New Judge Named in Kane Case

KanePennsylvania’s biggest trial in quite some time just got a new judge.

According to Robert Moran of the Inquirer, Montgomery County Court President William Furber has picked a replacement. Apparently, he felt his office would prevent him from devoting enough time to this high-profile case.

Judge Wendy Demchick-Alloy will now conduct the trial.

Demchick-Alloy was a prosecutor in Philadelphia during the 1980’s and then worked in the Montco District Attorney’s office. She has been a judge since 2010.

Like Furber, Demchick-Alloy is a Republican, which may be used as a line of defense by the Democratic Attorney General’s team.

108 Responses

  1. I love how no one is biting on the troll’s Rendell references. Classic. Agree with Observer that hand-picking this Judge for the Kane case is a huge mistake. There have to be people on the Bench in MontCo who are not friends with the lead investigator and lead prosecutor in the case!!

  2. “Maybe Pat can explain why when her sisters emails were released they redacted to to, from and BCC lines very much unlike she has done when releasing and trying to blackmail the others? Where is the outcry for hiding those names unless it could embarrass those close to Kane?”

    Just saw this to me SpongeBob. Are you saying the white knight has a double standard? That doesn’t help her credibility. But, it would fit the narrative Rendell figured out about her (and 12 jurors soon).

  3. It is true Kathy. And it is the dumbest thing they could have done. This assures Kane an appeal issue if she somehow gets convicted (can’t see that happening on this one). Those guys in MontCo are not used to the spotlight. They better get used to doing thongs on the up-andup. Kane’s lawyers don’t mess around. Shargel is one of the best in the U.S.

  4. if it is true that the new judge in mane’s case is friends with the prosecutor that charged kane and the special prosecutor that investigated her, then montgomery county courthouse is filled with idiots. seriously? they couldn’t find a judge who at least does not appear to have a conflict? is it me or does it seem like this case is not going to trial? could it me that they were just hoping kane would “go away” as so many have been hoping she would do? isn’t it possible that they never had any intention of bringing this to court? and what of all the other leaks? when are those “criminals” going to be prosecuted?

  5. None of Hahaha’s other selves will say they believe Kane’s criminal defense because it’s laughable. Scroll down to see them embarrassed over and over again.

    Scroll down to see the racist, sexist, etc. Granahan emails Democrats want to distract from.

  6. This bears repeating:

    Miost reasonable observers now know that Fina & The Corbett Pervs were/are behind the trumped-up charges filed against her. And – to recap: Fina went to a Repervlican Judge who, after consulting with a Repervlican Supreme Court Justice, appointed a Repervlican friend of his as “Special Prosecutor.” He filed his ridiculous grand jury report filled with he said/she said nonsense. The matter went to a Repervlican DA who, despite her party affiliation, saw the case for the nonsense that it is and spent MONTHS trying to find real evidence. The case is now assigned to a Repervlican Judge who is a close friend of the Repervlican DA who charged Kane and the Repervlican “Special Prosecutor” who investigated her.

    And … Oh yeah … there were TONS of illegal leaks from that investigation … the same kind of leaks for which Kane is now charged.

    *** ADDED FROM PAT’S COMMENT: Repervlican Justice Castlle, the person who authorized Repervlican Judge in MontCo to go forward with the “investigation,” illegally leaked grand jury material detrimental to Kane while in NY for the PA Society shenanigans. Has he been indicted for that leak, BTW?

    If Kevin Steele s smart, he takes a look at what has happened to everybody else who has gotten involved with this circular firing squad. He should just concentrate on Cosby!!

  7. I don’t believe Granahan is alleged to have e-mailed this to her all-White pals:

    I don’t believe Granahan is alleged to have sent around a “motivational poster” suggesting that female employees needed to perform oral sex on their male bosses.

    That was Fina.

    The devil is in the details!!

    And the “details” of Kan’e trumped-up criminal case do not include any allegations of “blackmail.” OWNED AGAIN.

  8. Kathleen Kane could have been a hero, but instead of just releasing all the emails (including her sister’s) in 2013 or 2014, she sat on them for years (having been included on the joke forwards from her sister since 2009) and used them as blackmail.

    Because she’s the AG who then continued her campaign of silencing witnesses with threats and firings (and the only one accused of a crime–including from her inner circle), makes her the worst of the worst.

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