New Smith Ad Aims at Policy (Also Casey). Watch Video

Senate hopeful Tom Smith is a man of substance. That’s the message of a new television ad his campaign today released Thursday, which lays out three of the Republican’s broader policy positions.

“The Smith plan: simplify the tax code, no giveaways to special interests; cut federal spending, if Congress doesn’t pass a budget, they don’t get paid; and tap America’s abundant energy to create American jobs,” reads an announcer, not exactly describing unpopular positions.

The ad opens with a zinger against Democratic Sen. Bob Casey, noting that the Senate has never passed a bill he introduced.

Casey’s campaign released a negative ad earlier this week that cast Smith as too extremely conservative.

Both elements of the ad, which went on the air today, are more fully fleshed out in two campaign websites: one criticizing Casey’s record and another detailing Smith’s policy platform.

The zero bill claim stings at first blush, but a compels closer look at the workings of the Senate. Only a small percentage of original bills pass the chamber; more often, elements of some legislation work their way into related bills before they reach the floor. For example, Casey boasts his lead role in extending the payroll tax cut and creating new congressional ethics rules – each of which is law, but was not its own bill.

As for Smith’s broader policy platform, Casey Campaign Manager Larry Smar says it’s out of the mainstream.

“Tea Party Tom Smith continues to write checks to fund misleading attacks to hide his extreme agenda,” said Smar. “What Smith doesn’t say is that his Tea Party agenda would end Medicare as we know it and privatize Social Security while pushing tax cuts for the wealthy that are even more generous than the Romney-Ryan budget.”

One Response

  1. I hate ads that aren’t true and this one ain’t. The ad actually says: “Bob Casey has passed zero bills in 6 years”l… not that he never introduced a bill that passed through the Senate.
    This is, at best, very misleading and, at worst, an big fat lie since Casey has voted on more than a hundred bills in his 6 years. He also sits on many committees: Joint Economic Committee »
    Foreign Relations Committee »
    Chairman – Subcommittee on Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs;
    Subcommittee on East Asian and Pacific Affairs;
    Subcommittee on European Affairs;
    Subcommittee on International Operations and Organizations; Human Rights, Democracy and Global Women’s Issues;
    Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry »
    Chairman; – Subcommittee on Nutrition Specialty Crops, Food and Agricultural Research;
    Subcommittee on Jobs, Rural Economic Growth and Energy Innovation;
    Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Marketing and Agriculture Security;
    Health, Education, Labor and Pensions; »
    Subcommittee on Children and Families;
    Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging;

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