Olympic Gold Medalist Enters Race to Replace Dent

gold medalist and County Commissioner Marty Nothstein (R-Lehigh) announced he is running to replace retiring Congressman Charlie Dent.  

“Career politicians see Congress as a paycheck.  As a small businessman and a conservative outsider, I believe Congress is supposed to work for the people – not the other way around,” Nothstein said.  

Nothstein is currently the chairman of the Lehigh County Board of Commissioners and small business owner. He was a two-time Olympic medalist in cycling, including winning a gold medal in the 2000 Olympic Games.  

Nothstein says he will be crossing the district, which spans all of Lehigh county and parts of Northampton, Berks, Lebanon, and Dauphin.  

State Representatives Ryan Mackenzie (R-Lehigh) and  Justin Simmons (R-Lehigh) are also running for the seat.  Dauphin County Commissioner Mike Pries is also considering a run.

27 Responses

  1. Ryan Mackenzie is the clear leader here. He has a flawless conservative voting record and also has an army of volunteers already in place. No matter how fast Nothstein peddles, he won’t be able to catch up!

    1. Ryan is not the clear leader. He is in a dogfight. It’s a toss up. Not sure who trolls here more, Mackenzie or Simmons.

      1. Actually Ryan is the leader in the race. That’s why I have received a bunch of polls from different candidates all asking about Mackenzie. Clearly he is the favorite! Ya dope! (Or doper. LOL)

        1. Long & Nyquist troll. Mike Long will send mailers implying doping. Dishonest insinuations are his specialty.

        2. You have not received calls from different candidates. You are lying. Nobody is buying your lies, Lyin Ryan is trolling away, again.

  2. I think Marty is a big unknown and was unsure if he even wanted to run for Congress. First he was in then he was out. And what is his real occupation? One time he says he is a small businessman and another time he is an executive director of something. What does he really do for a living?

    1. For those of you who are wondering who’s the bigger troll, this one is from Mackenzie or a supporter. Ryan has been peddling this fiction all over the place.

  3. the cabbage patch kids are in trouble. marty already has backing from across the district and is going to smoke them.

    1. Marty’s only backer is Wayne Woodman, who is a Never Trumper and DACA/Dreamer supporter.

  4. A voter in the district I will take my chances with someone who knows how to win and win as a team player. Marty has done this not only in sports but as chair of his county comm’s.

  5. There’s no way in hell I would ever vote for Woodman/Nothstein. Most people probably don’t know Lehigh County is a sanctuary county, just how Woodman wants it.

  6. Marty is being run as a puppet for former Lehigh GOP Chairman, and Never-Trumper, Wayne Woodman. Wayne is also pro-Dreamer Amnesty. These guys are totally out of step with Republican voters!

      1. Justin’s campaign is just comical. First Ryan is the puppet of Woodman and Dent, now Marty is the puppet of Woodman. Which one is the spooky boogeyman of the establishment and who’s the career politician (other than Justin)? If Justin could run on his own record he wouldn’t have to scramble so much. He’s like a bad magician at a kid’s birthday party and his only trick is who’s got your nose.

    1. Marty and Mackenzie are similar candidates, but Marty will win easily over Mackenzie.

  7. “As a small businessman and conservative outsider…”
    1. Nothstein is a W4 employee for a non-profit.
    2. Nothstein is wholly a political creation of Wayne Woodman, an establishment figure who chaired the Lehigh Valley GOP and raised money for Charlie Denr. Woodman is also NeverTrump and like Dent didn’t vote for Trump.

  8. Robert – you cited articles that seem to say Marty did lead a doping ring and that there was a cover up. If True, that is a huge deal!

    “In a similar fashion that Tom Weisel and Steve Johnson were complicit in Armstrong’s doping, EDS’s Nick Chenowith and USAC’s Lisa Voight helped track cycling sprinter Marty Nothstein cover up a positive test prior to the Syndey Olympics, where Nothstein won gold.

    “Nothstein is said to have lead a similar type of doping structure, first in within track cycling during the 90’s and later within the domestic road scene while on the professional team the ‘Navigators’. Additional athletes were involved, including Kirk Obee, Nathan O’Neill, Adam Sbeih, Vassili Davidenko, and Phil Zajicek.”

    1. Robert did not cite an article. He cited garbage from acomments section. Someone’s going to get sued here.

      1. Simmons, likely, or Mackenzie’s campaign handlers at Long & Nyquist. Thats standard MO for both.

  9. [seems like a nothing-burger]


    “there’s never been any association of doping with Marty Nothstein”

    ht tp://aut obus.cyc lingnews.c om/interviews/nothstein012.sh tml


    “Former Navigators rider Marty Nothstein, a three-time world champion and 2000 Olympic sprint gold medalist, was also named as one of the five parties O’Bee with whom corresponded with about PED use, however no details about the correspondence were disclosed in the arbitration decision handed down by the AAA panel.”

    ht tp://ww w.velonews.c om/2010/10/news/usada-o%E2%80%99neill-a-key-player-in-obee-doping-case_145215


    “In a similar fashion that Tom Weisel and Steve Johnson were complicit in Armstrong’s doping, EDS’s Nick Chenowith and USAC’s Lisa Voight helped track cycling sprinter Marty Nothstein cover up a positive test prior to the Syndey Olympics, where Nothstein won gold.

    “Nothstein is said to have lead a similar type of doping structure, first in within track cycling during the 90’s and later within the domestic road scene while on the professional team the ‘Navigators’. Additional athletes were involved, including Kirk Obee, Nathan O’Neill, Adam Sbeih, Vassili Davidenko, and Phil Zajicek.”

    ht tp://forum.cyclingnews.co m/viewtopic.php?t=18961


    {no cite of doping}

    htt p://ww w.cyclingnews.c om/features/olympic-moments-2000-nothstein-the-last-great-american-sprinter/

  10. Who is this guy? I only ever heard about him with doping allegations in the cycling world.
    I think he was the Lance Armstrong of the Lehigh Valley,

    1. Say that publicly, Justin, and wind up in court. No one busted for juicing still holds a Gold Medal.

      1. All you need to do is Google Marty Nothstein and doping and hits do come up. So, it’s not that far fetched. Hope he answers those allegations during the course of the campaign because that is troubling.

    2. Olympic athletes — in fact athletes in all competitions — have been tested for doping over the past few decades. Nothstein has always come up clean. The “reports” cited above are trash talk from comments sections, not works of journalism (hence confusing “lead” and “led.”)

      Nothstein has been clean. Tests have shown it. Just trash talk from political dirt artists.

      1. Wait until the attack mailers come out from Simmons’ and Mackenzie’s teams. Betcha Marty’s going to own them in court.

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