Onorato Wins Debate, Proves He’s the Only Candidate Who Can Get Economy Back on Track

Onorato Wins Debate, Proves He’s the Only Candidate Who Can Get Economy Back on Track

Corbett Refuses to Explain $3 Billion Tax on Pennsylvanians, More Political Doublespeak on Taxes, Can’t Explain Spending Increases

Harrisburg, PA – Dan Onorato won tonight’s debate as he again proved that he is the only candidate who can get the economy back on track while Tom Corbett failed to explain his proposal to hit Pennsylvania workers with a $3 billion tax.

“Tonight, Dan Onorato showed that he was ready to take on the challenges facing Pennsylvania, while Tom Corbett again proved that he does not have the ideas or the experience to create jobs and get our economy back on track,” said Mark Nicastre a spokesman with the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. “Dan Onorato is the only candidate with the experience and plans to create jobs. As the Executive of Allegheny County, Dan Onorato worked with small businesses to create jobs, while as a Harrisburg politician Tom Corbett asked for spending increases every year he has been in office. And two weeks after Tom Corbett proposed his $3 billion tax on Pennsylvanian workers in the last debate, he still can’t explain why he wants to tax Pennsylvania workers while refusing to hold his corporate special interests donors accountable. Tom Corbett showed once again that he is out of touch with middle class Pennsylvanians.”

Corbett: More Political Doublespeak on Taxes

Tonight, Tom Corbett continued to talk like a politician with more doublespeak about his gimmick tax pledge. After months of saying the pledge didn’t include fees, tonight he changed course by saying that the pledge would include fees. In March, Corbett told KDKA that his no tax pledge prevented him from increasing fees, but in August a Corbett staffer told reporters that fees were not included in the pledge. [KDKA, 3/8/2010 and Capitolwire, 8/25/2010]

Corbett: No Answers for his $3 Billion Tax

During the debate, Tom Corbett also refused to explain why he wants to hit hardworking Pennsylvanians with a $3 billion tax that he proposed in the last debate. It’s not surprising because Corbett has supported massive tax increases. As a Shaler Township Commissioner, Tom Corbett raised property taxes by 20 percent in his only budget vote and earlier this year Corbett flip flopped on tax increases. In January, Corbett said tax increases were “a last resort” but he refused to rule them out. Only a month later, he signed the no tax increase pledge that he touts in his new ad. [Capitolwire, 1/9/2010 and Associated Press, 8/24/10]

Corbett: No Answers for His Increased Spending Requests

Once again Corbett failed to explain how he could cut spending as Governor while he has asked for spending increases each year in office. This year, Tom Corbett requested a 13 percent spending increase for his office. [Intelligencer Journal, 9/9/2010] Tom Corbett has requested a spending increase each year in office. “Corbett’s proposed spending in increases for his state offices have ranged from 3.9 percent during the 2008-09 fiscal year to a high of 13 percent for the 2010-11 fiscal year.” [PA2010, 9/15/10]

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