McGarrigle Unanimously Selected as New Delco GOP Chair

Former state Sen. Tom McGarrigle (R-Delaware) may have lost his reelection bid in November, but he will still play an important role in the party for the next term.

Last night, the Delaware County GOP unanimously selected McGarrigle to be the new chair, succeeding Andy Reilly who stepped from the role in December to become the head of the Southeast Pennsylvania Republican Caucus, according to the Delco Daily Times.

“With your support and your hard work and getting out the message that we need to deliver that the Delaware county Republicans provide good government, we’re fiscally responsible and we’re transparent on all aspects of our government, we will deliver,” McGarrigle said after his victory according to the Delco Daily Times. “And I’m excited about a Republican win in 2019 and with your help we will get it.”

McGarrigle was a part of the losses the state Republican party experienced in the Philadelphia suburbs this past November, falling to Democrat Mayor of Swarthmore Tim Kearney in SD-26.

McGarrigle was first elected in 2015 and in the last session served as the chairman of the Urban Affairs and Housing Committee and also served on the Banking and Insurance; the Community, Economic and Recreational Development; the Local Government; and the Rules and Executive Nominations committees, the Delco Daily Times reports.

Despite the numerous GOP losses in Southeastern PA, he is optimistic that better days are ahead for the party.

“I think we’ve gone through some rough times but I think our greatest times are still ahead of us,” he said according to the Delco Daily Times. “I’m not here tonight to tell you that I have a magic bullet or the magic answers. I’m here to tell you that I’ll work hard to represent this great county.”

The county GOP shared the news through Facebook last night, detailing McGarrigle’s background and excitement for his tenure.

10 Responses

  1. The Southeast is a sham. First, they worship ValDigiorgio, the worst GOP Chairman ever, who makes back door deals to further his own agenda. Second, Andy Reilly is a mini DiGiorgo. They are all corrupt and no good. BTW, they are trying to get Kate Harper, a Democrat in Republican clothing, endorsed for Superior Court. Sit back and watch this disaster unfold…

  2. The Delco GOP epitomizes shallowness, hypocrisy, politicization, patronage, and self-serving abuse of the public trust.

    This past election, McGarrigle demonstrated how ideally suited he is to represent the Delco GOP, as they go down in flames. His campaign was all about giant novelty checks to pave a street here and there, as if he was doing something useful (besides taking care of Republican cronyism).

    I would translate “an inspiring vision for reinvigorating our party” from GOP to English as: ideas to milk every last taxpayer dime possible before the Dems take over and clean up county government.

    1. Yes, David. Say that with a straight face while Scranton city hall and Mayor’s office was just raided, or your beloved Kathleen Kane reports for jail not long ago, or the mayor of Allentown is not far behind her. Where the hell do you get off thinking Dems hold a leg up on Republicans with Public corruption. There is more than enough to go around, but you seem to have blinders on. Arrogant tool. Stop parading as a political Consultant, you aren’t special. You are a run of the mill jack pretending to know what’s going on.

      And as you disregard this statement, I couldn’t give a crap about McGarrigle or the DelCo GOP. I’m just sick of you playing important and casting stones of hypocrisy.

      1. Zero- (zero credibility, zero name value.. so anonymous)

        Everyone (with a brain) knows that Kane’s trial and sentencing were flagrant abuses of power by Montco DA/Judges and retaliation for Kane exposing the corrupt relationship between prosecutors and judges, and their email scandal. (Sadly, the Dems supporting it were just trying to remove an AG independent of Wolf, and pave the way for Josh and cronyism.)

        I’ve been on record against the former mayor of Allentown for over 5 years. While he and Scranton are one-offs in Dem circles, the Delco GOP has been the flagship for public corruption and abuse of taxpayer dollars going to political operatives. The entire court-house is rife with corruption. People awaiting cases have been coerced to change their voter registration to Republican get their cases on the docket. They’ve created judicial districts as political payoffs to install unqualified judges.
        Let’s not forget.. around 35 years ago, the Delco GOP changed the rules to remove the guarantee of minority party representation on county council. For decades, it was 5 Republicans voting 5-0 on nearly everything (at the direction of the GOP political machine for who to pay off).

        In 2019, the Dems are going to take over the Delco county council, the DA’s office and a few common pleas judge seats. So much corruption to clean up.

        McGarrigle gets to preside over the Delco GOP’s final defeat.

        1. Wow. You just presented a bunch of obvious information. Way to go, ya hack.

          Your defense of kane is pathetic and representative of you.

          Distancing yourself from Allentowns corruption does nothing to avoid my point that Dems dont hold some higher standard over Republicans on public corruption.

          Me presenting myself under an alternate name does not mean my statements are inaccurate. Only you, and other idiots, would be influenced by the messenger over the message. Although, you will never be able to admit you are a dime a dozen political hack.

          Also, I would like to state again that you are a total hack with zero ability as a political Consultant and would serve your community better by working the wawa food station.

          Completely worthless. Completely.

          1. Zero-

            Way to go, ignoring my point, that Allentown was isolated, while Delco GOP corruption has been county wide for decades (and owning all the judges and the DA helps them a lot).

        2. Seriously Diano? Refusing to acknowledge the fact that the AG broke the law and was more concerned about trying to seek some kind of petty vengeance against those she had already defeated is really pathetic. Kane quite possibly could have been a sitting US Senator now if she wasn’t someone with such deplorable character. You show a complete lack of credibility with your take above.

          1. Ron Hardaman-

            Someone jaywalking is “breaking the law” as well. Kane’s trial was a political assassination designed to manufacture a “felony” to prevent her from holding office (and installing Josh in her place). The grand jury against her leaked like a sieve, and there was no investigation and no one held accountable. Kangaroo court.

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