Montco Commissioner Open Thread

Check all day for updates on the Montgomery County Commissioners race (and other news from that corner of SEPA). We’ll touching base with those campaigns all day and bring you results after the polls close.

Don’t miss PoliticsPA’s in-depth look at the race.

7:40pm: Montco GOP spokesman Steve O’Toole

“Things are going great. Watching the clock at this point and waiting to field phone calls from our people with results. We’re all very proud of the campaign we planned and executed, and we are confident we did everything possible to deliver a victory for Jenny, Bruce, and our entire Brown-Castor Team for Montgomery County.”

6:09pm: Montco Democratic Spokesman, Frank Custer:

“Turnout picking up, but still spotty.”

6:30pm: As PoliticsPA reported Friday, the Castor and Brown campaign dropped  $30,000 on a TV ad to run for the duration of the campaign.

Check out the ad here.

10:29am: Montco GOP spokesman Steve O’Toole:

“Pretty quiet around here so far. We’re making some get out the vote calls, and our ballot security team is trolling the county.”

8:00am Shapiro-Richards schedule:

Between 7:10 a.m. and 7:40 a.m. – Leslie Richards will vote with her husband and children at the Masonic Home, 801 Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hill (Whitemarsh Township), PA.

Between 8 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. — Josh Shapiro will vote with his wife and children at Meadowbrook School, 1641 Hampton Road, Jenkintown (Abington Township), PA

For the remainder of the day, Josh and Leslie will individually criss-cross Montgomery County visiting polling places and greeting voters

After the polls close, Josh and Leslie will join hundreds of other Democrats at the Dolce Hotel in King of Prussia to monitor election results.

8:00am Brown-Castor schedule:

Jenny Brown votes 8 a.m. at Gladwyne Presbyterian Chruch, 1321 Beaumont Drive in Gladwyne

Bruce Castor votes 10 a.m. at Oak Ridge Elementary School, 465 Moyer Road in Harleysville

The Montco GOP Victory Party tonight is at Gaya Restaurant, 1002 Skippack Pike, Blue Bell.

6:00am: Intelligencer: Montco Dems blast GOP mailer that incorrectly suggested Pa. Rep. Mike Gerber (D-Montco) endorsed Republican Dan Clifford for judge.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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