President Trump spoke in Philadelphia yesterday, while a new poll from Monmouth is set to be released today regarding PA1. Here is the Playbook.
Wagner Seeks Makeup After Zany Chamber Debate, Wolf Says No: Despite widespread criticism for Trebek’s performance as moderator, the Governor is sticking to a sole faceoff.
PA Gov: Wagner Pushes for Philly Vote, Wolf Talks Wagner’s Businesses in Ads: Wolf has constantly pushed for Wagner’s tax returns, while Wagner has made the Philadelphia vote a focus as of late.
Trebek Steals the Show: Three Takeaways from PA Gov Debate: The debate at the Hershey Lodge was the lone showdown between Gov. Wolf and Wagner.
New Monmouth Poll Incoming: The poll set to be released today will show the numbers in the race between Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Bucks) and Democratic challenger, Scott Wallace for Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District.
Due to the high volume of news until the election, PoliticsPA Policy Until the Election will not write full stories on Ratings Changes, but mention it in the daily Playbook. Please feel free to send any ratings change you see to
Inside Election Moves PA1 from Leans Republican to Toss Up: This news comes around the same time that the Cook Political Report also changed the race to a Toss Up.
Legislative Election Update:
HD-28: An internal poll shows Democratic state House candidate Emily Skopov within five points of House Speaker Mike Turzai. The Republican incumbent isn’t taking the race for granted, but a political advisor to Turzai says the poll is “employing some pretty creative questioning… It wouldn’t be accurate to call if scientific.”
SD-38: Pennsylvania Fund for Change releases a thirty second television ad for Democratic candidate Lindsey Williams who is facing GOP candidate Jeremy Schaffer.
Don’t see news from your campaign, or an article from a local news outlet in our legislative elections list? Add to your list and send us your updates!
Harrisburg & DC
Inquirer: President Trump hails ‘best economy in our history’ in Philly speech to electrical contractors
AP: Protesters use images of Flyers’ new mascot to decry Trump
AP: Strong corporate profits boost Pennsylvania tax collections
News Times: Sandy Hook Promise partners with Pennsylvania on reporting potential school violence
Inquirer: Five takeaways from Alex Trebek’s performance as moderator at Pa. governor debate
Inquirer: ACLU prepares to sue Pa. prisons over new mail policy
StateImpactPA: Disposal well near Pittsburgh gets a hearing
StateImpactPA: Trump touts environmental deregulation in Philadelphia
PLSReporter: VIDEO: Gubernatorial debate recap
PLSReporter: Sen. Don White joins advocates for “Understanding When Grandparents and Others Can Seek Custody” campaign
PLSReporter: In Philadelphia and Harrisburg, questions remain over workplace safety bill
PLSReporter: Storm, DA concerns scuttle Senate vote on life without parole
PLSReporter: Anti-nuclear activists raise waste concerns as atomic power works way back into political spotlight
Inquirer: ‘They are actually suppressing votes’: Pa. voters abroad are blocked from state election website
WHYY Newsworks: Former Gov. Ed Rendell says ‘arrest me first’ for backing supervised injection facility
Philadelphia Magazine: Some Liberals Say They’re Boycotting Wawa Over Republican Contribution
City Paper: Five Alex Trebek lowlights from the 2018 Pa. gubernatorial debate
Times-Tribune: Wagner vows to find savings
LNP | Lancaster Online: LNP, Philadelphia Inquirer, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, team up to cover Pennsylvania state government
LNP | Lancaster Online: Pennsylvania auditor general praises Lancaster city’s vote to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
PennLive: Jeopardy’s Alex Trebek on debate: ‘I think I was too naive’
Morning Call: Wake-up Call: Debate controversy and Trump family’s taxes
Inquirer: President Trump hails ‘best economy in our history’ in Philly speech to electrical contractors
StateImpactPA: Trump touts environmental deregulation in Philadelphia
PLSReporter: In Philadelphia and Harrisburg, questions remain over workplace safety bill
Inquirer: Where kids live determines whether they realize American Dream
Philadelphia Magazine: Some Liberals Say They’re Boycotting Wawa Over Republican Contribution
Philadelphia Magazine: Philadelphia Is One of the Country’s Top 10 Rising Cities for Startups
WHYY Newsworks: Former Gov. Ed Rendell says ‘arrest me first’ for backing supervised injection facility
WHYY Newsworks: With no cash for trash, city mulls partnerships with private groups
KYW Newsradio: Protesters swarm Convention Center ahead of Trump’s speech
KYW Newsradio: Two local dispensaries say medical marijuana is making progress during opioid crisis
Philadelphia Business Journal: Here are the highest-paid 2018 Philadelphia city employees
Daily Local News: Dinniman: Sale of Chester Water Authority could leave water customers holding the bag
Daily Local News: Corbin joins Chesco DA to host opioid epidemic event
Daily Local News: Killion: Keep domestic violence awareness on the forefront
Daily Local News: Affordable Housing bill sponsored by Sen. Killion advances
Daily Local News: Bruce Jameson appointed supervisor in East Marlborough
Delco Daily Times: Group wants private firm out of prison
Delco Daily Times: Obama throws backing to Delco Dem hopefuls
Delco Daily Times: Schools told max tax increase rate for 2019-20
WESA: League Of Women Voters Schedules Debates In Raft Of Legislative Races
WESA: Decades after landmark lawsuit, caseload concerns continue in Allegheny County’s public defender office
StateImpactPA: Disposal well near Pittsburgh gets a hearing
City Paper: Internal poll shows state House candidate Emily Skopov within five points of House Speaker Mike Turzai
KDKA: Westmoreland Co. Chief Deputy Found Guilty Of Harassing Deputy
KDKA: Board To Vote On Arming Police Officers In Pittsburgh Public Schools
Pittsburgh Business Times: Women’s health leaders from around the world headed to Pittsburgh next week
Post-Gazette: Pittsburgh, Allegheny County announce committee for 2020 census
Post-Gazette: Petition targets planned needle exchange in Carrick
Post-Gazette: Air pollution reaches unhealthy levels in Pittsburgh
Observer-Reporter: Jobless rate up in Washington, steady in Greene
Beaver County Times: Study: Bruce Mansfield closure won’t affect electric grid reliability
Observer-Reporter: Local breast cancer surgery rates above state average, report says
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: PCN program to feature state Rep. Burns
Johnstown Tribune-Democrat: Greater Johnstown School District continues search for superintendent
The Times Leader: WB council to decide on purchases for fire department, including ambulance
The Times Leader: Firefighters union: George using watches as punishment for criticism
Times-Tribune: Election Board considering moving polling places in Carbondale, three other municipalities
Times-Tribune: Wagner vows to find savings
Times-Tribune: Unemployment up a little in August, but that’s typical, analysts say
South Central
LNP | Lancaster Online: Pennsylvania auditor general praises Lancaster city’s vote to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana
LNP | Lancaster Online: Lancaster County jobless rate improves to 3.3% in August
York Dispatch: 28th District Senate race profile: Higgins vs Phillips-Hill
York Daily Record: Take a look inside medical marijuana dispensary opening in West Manchester Township
PennLive: Harrisburg can’t hire enough teachers, leading to doubled classes: union
PennLive: Ahead of Three Mile Island closing, nuclear safety advocates call attention to waste
PennLive: New Poll: Central Pa. Congressional race is too close to call | Wednesday Morning Coffee
Lehigh Valley
Morning Call: Lehigh County commissioners want changes to 2019 budget, but none address proposed tax hike
Morning Call: Evangelical Christians rally with Susan Wild as they seek to flip the U.S. House
Reading Eagle: Former Clinton speechwriter talks about voting rights at Albright College
Reading Eagle: Jim Cox, Trish Wertz debate at Phoebe Berks
North by Northwest
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Grant of $1.2 million goes to Old City redevelopment
Williamsport Sun Gazette: Donated drone raises city police eye to new heights
Erie Times News: Council passes ordinance intended to restrict gaming authority spending
Inquirer Editorial Board: It’s Gov. Tom Wolf, not Alex Trebek, putting informed voters in Jeopardy
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Big Pharma’s bad play: Industry tried to use opioid bill for windfall
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: For the public good: New York City is right to push civics education
Post-Gazette Editorial Board: Hidden profits: Pension funds must be transparent on costs
Will Bunch: Nighttime in Trump’s America: A void of child gulags, rising mercury and unheard prayers
Stu Bykofsky: What’s in a restaurant name? Just ask the PC police
Helen Ubiñas: While you were out: Philly’s homicide squad blues
Abraham Gutman: Ed Rendell, Alex Holley, Gritty? Pa. governor debate needed a better moderator than Alex Trebek
Sen. Bob Casey: Why I believe Dr. Ford
Inquirer Editorial Board: Another unfortunate tech upgrade for Philly city government
Rick Jensen: Mayor Kenney’s proposed minimum wage increase could mean maximum damage
John Baer: OK, now can we please have a gubernatorial debate?
Ruth Ann Dailey: #Believing all women is anti-feminist
Dan Simpson: In search of another war
One Response
Did anyone ever think Alex Trebek would be blamed for losing a debate for Pa Governor? Scott Wagner seems to want to blame everyone including Alex Trebek when the problem lies with himself. He seems completely ill at ease with the modern day media, he fails to accurately assess the simple grace needed to conduct oneself at a town hall and criticizes a young person questioning him, he feels he does not have to release his tax forms and tells the public even though he wants to be our Governor that it is none of the public’s business–in short, Scott Wagner’s candidacy is a trainwreck. From day one in this campaign Wagner thought all he had to be was a “mini Trump” but turns out he was wrong. Two years too late for that to happen.