Mike Kelly Announces Pathways to Prosperity Jobs Plan

4 Point Plan Focuses on Reforms in Washington & Investment into American Small Businesses & Workers that Will Create Family Sustaining Jobs

Butler, PA – In preparation and honor of the upcoming Labor Day holiday, Mike Kelly (R-Butler) made a series of presentations to businesses in the 3rd Congressional District on Friday announcing his Pathways to Prosperity jobs plan.  Kelly’s four point plan incorporates both reforms in Washington to create job creating pathways and strategic investments into American small businesses and workers.  Plan highlights include:

• Commitment to supporting federal budget reforms and priority setting processes to ensure economic prosperity for future generations and clearing the way for long term investments into critical national needs that create family sustaining jobs

• Adopting a tax reform plan to restructure and dramatically simplify both personal and corporate taxes that will significantly increase true, private sector job creation

• Supporting, voting and insisting on market driven healthcare reform that will control costs and allow employers to offer more affordable healthcare benefits and allow for more job creation

• Making strategic investments into capital access for U.S. small businesses that allow for more job creation on Main Street and revamping federal job training programs

“Since I decided to run for Congress in January, I have spent a good deal of time listening – listening to employers, listening to employees, listening to people who have lost work.  That’s something this Congress and this Administration has failed to do,”   said Kelly.  “What I have found is that Washington is not creating pathways to prosperity for American businesses and workers, they are actually creating roadblocks.  We have to find a simpler, better way to get our economy back on track and I am proud to offer this four point plan as a way to get the conversation started here in western Pennsylvania.”

Mike Kelly has spent his entire professional career creating family sustaining jobs in the private sector.  He is the owner/operator of Mike Kelly Automotive in Butler, PA.  His dealerships employ over 100 workers with family sustaining jobs.

“I think the best way we can honor American workers this Labor Day weekend is to get them back to work and get as many workers as we can in jobs they should be in.  Our unemployment is unacceptable, and so is our underemployment.  Washington needs to get out of the way where it should and be helpful where it can.  Our recovery will not happen without a change of course.  We need to act now in order for our kids and grandkids to have the same opportunities that we had and restore our proud heritage of a strong middle-class of hard working men and women,” concluded Kelly.

Release Link:  http://www.mikekellyforcongress.com/mike-kelly-announces-pathways-to-prosperity-jobs-plan/

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