Muhlenberg College/Morning Call: Casey Gets Mixed Reviews

Bob-CaseyU.S. Senator Bob Casey is getting mixed reviews from registered voters in the latest Muhlenberg College/Morning Call poll.  

Casey’s approval rating fell four points between February 2016 and April 2017.  He currently has a 34% approval rating, down from 38%.  Casey’s disapproval rating fell one point in the same time period, standing at 25% currently.  The percentage of respondents with no opinion increased to 41% as well.  

Casey, who is serving his second term in the Senate, is one of 10 Democrats in states Trump won up for re-election in 2018.  Casey has become a vocal critic of the Trump administration, especially on Twitter.

Muhlenberg College/Morning Call’s poll was a survey of 406 registered voters conducted by phone calls to both cell phones and land lines.  The margin of error is plus or minus 6%.  

For approval ratings, Muhlenberg College/Morning Call asks directly if a respondent approves or disapproves of an officials performance.

The poll did not ask about the Republicans who have either declared or are rumored to be considering a run for the Senate.  State Representatives Rick Saccone (R-Allegheny) and Jim Christiana (R-Beaver), RNC Delegate Andrew Schektor, and real estate developer Jeff Bartos have all announced bids for Senate. Southeast businessman Paul Addis is considering a run for the Senate as well.

8 Responses

  1. Pay no attention to polls taken among Republicans, and right leaning Dems who think Trump is the greatest thing since white bread. Everyone knows white bread is unhealthy. We stalwarts have great admiration for our Senator Casey. He answers phone calls and letters, speaks at rallies, holds town halls.

    Unlike the other Senator we are stuck with for six years, who will not hold a public meeting, who shuts down his phone lines, and when we finally reached his office his aide said she didn’t know how he would vote on the issue we called about.

  2. Everyone should wake up and listen to the LIES that the President and many of those who surround him are saying. For many decades Lobbyists were running the country and there is no reason to believe that they still are. Add to that the lies we as Americans should be worried for the rights and freedoms our military have sacrificed. He constantly reminds us of the little constitution he knows and that is not good given the office he holds. Running a country is not a game. One really does need to know what they are doing. No insult intended but if you don’t know what I am speaking about you owe it to our children and theirs that you get some education.

  3. They all better pay attention, the public is fed up with the in fighting of both parties. Dont be surprised at the amount of incumbents that are not voting thier districts and state that get defeated in 2018! New ball game in America!!!!! With peace in the world at a critcal stage we need everyone pulling together and supporting each other! Both parties need to rid themselves of thier radical lunatic fringe that is putting a wedge in this Country!

  4. he’ll have to run as an R, now that he’s been drummed-out of the Dem-party…right?

  5. who cares? The election is a lifetime and probably a new president away.

  6. “The percentage of respondents with no opinion increased to 41% as well.”

    Translation: no one is paying attention

    Among the 59% with an opinion, Casey’s 34% and 25%, are actually 57.6% approval and 42.4% disapproval.

  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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