NRSC Response To Democrats’ Latest Misleading Ad In Pennsylvania

NRSC Response To Democrats’ Latest Misleading Ad In Pennsylvania
WASHINGTON – National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Press Secretary Amber Marchand issued the following statement and fact check today in response to the Democrats’ new attack ad in Pennsylvania:
“The Democrats need a new playbook. Joe Sestak is desperately grasping at straws and attacking Pat Toomey’s fiscally responsible leadership instead of owning up to his own record voting for the failed stimulus and health spending bills, driving up the national debt to $13 trillion, and championing President Obama and Nancy Pelosi’s agenda almost 100 percent of the time.”
Background Information:
“In 2007, When Sestak Went To Washington With The New Democratic Majorities In Congress, The Deficit Was $160 Billion. This Year’s Projected Deficit Is $1.5 Trillion, Almost 10 Times What It Was When Sestak Took Office. So You’d Think Sestak Would Keep Quiet On Spending, Or At Least Have A Good Explanation For His Votes In Favor Of Trillions In Bailouts, Stimulus, And Record Budgets And Deficits. Apparently Not.” (Kevin Ferris, “Back Channels: Sestak Campaign Is Starting To Confound,” Philadelphia Inquirer, 8/8/10)

Sestak: “I Want To Be Obama’s Strongest Ally.” (Michael Aubele, “Sestak Says Specter ‘Flight Risk’ As Democrat.” The Valley-News Dispatch, 3/1/10)
“While Barack Obama Won Pennsylvania With 55% Of The Vote In The 2008 Election, Just 47% Of Voters In The State Now Approve Of The Job He Is Doing As President.” (Rasmussen Reports, “Election 2010: Pennsylvania Senate.” 9/15/10)

The National Debt Has Skyrocketed Since Sestak Entered Congress And The Democrats Took Control 
When Sestak Was Sworn Into Congress, The Public Debt Was Roughly $8.7 Trillion. (U.S. Department Of The Treasury,, Accessed 9/14/10)
Two Years Later, When Obama Was Inaugurated, The Public Debt Was Over $10.6 Trillion. (U.S. Department Of The Treasury,, Accessed 9/14/10)
As Of September 13, 2010, The Public Debt Was Over $13.4 Trillion. (U.S. Department Of The Treasury,, Accessed 9/14/10)
Sestak Voted For Over $4.6 Trillion In Spending In The First Four Months Of 2009, Then Voted To Raise The Debt Ceiling By $1.9 Trillion 
Sestak Voted For The $787 Billion Stimulus Bill. (H.R. 1, CQ Vote #70: Adopted 246-183: R 0-176; D 246-7, 2/13/09, Sestak Voted Yea)
·         Sestak Said He Would Have Voted For A $1 Trillion Dollar Stimulus. ANCHOR: “This Stimulus bill that was passed, roughly $800 Million, is it too small? Are we going to come back in the summer and have another one?” SESTAK: “It’s the minimum amount needed.  I would have voted for $1 trillion.” (NBC 10, 2/22/09)
·         Sestak Said He Wants Another Stimulus. SESTAK: “I hope that the talk begins again about having another stimulus plan.” (Fox Business Channel, 3/31/09)
Sestak Voted To Adopt The $3.5 Trillion FY2010 Budget Resolution. (H. Con. Res. 85, CQ Vote #192: Adopted 233-196: R 0-176; D 233-20, 4/2/09, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Voted In Favor Of The $410 Billion FY2009 Omnibus Appropriation Bill. (H.R. 1105, CQ Vote #86: Passed 245-178: R 16-158; D 229-20, 2/25/09, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Voted To Increase The Debt Ceiling By $1.9 Trillion. (H. J. Res. 45, CQ Vote #46: Adopted 217-212: R 0-175; D 217-37, 2/4/10, Sestak Voted Yea)
Since The Stimulus Passed, Pennsylvania Has Lost Jobs
Today, Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Rate Stands At 9.3 Percent, A Dramatic Increase From The 7.2 Percent Rate When The Stimulus Passed. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 9/14/10)
Since February 2009, Pennsylvania Has Lost 183,201 Jobs. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 9/14/10)
More Than 592,000 Pennsylvanians Are Currently Unemployed. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics Website,, Accessed 9/14/10)
Sestak Supports Serial Washington Bailouts 
Sestak Voted Twice For TARP – The Wall Street Bailout. (H.R. 1424, CQ Vote #681: Agreed To 263-171: R 91-108; D 172-63, 10/3/08, Sestak Voted Yea; H. J. Res. 3, CQ Vote #27: Passed 270-155: R 171-4; D 99-151, 1/22/09, Sestak Voted Nay)
Sestak Voted To Bailout Fannie And Freddie. (H.R. 3221, CQ Vote #519: Adopted 272-152: R 45-149; D 227-3, 7/23/08, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Voted For A $14 Billion Bailout Of The Auto Industry. (H.R. 7321, CQ Vote #690: Passed 237-170: R 32-150; D 205-20, 12/10/08, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Supports More Government Spending Programs And Job-Killing Legislation
Sestak Voted For A Second $154 Billion Stimulus. (H.R. 2847, CQ Vote #991: Motion agreed to 217-212: R 0-174; D 217-38, 12/16/09, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Co-Sponsored And Voted For Job-Killing Cap-And-Trade Legislation. (H.R. 1590, Introduced 3/21/07; H.R. 2454, CQ Vote #477: Passed 219-212: R 8-168; D 211-44, 6/26/09, Sestak Voted Yea))
Sestak Voted For The Democrats’ Costly Government-Run Health Spending Bill. (H.R. 3590, CQ Vote #165: Motion Agreed To 219-212: R 0-178; D 219-34, 3/21/10, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Co-Sponsored And Voted For Card-Check Legislation, Which Is Opposed By Business Groups. (H.R. 800, CQ Vote #118: Passed 241-185: R 13-183; D 228-2, 3/1/07, Sestak Voted Yea; H.R. 1409, Introduced 3/10/09) Recently Disputed The Democrats’ Claims About Social Security “Few If Any Republicans Now In Congress Have Ever Pushed For Total ‘Privatization’ Of Social Security.” “We find the president’s claim to be mostly false. Few if any Republicans now in Congress have ever pushed for total ‘privatization’ of Social Security. What President Bush proposed in 2005 was to allow workers under the age of 55 to invest a portion of their Social Security taxes in private accounts. Most of their taxes would have continued to go into traditional Social Security.” (Annenberg Political Factcheck Website “Obama’s (Latest) Social Security Whopper,” Posted 8/16/10, Http://Factcheck.Org, Accessed 9/17/10)
“The President Further Distorted The Republican Position When He Claimed That The GOP Plan Would ‘[Tie] Your Benefits To The Whims Of Wall Street Traders.’ That’s not true of the private accounts Bush proposed. Those would have been invested in strictly regulated, broadly based mutual funds, much like the funds in which millions of federal workers invest their own retirement funds.” (Annenberg Political Factcheck Website “Obama’s (Latest) Social Security Whopper,” Posted 8/16/10, Http://Factcheck.Org, Accessed 9/17/10)
“In An August Gallup Poll, Just One Percent Of Respondents Called Social Security The Most Pressing Issue Facing The Country (65 Percent Named The Economy) And In A Kaiser Poll Conducted In Mid-August Just Two Percent Said They Would Like To Hear Candidates Talking About Social Security On The Campaign Trail.” (Chris Cillizza, “Can Social Security Save Democrats This Fall?,” The Washington Post, 9/1/10)
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  • Will tonight's U.S. Senate debate affect your decision?

    • No. I've already decided on how to cast my vote. (81%)
    • Yes. Anxious to hear from both candidates (19%)

    Total Voters: 27

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