@MileyCyrus Calls Out Rick Santorum

By Keegan Gibson and Caroline Johnston

Even Miley Cyrus is getting in on the 2012 action. In a reaction to a recent controversy over retailer Urban Outfitters allegedly copying jewelry designs, Cryus last night aired her criticism of UO President Richard Hayne’s campaign contributions to former Senator Rick Santorum.

“IF WE ALLOW GAY MARRIAGE NEXT THING U KNOW PEOPLE WILL BE MARRYING GOLD FISH’ – Rick Santorum UO contributed $13,000 to this mans campaign” the singer and Hannah Montana star tweeted, in an apparent reference to the former Senator’s famous “man on dog” remark. Santorum is known for his conservative and often controversial opinions on same-sex marriage.

Cyrus has over a million followers on the social networking site, and this particular remark was re-tweeted by hundreds if not thousands of people.

“Love that everybody is hating on Urban Outfitters,” Cyrus tweeted immediately beforehand, “Not only do they steal from artists but every time you give them money you help finance a campaign against gay equality.”

Hayne and his wife contributed $17,350 to Santorum and his Fight-PAC over the course of his career in the U.S. Senate, according to OpenSecrets.org.

The Haynes are active political donors, having given thousands of dollars over the years to the Republican Federal Committee of Pennsylvania, Sen. Arlen Specter, Rep. Pat Meehan and others. In 2009 they maxed out to the abortive Senate campaign of Joseph Torsella.

This is the second time in recent weeks that Santorum has popped up in an unlikely quarter of pop culture. Actress Keira Knightley talked about “googling” Santorum during a May 9th appearance on “The Daily Show.”

We would follow up with Santorum for comment, but online publications have a hard time being taken seriously as it is.

17 Responses

  1. @J. Smetana: My “choice” is to ignore you. (Does responding that I’m ignoring you count as ignoring? Didn’t think that one through.)

  2. @Dusty: No. No one is the demon. There is no demon. It’s just a bedtime story your daddy told you to make you behave. I forgive you.

    @Not as ignorant as some: God is not a “she”. God is a straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender he/she/it bowl of spaghetti covered in tomato sauce and contains one meatball. God also has the man/lady parts of every animal, insect, and dinosaur you’ve ever heard of. God does not get jealous, God gets even. Get your facts straight, please.

    Also, animals do not have same gender sex “all the time”. Not even human beings have same gender sex “all the time”. Stop using absolutes and start using your brain. Then, once you use your brain, change your screen name to “Less ignorant than I was yesterday. Snap!” And it’s not 8% of the population – it’s more like 1% (based on credible scientific studies). Stop with the crazy talk. Yeeeeah, boy!

  3. This article and many of the comments below it are absolutely ridiculous.

    Is homosexuality a choice or are people born that way? No one really knows. Scientific studies are inconclusive as of July 2011. A reasonable approach to this question seems to recognize that individuals have certain tendencies (ie. have a genetic predisposition) which can either be encouraged or discouraged based on their life experiences and influences. What does this mean? It means that it can be a choice, but it’s a choice based on a genetic predisposition. To say that homosexuals are simply born that way, case closed, likely has more in common with fanatical religious convictions than it does with an honest approach toward answering the question.

    Does anyone realize that homosexuals actually DO have the same rights as heterosexuals? As a homosexual, you too may marry someone of the opposite gender. Men and women throughout most of the US, regardless of sexual orientation, enjoy the SAME rights. Homosexual rights activists are NOT arguing for equality so much as they are arguing for NEW rights to recognize the right to legally marry someone of the same gender, REGARDLESS of sexual orientation. Homosexuals already ARE equal under the law just as heterosexuals are equal under the law. There is no fight for equality occurring – it’s a fight for NEW rights.

    You don’t need a marriage license to love another human being. With or without marriage, love is love. Homosexual rights activists are making an issue out of a non-issue and claiming it to be a battle for equality. It isn’t. Call them your partner/soul mate/etc and be done with it.

    And please, to those who are or who know homosexuals in their lives (pass it on): drop the stereotypical homosexual mannerisms and approach to daily life. Everyone gets it, you’ve “come out” of somebody’s closet. No need to change yourself into just another flamboyant homosexual in order to embrace your deviant sexual orientation. You’re “gay”, everyone gets it. Tone it down and try to be yourself, not a “gay” person you’ve seen on Will & Grace.

  4. In regards to gay marriage or unions, whether we think its right or wrong is irrelevant. We must recognize who the authority is on the issue (God) and live by those rules. In response to judging, God has already decided what is right and what is wrong, we do not get to determine that. The bible also does not forbid us to judge, in fact it instructs us to judge based on Gods law (Mt. 7), but we must first recognize and repent of our own transgressions though. In short, the Bible clearly forbids homosexuality, so our government needs to refrain from supporting and encouraging sin.

  5. The real question which little Miley and her opposition misses is why are we fighting over something the government has no business in?
    I am a Christian and I do not think the word of God must be validated by the US government. Evidently I give God more credit than Santorum does, but then again, God is not desparate for votes.
    Marriage is an issue of the church. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. The only reason this so-called ‘issue’ exists is because the government started giving out benefits and special priviliges to married couples, then makes you ask for their permission to get married.
    When you get married with a government license your marriage becomes a union of 3 partners..you, your spouse, and the state. Isn’t that a form of bigamy? Never heard Mr. Santorum talk about that did you? Then again, the lemmings who make up our electorate probably never thought to ask him about that.
    Christians want to make a real stand on this? Get married without a government license…the way George Washington did. After all, if you are so against welfare you won’t mind not taking the tax cuts and other benefits you get from the government for being married right?
    Or both ‘sides’ can just keep giving money to their fave politicians who keep us divided and fighting over this nonsense so they can have a great lifestyle at our expense.

  6. As I read some of these responses I am aghast at the ignorance of some people. Mary, Whatever happened to “judge not, lest ye be judged”. Your declaration that “Homosexual men will be damned,… standing in a pit of fire and brimstone for an eternity”. Is not a judgement for you or your church members to make. That decision belongs to the almighty and if she is a jealous G-d, you might be in trouble.
    and Micah, ” Gay marriage is wrong because it violates natural law” Who decides what is natural law? Animals have same gender sex all the time. Is that not natural? The fact that homosexual acts have been part of the species since before caveman times, does that make it more or less natural? The purpose of sex is not pro-creation. It is completely an animal thing, and if it is not for you and your spouse, then I am truly sorry for both of you. However, Your other arguments are full of holes too. You say “(I choose all the time to do what’s right over what I’m inclined to do, it’s called virtue” You call that virtue? Your inclination is to try and insult something like 8 percent of the population? How can you call that virtuous? Without trying to be judgmental, it sounds pretty bigoted and mean and thoughtless and ignorant. Also Is the only time you have ever had sex is to produce an offspring? In fact, the purpose of sex is to share the love we have with someone. Sometimes, that can produce a baby, Sometimes not. Now I also have a problem with you thinking the world is “far from overpopulation” according to whom? I can find many studies put forth in the last twenty years that would disagree with that assessment.
    For your information Gay Marriage is not any more wrong then straight marriage.

  7. JP, your argument is full of holes. Gay marriage is wrong because it violates natural law. According to natural law, the purpose of sex is to unite two people in the procreative act. That’s what sex is. Only a man and a woman can do that. Whether homosexual inclnation is a choice or not isn’t relevant (I choose all the time to do what’s right over what I’m inclined to do, it’s called virtue). Whether it affects the lives of others is irrelevant (it’s wrong because it violates nature, not because it hurts people). Whether the world is overpopulated is irrelevant (there are other ways to limit births, such as abstinence). Whether homosexual activity was practiced in antiquity is irrelevant (it was just as wrong then).

    That having been said, whether homosexuality is from nature or nurture is still being debated, it does affect the lives of others, and the world is far from overpopulation. It’s just that all those arguments are irrelevant.

  8. “Homosexual men exploit their partners. Neither one cares for the other’s soul nor for his eternal joy in heaven” Mary De Voe, you know absolutely no truths about gay men and your attempt to demonize them has just show us all that you are yourself the demon. Quoting scriptures doesn’t make you a better person, Church Lady.

  9. before anything else is said: Our Declaration of Independence specifically states that: “all men are endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights”, to insult such a magnificent Creator and to abuse His gifts of love, peace, and joy, will bring war, death and hatred upon our civilization.

  10. Homosexual men exploit their partners. Neither one cares for the other’s soul nor for his eternal joy in heaven, which tells us that both men will be damned, shaking their fist at God, standing in a pit of fire and brimestone for eternity. I guess Hannah Montana has chosen to join them.

  11. You geniouses who “don’t care what she thinks” missed that she turned 18 and, like many of her followers, can now vote. What a relief. Santorum was Pennsylvania’s worst moment.

  12. Ok TStager & Glennis, I believe it is the first time I have given Cyrus pause long enough utter much, not much at all…but on this note, I’m glad she’s speaking. You two may not care, but hundreds of thousands of others do. For that alone, I hope she keeps talking.

  13. I think Santorum should be ashamed. Those who follow his beliefs need to open their eyes. Being gay is not a choice. It doesn’t effect anyone’s lives if someone is gay. The world is too over populated as it is. And in ancient history, MANY men in power had affairs with younger men. Santorum is a disgusting figure who should not be allowed to speak.

    Its great that Miley talks about such things and has young followers who can learn about things like this. She’s done nothing for people not to listen to her. She is intelligent, but just because shes pretty and young people don’t listen.

    Get a life and mind your own business. Support your fellow americans no matter their sexual identity, race, or religion.

  14. I beleive miley has a point and she can express any of her opinions………..

  15. Ah, so the twit tweets! Hardly anyone I’d ask for an opinion about anything.

  16. Frankly, I’m not a Rick Santorum supporter, but who really cares what Miley Cyrus thinks.

  17. I guess Santorum doesn’t want people to try the “best of both worlds”.

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