Meehan Donor to Hold Secretive Meeting to Undermine Nation’s Energy Policy
Springfield, PA – Secretive, closed-door meetings are also popular among some of Pat Meehan’s donors according to recent news reports. The New York Times today detailed how two billionaire, oil-industry brothers who are backing Meehan’s campaign will be holding a secretive meeting this coming January in Palm Springs with some of the country’s wealthiest individuals to discuss how to stop efforts to regulate the energy industry and address climate change [1].
Charles and David Koch, the owners of oil-industry giant Koch Industries, are sponsoring the meeting. They are just one of the oil-industry related companies backing Meehan’s campaign, making donations to the Republican through KochPAC, the political action committee of Koch Industries. Meehan has also received donations from Exxon Mobil, along with other oil-industry related PACs.
According to the New York Times article, the Koch brothers have called for the secret meeting to coordinate their plan to roll back regulations on the energy industry, and to make sure that any attempts to address climate change are blocked. All of the meeting’s attendees have been advised that the event is closed to the public and the press, and they have been warned not to post information about the meeting on the Web, blogs, social media or traditional media.
The meeting comes as the nation continues to take steps to break its dependence on foreign oil, an issue critical to the nation’s security. Oil money has been used to fund terrorist organizations around the world.
“This is just more evidence that the oil industry sees Pat Meehan as a reliable vote for policies that will benefit their bottom lines but not the rest of the country,” said Kevin McTigue, Bryan Lentz’s campaign manager. “There’s no reason to be going to this length to avoid disclosing what’s being discussed at this meeting other than that its organizers know that if it got out the information would be damaging.”
The Kochs are well known for funding a range of organizations to promote policies that benefit Koch Industries at the expense of working families and the environment. They are the main funders of the Tea Party group, Americans for Prosperity, which has advocated for the continuation of tax breaks that allow companies to ship jobs overseas, and for the privatization of Social Security and Medicare. Koch Industries has been cited numerous times in media accounts for outsourcing jobs through subsidiaries.