A new report shows that the state collected 3% more than expected in tax collections through 10 months of the fiscal year. Here is the Playbook.
PA10: Perry Raises Close To $170K in Q1: The York County Republican has just under $190,000 cash on hand entering the 2nd quarter.
Harrisburg & DC
AP: Better fiscal times continue for Pennsylvania
AP: Workers rally at Capitol amid debate over nuclear power bill
AP: The Latest: Ex-Penn State head paid as he fought charges
WITF: Pa.’s death penalty opposition gets a bipartisan push
WITF: Pa. Republicans move to pick judges by region, but clash on details
StateImpactPA: Chester County state representative faces backlash for bringing Nazis into pipeline debate
Morning Call: Should President Trump be impeached? We asked Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Metcalfe leads anti-vaccine rally for bill that would penalize medical practitioners
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: These two party bosses used to oppose open primaries. Now, they’re all in
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Pa. GOP leaders trumpet soaring state revenue, caution against spending
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Pa. U.S. Rep. Scanlon questions the best path to ‘elusive’ universal health care
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: ‘We cannot ignore the threads’ that connect acts of hate, Holocaust survivors, their families and supporters say at Capitol ceremony
Pennsylvania Capital-Star: Poway Synagogue Shooting: How safe is your house of worship?
Post-Gazette: State panel to take comment on redistricting Thursday
Post-Gazette: Gov. Wolf: Pennsylvanians must work to end bigotry ‘before it becomes normalized’
PLSReporter: Regulatory reform bills pass in the House, with one exception
PLSReporter: Top Republicans cheer increased tax revenue but urge putting savings into Rainy Day Fund
PLSReporter: Fiedler introduces Fair Workweek legislation requiring more notice for certain work schedules
PLSReporter: NEPA legislators want to save waste coal industry, even as environmental concerns remain
Inquirer: Pa. AG vows to appeal federal judge’s ruling that spared ex-Penn State president Graham Spanier from jail
Inquirer: Feds won’t retry former U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah on bribery counts, but he likely won’t get out of prison any sooner
Inquirer: Baseball illegal on Sunday afternoons? Pa. legislators target ‘blue laws’ and other outdated rules.
Morning Call: Here’s why a Pa. Supreme Court decision in a short-term rental case could affect Airbnb listings
WHYY Newsworks: More than 100 Pa. businesses close for May Day to support immigrant and working communities
Bucks County Courier Times: Rep. Brendan Boyle introduces bill to force EPA to create PFAS chemical standard
City Paper: Can drug testing bill targeting horse racing gain support from Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation
Inquirer: Philly city controller says she will block payment for controversial new voting machines
Inquirer: In charge of Philly elections, commissioner lost notary license for violating the law
Inquirer: Statewide ‘Fair Workweek’ bill to be introduced for retail, fast-food workers
Inquirer: Feds won’t retry former U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah on bribery counts, but he likely won’t get out of prison any sooner
Inquirer: May Day: Immigration activists march for an end to big-tech contracts with ICE
Inquirer: Schuylkill to be dredged this summer after donors kicked in millions, Philadelphia officials announce
WHYY Newsworks: Critiquing Kenney: For North Philly residents, everyday problems overshadow politics
WHYY Newsworks: Detroit’s transportation agency just eliminated its transfer fee. Will Philly be next?
PLSReporter: Sweetened beverage tax hurting workers, businesses in Philadelphia
Daily Local News: Barrar’s bill on free college education gets backing
Daily Local News: Burke named director of Chester County Voter Services
Delco Daily Times: GOP council members kill bid for more county prison oversight
StateImpactPA: Chester County state representative faces backlash for bringing Nazis into pipeline debate
Inquirer: Falls Township votes down contentious wastewater processing project
Bucks County Courier Times: Rep. Brendan Boyle introduces bill to force EPA to create PFAS chemical standard
Pottstown Mercury: State Rep. Danielle Friel Otten issues statement on pipeline misinformation
Post-Gazette: Controller: City in “very strong financial position”
Post-Gazette: Former county councilman still seeking new trial
Post-Gazette: Obituary: J. Christine Altenburger / An educator who shaped local government
Tribune Review: UPMC defends controversial prepay rule for seniors
Tribune Review: Candidates seeking party nominations in number of North Hills races face no challenge
Tribune Review: 4 candidates vying for 3 Sharpsburg council seats
WESA: Pittsburgh Financial Report: City Is Getting Less Money From Parking Tickets
Beaver County Times: State Sen. Vogel’s tax-credit bill promoting new farmers passes Senate committee
Beaver County Times: Trautman suspends campaign for Prothonotary
Beaver County Times: County changes internal policies after IRS lien
Beaver County Times: Bills would give National Guard families college benefits for re-enlisting
Altoona Mirror: Candidate forums
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Cambria judge bans electronic devices from county facilities
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Cambria County judges approve new voting system
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Paul Manafort, president’s former campaign chairman, moved to FCI-Loretto
Citizens Voice: Auditor: City should repay $18K in aid
Citizens Voice: County commission working on 4 ethics complaints
Citizens Voice: Region’s jobless rate drops to 4.8%
Citizens Voice: W-B Area officials raise concerns over Facebook post
Citizens Voice: New venue found for W-B Area candidates forum
Times-Tribune: Republicans snub Cummings, endorse Giannetta, Chermak
The Times Leader: Lt. Gov. Fetterman’s legalization listening tour stops in WB Sunday
The Times Leader: Wilkes-Barre mayoral candidates square off at Times Leader Media Group debate
South Central
LNP | LancasterOnline: State Sen. Ryan Aument no longer Senate Education Committee chair
York Dispatch: York County Bar Association biased against Christian conservatives, candidate says
York Dispatch: York City mayor, council president clash over Penn Market
Carlisle Sentinel: Carlisle Area School District candidate forum set for May 15
Carlisle Sentinel: Sentinel election letters deadline for May 21 primary election
Carlisle Sentinel: 4 takeaways from Carlisle Borough Council’s Workshop meeting: Opposing development, zoning changes, rentals and trash
Patriot News: Democratic candidates for Cumberland County commissioner make their case to primary voters
Patriot News: City council candidates answer questions about Harrisburg’s debt, school district, and its future
Patriot News: Harrisburg’s five-year financial plan will be accessible to public next week: mayor
Patriot News: PFA filed against Dauphin County Magisterial District Judge: reports
Lehigh Valley
Reading Eagle: May Day event in Reading focuses on minimum wage, immigrant rights
Reading Eagle: Alsace supervisor candidate says township’s picking on him
Morning Call: Easton’s Democratic candidates for mayor to face off in upcoming debates
Morning Call: Lehigh Valley districts, charter schools snag $1.4 million in school safety grant funds
North by Northwest
Centre Daily Times: ‘No one is above the law.’ AG plans to appeal decision to overturn Spanier’s conviction
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Most say ‘yes’ to legalizing marijuana
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Candidates debate law enforcement, prison, opioids
Williamsport Sun-Gazette: Vacant properties cost city taxpayers
Erie Times-News: City of Erie to administer federal funds for affordable housing
LNP Editorial Board: We support the bill to give Pennsylvania an earlier presidential primary
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Bob Casey’s anemia: The senator makes wan effort for UPMC’s oldest victims
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Out of step: Feds shouldn’t deny housing to medical pot users
Inquirer Editorial Board: Philadelphia is making progress, but city has ways to go before everyone benefits
Bryan Cutler: Reducing red tape is government done right
John L. Micek: Is this the best way to regulate eScooters? | Wednesday Morning Coffee
Trudy Rubin: Why has Trump weakened efforts to fight white supremacists at home and abroad?
Emma Stone: Laugh at the Eastern hellbender? It’s proof that students can make a difference
Signe Wilkinson: Political Cartoon: Mar-A-Lago immigrant workers
Ernest Owens: Only 2.5 Percent of Philly Businesses Are Black-Owned. The City Must Act.
Dorothy Roberts: Eugenics is still a dangerous idea
Jeff Hurvitz: Germantown High a sad sign of Philly’s building neglect