquirer: Philly’s wage tax is the highest in the nation. Here’s everything you need to know about it
Inquirer: President Trump: Prosecutors in Philly, Chicago don’t go after dangerous criminals
Inquirer: ‘When your heart and mind are divided’: Philly residents are lifelines for relatives in Venezuela
Philadelphia Magazine: BBWC Activist Demands That Jannie Blackwell Retract Accusations of Violence
WHYY Newsworks: Childhood mentor helped mayoral candidate Butkovitz learn to express himself effectively
WHYY Newsworks: Is Philly growing too big, too fast? Gentrification concerns fuel City Council zoning reform call
WHYY Newsworks: Can Portugal offer Philadelphia lessons in how to rethink drug charges?
WHYY Newsworks: Want to know when the city is filling that pothole? There’s an app for that.
Philadelphia Tribune: Former state Sen. T. Milton Street announces candidacy for mayor
KYW Newsradio: DA’s office to deploy task force to monitor Philly primary election
KYW Newsradio: Pa. education secretary visits 2 Philly schools
PLSReporter: Angry citizens clash with Philadelphia City Commissioners at meeting
Philly Voice: 2019 Pennsylvania primary: What you need to know
Billy Penn: Who’s really influencing Philly’s primary election? Send us your sample ballots
Daily Local News: Rep. Houlahan to form caucus focusing on female veterans
Daily Local News: Sen. Muth: Sex assault victims must be protected; calls for passage of SB540
Daily Local News: Chester County commissioners help prepare meals for Meals on Wheels
Bucks County Courier Times: Fetterman’s listening tour attracts mostly support for legal marijuana
Bucks County Courier Times: Three Republicans race for single ballot space in Hilltown
Bucks County Courier Times: District judge race turns ugly in Lower Southampton, Middletown
Inquirer: ‘Nobody should go through what we went through’: Congress discusses water contamination
Bucks Local News: Warren bill to end child marriage in Pa. moves out of committee
Pottstown Mercury: Six seek nominations for 3 Montco judicial seats
Delco Daily Times: Delco Council erupts in partisan bickering over agenda items
Post-Gazette: County Council President John DeFazio drops out of only Democrat at-large primary debate, citing family reasons
Tribune Review: Western Pa. farmers prefer free market trade to tariff-compensation handout
WESA: Darlene Harris Challengers Say Change Is Needed On The North Side
KDKA: State Attorney General Shapiro Takes On Two Big Cases: Opioids And Health Care
KDKA: ‘This Is The Wrong Time And The Wrong Place’: Homewood Councilman Voices Displeasure At Concealed Carry Convention
Pittsburgh Business Times: Pipeline company told to repair, restore all damaged streams, wetlands
Beaver County Times: Local state House members back Down syndrome abortion ban
Beaver County Times: County reaches tentative deal with unions
Beaver County Times: Overdose deaths increase in Beaver County
Observer-Reporter: Meet the candidates for Greene County commissioner
Observer-Reporter: Commissioner plans Chartiers Watershed meeting tonight
Altoona Mirror: State fire commissioner to speak
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: DA candidates unopposed, headed for fall showdown
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Six Republicans, three Democrats vying for party nominations for commissioner
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Survivors of abuse by pediatrician call for statute of limitations fix
The Times Leader: Wilkes-Barre city candidates talk issues ahead of Primary
The Times Leader: State Auditor General releases audit related to Crestwood bus problems
The Times Leader: Luzerne County seeks tax-claim operator proposals
Citizens Voice: W-B council candidates address budget
Citizens Voice: County council approves settlement of inmate suit
South Central
York Dispatch: State House passes Klunk’s Down syndrome abortion ban
York Dispatch: Phillips-Hill bill honoring York County Marine heads to Wolf’s desk
Patriot News: Democratic candidates for Cumberland Commissioner promote their visions
Patriot News: Perry County commissioner candidates sound off on issues ahead of municipal primary
Patriot News: Harrisburg City Council President to Harrisburg: ‘please answer 2020 census questions accurately’
York Daily Record: York County’s 3-term sheriff faces challenge from fellow Republican
LNP | LancasterOnline: Here are the races to watch in Tuesday’s primary
Lehigh Valley
AP: Reading Eagle newspaper gets ‘multiple bids’
Morning Call: As Congress finally starts paying its interns, Pennsylvania lawmakers figure who gets what
Morning Call: Lower Nazareth officials take legal action to remove elected auditor who moved to Easton
Reading Eagle: Candidate endorsement: Make the Road Action in Pennsylvania backs Eddie Moran for mayor
Reading Eagle: Berks DA program gives those caught with marijuana a chance to clear their records through pot education
North by Northwest
Erie Times-News: Cancilla, Shank vie for GOP nod in Erie County’s 5th district
Erie Times-News: Foust seeks re-election to Erie County Council
Erie Times-News: First public LERTA hearing at Erie City Hall on May 30
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Forum to examine costs of gas boom
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: South Williamsport council updated on investigation
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: A Bastille moment for UPMC?: It is up to the people to rise up
PennLive Editorial Board: PennLive endorses five worthy candidates for Harrisburg School Board
Inquirer Editorial Board: Inquirer Editorial Board’s recommendations for 2019 Philly primary | Endorsement Guide
Inquirer Editorial Board: Primary School: The big issues and the lesser known offices on the ballot on May 21st
Inquirer Editorial Board: María Quiñones-Sánchez is a fierce advocate for City Council’s 7th District | Endorsement
Inquirer Editorial Board: Mark Squilla deserves four more years in City Council’s 1st District | Endorsement
Inquirer Editorial Board: Curtis Jones Jr. earned another term in City Council’s 4th District | Endorsement
Inquirer Editorial Board: Jamie Gauthier should bring a fresh start to City Council’s 3rd District | Endorsement
Inquirer Editorial Board: With reservations, Kenyatta Johnson for City Council’s 2nd District | Endorsement
Maria Panaritis: Shame on Pennsylvania GOP as New Jersey, New York Dems deliver justice for abuse victims
John L. Micek: How the House’s Democratic women owned the debate over Down syndrome abortion ban | Wednesday Morning Coffee
Solomon Jones: Johnny Doc’s outsize influence on the mayoral primary
Fletcher McClellan and Kayla Gruber: Will the rise of nonprofit news outlets help fill a gap in Pa. journalism?
Suchitra Gururaj and Vivé Griffith: Nontraditional college students deserve more support
Dorothy R. Novick: Why a Philly pediatrician seeks common ground with vaccine-hesitant parents
Dennis Prager: Does the Liberty Bell belong in Philadelphia?
Harvey Rubin: Here’s a corporate tax everyone can love
The Angry Grammarian: Phrases like ‘soda tax’ and ‘beverage tax’ shape how voters view major Philly issues
Ernest Owens: What I Learned at the Mayoral Debate From Philly’s “Super Voters”: Older Black Women
Jenice Armstrong: All who threw punches at that Norristown carnival looked bad — including the cops
Chris Kelly: Is time finally up for Ken Bond?
One Response
I thought Chris Cuomo had an excellent idea tonight of the Democratic candidates forming a united slate after the decision is made who will be the nominee for President and working together. Some may be potential Atty Gen or Sec of Treasury, etc. It is an interesting idea. The problem Dems have is that the party overall is more centrist than the MSNBC talking heads would like to admit so someone needs to compromise no matter who the nominee.. why not start thinking about that process now?