Murphy offers no plan on jobs and economy

Murphy offers no plan on jobs and economy

Murphy long on sports metaphors, short on solutions

NEWTOWN, Pa.-Today Mike Fitzpatrick trounced Congressman Patrick Murphy in the second debate of the campaign season.  The hour and a half debate focused on how to fix a recessionary economy and a jobless rate that has more than doubled since Patrick Murphy was elected to Congress.
“Families are hurting in Pennsylvania and across America,” Fitzpatrick said, “Today I again put forth the solutions I have been discussing since the beginning of this campaign.  Unfortunately Congressman Murphy was more interested in sports and celebrity metaphors than facts or real solutions to our economic malaise.”
During the debate Fitzpatick renewed his call for substantial oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  When Murphy was asked about his failure to reform these culprits of the mortgage crisis in the recent financial reform bill, he instead talked about Donovan McNabb.
Asked about how to bring jobs back to Bucks County, Patrick Murphy told a story about Wayne Gretzky, while Mike Fitzpatrick discussed his plan to eliminate the death tax, keep tax rates low on job creators and his record of local economic development.
During a discussion on the job crushing national debt that has nearly double to $ 14 trillion under the reckless spending of Congressman Muprhy, Fitzpatrick highlighted his record of deficit reduction and balancing budgets as a member of Congress and a County Commissioner.  Murphy instead talked about Lincoln Financial Field.
Finally, Murphy again refused to join thirty-one of his Democratic colleagues in Congress in calling for a full extension of the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts that are set to expire on January 1, 2011.  Murphy instead chose to talk about Paris Hilton.  In contrast, Fitzpatrick opposes raising taxes on any job creators in a recession.
“Today was a time to discuss how to bring jobs back to Bucks County,” said Fitzpatrick, “It’s a shame that Murphy continues to ignore the issues and the facts.  Frankly he has no record of job creation and no plan to fix the economy.  Congressman Murphy’s record is simple.  He voted for TARP, I oppose it.  He voted for the stimulus, I oppose it.  He voted for Obamacare, I oppose it.”


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