Obama Goes Direct to Camera in New Ad (Watch Video)

Obama for America released a TV ad Monday called “The Choice,” in which President Obama speaks to viewers about his plan for the nation’s economic future. It will air in Pennsylvania as well as Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia.

The ad deviates from the ominous, grey-scale, attack-spots typical of the Obama camp as of late, as the President addresses Americans in a conversational manner reminiscent of Roosevelt’s fireside chats.

“Over the next four months, you have a choice to make,” Obama begins. “Not just between two political parties, or even two people. It’s a choice between two very different plans for our country.”

The President proceeds to outline and dismiss Romney’s top-down economic approach, emphasizing that it would deregulate big banks and cut taxes for the wealthiest Americans, and claiming that “It’s what caused the mess in the first place.”

His plan, by contrast, is to “[ask] the wealthy to pay a little more,” to pay down the national debt.

The Romney camp responded, arguing that Obama’s policies over the last four years have actually left middle-class families floundering. They’re also holding Obama responsible for climbing unemployment rates and a rising percentage of American poor.

Kate Meriwether, Romney Campaign Spokeswoman, said, “President Obama believes that government creates jobs, not hard-working entrepreneurs and small-business owners. Not only are his ‘you didn’t build that’ comments insulting to job creators, but they also reflect how unqualified he is to lead our country toward an economic recovery.”

In contrast, “The Choice” asserts that Obama’s plan for America would allow us to “pay down our debt in a balanced way, [and] to invest in education, manufacturing and home-grown American energy for good middle-class jobs.”

The ad ends with Obama urging viewers to choose his economic policies over those of his GOP opponent. “Sometimes politics can seem very small. But the choice you face, it couldn’t be bigger.”

4 Responses

  1. Obama’s plan to tax the “rich” depends entirely on how you define “rich.” $250,000 a year is in no way a small sum. However in many areas of this country – including swing areas like Southeast PA – that is not being rich. Remember, where costs are higher to live, salaries are higher to. That means there are many families at or near the $250,000 a year threshold — families who will be discouraged to try and make more by this tax; or families who will be hurt by it.

    Class warfare is a poor political excuse for “vision” but it seems to be all Obama has. Of course, by playing his game, he gets 49% of the people (those who pay nothing) automatically. Then he only needs to fool another 1% of the voters…not a big climb. Romney, on the other hand, needs to convince those who are getting the freebies to give up the ghost…a much harder row to hoe.

  2. Yes, we’ll some of us are willing to give up some of those credits once we are in the hands of a Republican we can trust not to throw us under the bus the other way. We will never see any of our Social Security money back, and we and our kids will be shouldering the debt the older generations have left us. Things are going to be hard enough, even if we fix it starting in November.

  3. The president obviously doesn’t know how to create a job. Why should he, he never had a Private Sector Job. What are the qualifications for a Community Organizer, lean how to “work the system”. Create Dependence. Create Hopelessness. This is the area of expertise. When you start paying the tax rates of the “rich”, of which I would like to be included, then you can complain. Until then stop the class warfare and the stupidity. The Rich pay for most of this country. Consider that 49% don’t pay any and get tax credits for their kids.

  4. “The Romney camp responded, arguing that Obama’s policies over the last four years have actually left middle-class families floundering”

    Umm… maybe that’s because the Republicans haven’t implemented Obama’s plan for the rich to pay a little bit more.

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