No Firm Favorite for Guv at Dem State Committee

Mike Stack PADSC
Mike Stack greets state committee members, and possibly sets a record for most photos on the PoliticsPA homepage in one day.

Lancaster — The atmosphere has been relaxed at this summer’s Democratic State Committee meeting. Few people wanted to talk about who they support… unless they’re on the payroll.

“We have an excellent field of candidates for governor,” said Montgomery County Democrats Chair Marcel Groen, giving the default line of the night.

Party rules require a candidate to earn the votes two-thirds of committee members for an endorsements, meaning the party is highly unlikely to make a pick.

One noteworthy development: Mike Crossey, the President of the Pa. State Education Association, is talking about a bid for Lt. Governor. He’s from the Pittsburgh area.

While long on Guv chatter, the event was short on contenders. The declared gubernatorial candidates in attendance were former DEP Secretary John Hanger, State Treasurer Rob McCord, minister Max Myers, and former revenue secretary Tom Wolf.

Rob McCord staffersStaffers for several campaigns worked the rooms and handed out literature.

State Senator Mike Stack who is said to be mulling a bid for governor of his own said he was having a good time.

“I have been re-elected four times, I am used to meeting people, looking into running for Governor is energizing,” he said.

When asked about a large campaign banner had been drawn up for him with, “Paid for by the committee to re-elect Mike Stack,” printed on it he attributed it to his eager Senate Campaign Finance Committee.

Other officials were out and about. Some were quick to voice their opinion in primary races.

“I am a strong supporter of State Rep. Brandon Neuman for Lieutenant Governor, if he chooses to run,” stated Rep. Ryan Bizzaro.

“Tom Wolfe for PA Governor. I called Rendell’s election too,” noted Rep. Mike Sturla (D-Lancaster) during Wolf’s reception.

When asked about his pick in the emerging gubernatorial field, Senator Bob Casey wouldn’t show his hand.

“We have a wide field, I am excited to campaign not as the candidate,” he said.

He also stated that he intends to actively campaign against Governor Corbett’s re-election. Unfortunately the attendees did not get to see the Senator cut a rug at the Keystone Progress Party, at which he was honored for his support for marriage equality.

“I think I will be leaving for Scranton by then.”

9 Responses

  1. McCord clearly had the most non-staff support. At least folks that wore his stickers. The fact that Allyson didn’t even bother to show up is very telling. The sentiment is that perhaps she’s not even going to try and get the state committee endorsement. An endorsement that she could clearly at least neutralize.

  2. Mike Crossey is probably the third least liked person in PA (comes with his position) just behind Corbett and Jerry Sandusky. In his leadership career at PSEA, millions of PA’s students have been wronged. He is a huge liability to the top of the ticket.

  3. Former Lower Merion Constable Eric Bradway Is Running for Governor on The Democratic Ticket !

  4. Mike Crossey and his union PSEA donated a few thousand to Joe Scarnati last cycle and over $20k to Mike “Voter ID” Turzai. They endorse and fund Republicans in swing districts. He shouldn’t even be allowed in the room.

  5. Mike Stack was walking around telling everyone (including me and my fellow state committee members):
    “Hi, I’m Senator Mike Stack and I’m running for Governor…” It’s official folks, we have our 47th Democratic Candidate for Governor in 2014… lol

  6. The place was swarming with Schwartz volunteers, very few working the crowd for Wolf, McCord, McGinty and Hanger… The Schwartz Team had the largest display and by far the most volunteers working the crowd with clip board and stickers.

  7. “We have an excellent field of candidates for governor,” said Montgomery County Democrats Chair Marcel Groen..

    …. (my translation)….
    field = “Schwartz and McCord”


    because, let’s face it, Montco is not going to endorse anyone but Schwartz or McCord for the primary.

  8. Because the President of the “Union” that endorsed Corbett and helped put him in office. Support Mike Crossey, that’s why.

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