PA-1: Brady Strikes Back at Trump

trump1Congressman Bob Brady is not happy with Donald Trump.

Yesterday, Trump told a crowd in Dallas that a construction firm allegedly let him know that the world on the Capitol dome in D.C. wouldn’t be done in time for the next presidential inauguration on Jan. 20th, 2017.

“So they’re going to take all the scaffolding down, pay millions of dollars to do that. Millions,” Trump said to avoid the bad optics. “And then after the inauguration, they’re going to pay millions of dollars more to put it up again.”

“They’re going to take it down and put it back up. Can you believe it?”

Well, according to Chris Brennan of the Inquirer, Rep. Brady wants you to know the claim is not true.

“Though it may look like it at times, we are not running some kind of reality TV show here,” Congressman Brady said. “We don’t pull down scaffolding from the capitol dome for a TV shot just to re-erect it when the cameras are gone.”

Brady told Brennan the exterior work on the dome should be done by spring 2016 and the interior work by the fall of next year.

“Mr. Trump will be able to see this for himself on inauguration day from the Mall as I am quite confident he will only be there as a guest,” Brady retorted.

12 Responses

  1. This is the congressman clown who rushed to grab the Pope’s drinking glass after the speech.Devout(?) Catholic who supports abortion. Hypocritical!

  2. Hillary Clinton will never be elected president. Whether its Trump, Bernie Sanders, Jeb Bush, whoever – people see her as a liar – they don’t care how experienced she is – they care about whether or not she tells the truth. And I know you support McGinty, but there is an extremely small chance that she could beat Toomey – very small chance.

  3. aaron-

    What are you smoking? Trump got his @ss handed to him by Fiorina tonight.

    Hillary has stood up to congressional investigations. She knows all the countries, foreign leaders, ambassadors, etc. backwards and forwards. He keeps saying he’ll learn all that before he takes office. Thus he would fail the “is presidential” test, because Hillary has already done the work/study by living it.

    Trump couldn’t even stand up on foreign policy with the GOP. His answer to dealing with Putin is that he would get along with Putin. (I’m assuming because they are both insecure pr*cks who like to bully people.)

    Trump is going to drop in the polls after tonight’s debate.

    Of course Toomey is the odds on favorite to win: that is because he is the incumbent, and incumbents win over 90% of the time.

    However, the question between McGinty and Sestak is “who has the better chance” (even if that chance is remote)?

    McGinty beats Sestak on this score for several reasons:
    1) She can raise more money to compete against Toomey’s warchest
    2) She will use and hire professional campaign staff, take sound advise and work with the party infrastructure.
    3) Assuming Hillary is the candidate, women’s issues and voter registration/participation will be higher, giving her more of Hillary’s coattails.
    4) She’s not a sociopath like Sestak.

    The addition of Fetterman into the race changes the balance. He would be interesting against Toomey in a debate. I haven’t met him yet, so I can’t make any predictions.

  4. Bob Brady is a Blow Hard He Runs one of the Most Corrupt Governments called the City and County of Philadelphia that ever hit the FACE of the Earth Bob Lose weight and Retire already

  5. Hate to say it Diano, but Trump would best Hillary head to head and is way out in front in the gop primary polling. You continually spend your time and energy talking about McGinty this and McGinty that whenever polling clearly and consistently shows that Toomey is the odds on favorite to win re-election, and again polling (that thing that actually uses raw data) shows Trump in command in the primary and even in the general election. I think the sky is blue in the world that you mentioned.

  6. I plan to be in D.C. to observe the faces of elected reps such as Brady as they watch Trump sworn in. Next I want to witness Brady et al returning to clear their offices so as to ready them for the newly elected statesmen who will replace the corrupted career politicians.

  7. Donald would tear down the dome and build the biggest baddest dome you’ve ever seen. Like really big. Huge. The best ever. Then he’d build a 38 ft tall wall around it to keep the Congress out so they can’t get in and raise your taxes. Biggest dome and fence ever. Then he’d make Congress and their staffs pay for it out of their own pockets. Make America great again!

  8. Let me say again. He made it up. There’s also another word for that. It’s called *lying*.

  9. jmarshak: Timeliness of government construction notwithstanding, Trump *made it up*. If the work is planned to be done by spring 2016, there would be no plans about what to do with the scaffolding in January of 2017.

    To reiterate. Trump. Made. It. Up.

  10. Sorry Mr. Brady, but government does not have a sterling reputation when it comes to doing things on time and in a cost-effective manner. Trump is probably right.

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