NRSC Response To President Obama’s Fundraiser For Liberal Congressman Sestak
Obama, Democrat Leaders Know Sestak Is Too Extreme For Pennsylvania
WASHINGTON – As President Barack Obama travels to the Keystone State to stump for liberal U.S Representative Joe Sestak (D-PA) today, National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) Press Secretary Amber Marchand issued the following statement:
“President Obama and Democrat party leaders supported Joe Sestak’s primary opponent because they know his ‘catastrophic’ record is simply too extreme for voters in the state.
“Sestak advocated for an even more extreme version of Obama’s health care bill, he supports the job-killing cap-and-tax bill that Senator Casey expressed concerns about, and he voted for a larger stimulus bill as our nation’s debt surpassed a record $13 trillion.
“After voting in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi in Washington, Joe Sestak is frantically attempting to slander Pat Toomey’s fiscally responsible credentials in an effort to bolster his flailing candidacy, but Pennsylvanians can see through his empty rhetoric.”
Background Information:
Thus Far In The 111th Congress, Sestak Has Voted With The Democrat Party 97.6% Of The Time. (The Washington Post Votes Database,, Accessed 9/14/10)
Sestak Voted For Washington Bailouts And The Democrats’ Big Spending Programs
Sestak Voted For The $787 Billion Stimulus Bill. (H.R. 1, CQ Vote #70: Adopted 246-183: R 0-176; D 246-7, 2/13/09, Sestak Voted Yea)
· Sestak Said He Would Have Voted For A $1 Trillion Dollar Stimulus. ANCHOR: “This Stimulus bill that was passed, roughly $800 Million, is it too small? Are we going to come back in the summer and have another one?” SESTAK: “It’s the minimum amount needed. I would have voted for $1 trillion.” (NBC 10, 2/22/09)
· Sestak Said He Wants Another Stimulus. SESTAK: “I hope that the talk begins again about having another stimulus plan.” (Fox Business Channel, 3/31/09)
Sestak Voted To Adopt The $3.5 Trillion FY2010 Budget Resolution. (H. Con. Res. 85, CQ Vote #192: Adopted 233-196: R 0-176; D 233-20, 4/2/09, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Voted In Favor Of The $410 Billion FY2009 Omnibus Appropriation Bill. (H.R. 1105, CQ Vote #86: Passed 245-178: R 16-158; D 229-20, 2/25/09, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Voted To Increase The Debt Ceiling By $1.9 Trillion. (H. J. Res. 45, CQ Vote #46: Adopted 217-212: R 0-175; D 217-37, 2/4/10, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Voted Twice For TARP – The Wall Street Bailout. (H.R. 1424, CQ Vote #681: Agreed To 263-171: R 91-108; D 172-63, 10/3/08, Sestak Voted Yea; H. J. Res. 3, CQ Vote #27: Passed 270-155: R 171-4; D 99-151, 1/22/09, Sestak Voted Nay)
Sestak Voted To Bailout Fannie And Freddie. (H.R. 3221, CQ Vote #519: Adopted 272-152: R 45-149; D 227-3, 7/23/08, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Voted For A $14 Billion Bailout Of The Auto Industry. (H.R. 7321, CQ Vote #690: Passed 237-170: R 32-150; D 205-20, 12/10/08, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Voted For A Second $154 Billion Stimulus. (H.R. 2847, CQ Vote #991: Motion agreed to 217-212: R 0-174; D 217-38, 12/16/09, Sestak Voted Yea)
Sestak Co-Sponsored And Voted For Cap-And-Trade Legislation. (H.R. 1590, Introduced 3/21/07; H.R. 2454, CQ Vote #477: Passed 219-212: R 8-168; D 211-44, 6/26/09, Sestak Voted Yea))
“These Carbon Taxes Would Cost The Residents Of Pennsylvania $6.45 Billion Dollars In 2020 And $55.34 Billion By 2050 Through Increased Energy Prices.” (The Beacon Hill Institute, “The Economic Effects Of Proposed Cap-And-Trade Legislation On The State Of Pennsylvania,”, 6/09)
“The State Economy Would Shed 47,549 Jobs By 2020 And 480,852 By 2050.” (The Beacon Hill Institute, “The Economic Effects Of Proposed Cap-And-Trade Legislation On The State Of Pennsylvania,”, 6/09)
Sestak Voted For The Democrats’ Costly Government-Run Health Spending Bill. (H.R. 3590, CQ Vote #165: Motion Agreed To 219-212: R 0-178; D 219-34, 3/21/10, Sestak Voted Yea)
“Sestak Said He Was ‘150 Percent Behind’ A ‘Public Option’ Of Government-Run Health Insurance To Compete With Private Insurers, A Priority Of Obama’s.” (Thomas Fitzgerald, “Specter, Sestak Spar In Pittsburgh,” The Philadelphia Inquirer, 8/15/09)
Sestak Co-Sponsored And Voted For Card-Check Legislation, Which Is Opposed By Business Groups. (H.R. 800, CQ Vote #118: Passed 241-185: R 13-183; D 228-2, 3/1/07, Sestak Voted Yea; H.R. 1409, Introduced 3/10/09)
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