Exiting the 17th.
The National Republican Congressional Committee is canceling spending in Pittsburgh that was set for October 8 to the November 6, Election Day, according to Medium Buying.
NRCC IE has canceled the remaining spending they had in place in the Pittsburgh DMA (was booked for 10/8-11/6)#Done https://t.co/I16V42tMh6
— Medium Buying (@MediumBuying) September 21, 2018
This will mainly impact the race in Pennsylvania’s 17th Congressional District between incumbents Reps. Conor Lamb (D-Allegheny) and Keith Rothfus (R-Allegheny). A much smaller portion of the Pittsburgh television market includes voters for the 16th District’s race between incumbent Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Butler) and Democratic challenger, Ron DiNicola.
Earlier this month, the NRCC canceled spending for the Pittsburgh market from September 12 to October 8.
PoliticsPA is seeking comment from both the Lamb and Rothfus campaign on this most recent development.
During the time of the last canceled ad spending, the Rothfus campaign remained optimistic on the candidate’s odds.
After the NRCC canceled spending for the rest of September earlier this month, Pro-Trump PAC, America First Action announced it was investing $726,000 in ad buys for the 17th district.
The news of the Pro-Trump PAC entering the race prompted the Lamb campaign to criticize the move painting his opponent as beholden to corporate PACs.
15 Responses
Come on! Pulling money is something a first year political science student knows is “the end.” It means the national Republican Committee thinks the campaign is toast. End of story!
Wolf will still be Gov in 2022. He’s not going to sign off of sh*tty GOP gerrymander, and Dems might be able to take control of st house.
Mike Kelly losing will be the upset of the cycle.
Flush the toilet. Watch Rothfus swirl down into the sewer. Bye Bye
After redistricing in 2022, Flush the toilet. Watch Lamb swirl down the sewer. Bye Bye.
Lol spoken as a true partisan zealot not familiar with knowing 1) redistributing is in 2021, and 2) Wolf will be in office for redistricting. I know facts are hard.
Redistributing? Spelling is hard…
He spelled redistributing correctly. He clearly accidentally used a similar but incorrect word. Go have a drink and calm down.
No one’s even pretending that that race isn’t over.
It appears Keith Worthless is a goner. E
After redistricting in 2022, it appears Conor Worthless is a goner.
AfTEer REdIstrIctINg iN 2022, iT aPpeArS CoNoR WoRtHlESs iS A gOneR.
This is what you sound like.
See ya Rofus the doofus
After redistricting in 2022, See ya Lamb the doofus.
You do know that, at the very least, Wolf will be Gov and there actually could be a D House. The Wolf part is almost a guarantee. So, good luck with that map.