Former Revenue Secretary and 11th Congressional district candidate Dan Meuser’s political donations to Democratic candidates could present a problem ahead of the contested 2018 primary.
On the federal level, Meuser donated to three Congressional Democrats, New York Congressman Charlie Rangel, and Texas Congressmen Henry Cuellar and Charles Gonzales. Rangel received $2,300, while Cuellar and Gonzales both received $1,000.
In the same two-year cycle Meuser donated to Rangel, 2007-2008, Meuser donated almost $40,000 to Republican candidates.
On the state level, Meuser has donated $5,000 to former Governor Ed Rendell’s campaign in 2006, and $1,000 to Bob Casey’s campaign for treasurer in 2004, and $1,000 Casey’s gubernatorial bid in 2002.
Meuser’s donations to Democrats are a small percentage of his overall political donations. Since 2000, Meuser has donated almost $350,000 to Republican candidates on the state and federal level.
Meuser’s campaign pointed explained his donation to Democratic candidates as necessary as part of his job running Pride Mobility.
“Dan has never supported liberal candidates and wouldn’t in 100 lifetimes. Dan, as President of a large manufacturing company and leader in his industry, did support the industry efforts and people with disabilities from being hurt by out-of-control bureaucracies,” his campaign manager Mike Barley said in an email.
The campaign went on the offensive against his fellow primary opponents for their possible portrayal of his donations.
“Our campaign will never hide or misrepresent any facts, but the full story needs to be understood. Clearly one of our opponents believes this will hurt the strong momentum Dan’s campaign is building, but Dan has a 20 year record of supporting Republican candidates both actively and financially. Dan clearly has a long record of helping conservative Republicans and that won’t change once he is in Congress,” Barley said.
Donations to the opposing party have been under greater scrutiny, especially ahead of primaries where campaigns are trying to solidify the support of party activists and insiders.
State Representative Stephen Bloom (R-Cumberland), Businessman Andrew Lewis, and former Trump delegate to RNC Andrew Shecktor are all also running for the seat. Former federal prosecutor Joe Peters is also considering a run for the seat.
19 Responses
I have never heard Dan exaggerate what he did at Pride. He was the President of Pride USA for a number of years while I was there, his brother was CEO. Dan played a leadership role in every aspect of the business I was associated, which was sales. I honestly think he downplays his work at Pride. I was there for over 10 years. Anyone who says otherwise is misinformed
Meuser gave personally to the dems, not through Pride. That’s a big deal. Trump did it, but no one sees him as loyal to anyone. Look at his China trip. Meuser lacks the same authenticity. Also, Meuser never ran Pride Mobility, his brother always has. Dan Meuser exaggerates his role in the company. It’s despicable that Meuser would blame the disabled for his complete lack of authenticity as a republican.
Lewis over States his role at his brothers company also
Pride gave to Clinton
This is a total non issue. Who cares who Meuser gave money to–talk about insider details that mean little. If you think this is important I suggest you get a life or at least more hobbies!
Strange. There are three comments from names I’ve never seen made within 20 minutes of each other talking about how dishonorable it is to plant a news story on Veteran’s Day, which is an oddly specific thing to say.
It’s almost as if all three of them were working from similar source material. Like talking points from a campaign. Weird.
The worse thing, really, is who puts out a press statement like that on a *Friday* of all days.
Hit piece on a Friday was rookie move by the opponent. Holiday weekend makes it a rookie move on steroids.
Why does it matter if he gave money to Dems? Serious question. Donald Trump did, and I’m sure there are a lot of Democrats who have given money to Republicans for various reasons. Meuser has a lot of money and I’m sure has been hit up a lot for donations from both parties. Maybe he liked some Dem candidates personally. Just not sure why this is important.
Dan will last one or two terms in DC before he gets in trouble with one of his many girlfriends.
Cowardly childish anonymous comment. Keep throwing grenades on Veterans Day. Classy. Mature.
Veterans Day is tomorrow, a real military supporter would know that, so whichever meuser lackey this is, you should get your facts straight.
Hey Sherlock, when Veterans Day falls on a Saturday, as it does this year, it is observed as a federal holiday in many states (PA included) the Friday prior, which is today, which is why the kids are off from school and the banks are all closed today.
The banks and post-offices are closed tomorrow, not today.
We all know which one of his oppents planted this. Desperate young man. I mean look at pride mobility’s pac on top of what Dan has given personally his company has given hundreds of thousands of dollars to republicans.
Is nothing sacred? Andrew Lewis should know better than to plant a political hit-piece on Veterans Day weekend. Disgusting timing. Even if Meuser’s huge company gave a little money nearly twenty years ago to help disabled kids, old folks, accident victims and wounded warriors be better taken care of by our government, that’s called putting good stuff for human beings over partisan BS. Meuser is such a hard core R, no one with a half a brain questions that.
Well Meuser personally made the donations mentioned above – if we want to talk about his business we need to start talking about how they donated to Hillary and and Chuck Schumer.
Dan would never give to Hillary Clinton. I gaurentee his bussiness hasn’t given her one red cent.
I also guarantee you can’t spell.
Also I would double check that statement…
What bad form of Meuser’s desperate opponents to attempt a lame political attack piece on Meuser on Veterans Day of all days! Not to mention, not even a relevant one. If a businessman’s company gives a little money to help ensure disabled people are taken care of, that’s a good guy!