Rep. Tom Marino doesn’t feel that President Obama can be impeached, at least not yet.
In an interview with the Wellsboro Gazette that was picked up by Andrew Kaczynski of Buzzfeed, Rep. Marino gives a detailed description of the impeachment process.
“I don’t think that we should be using impeachment just because we do not like a President or a Attorney General or anybody else that is elected,” he began. “We should be using it very, very sparingly.”
The Congressman spent most of his time describing the formal process of impeachment and even criticized some people for “grandstanding” on the issue. Yet he concluded by indicating he felt the President was moving closer to breaking the law.
“People say ‘Should the President be impeached?’ and I say we’re getting close to that,” Marino states.
He then noted that the reason he explained the subject so thoroughly is because it “comes up consistently at town hall meetings.”
Marino went on to take a much tougher stance on outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder.
“I think when an Attorney General says, ‘I am not enforcing the law that I took the oath to enforce,’ that’s approaching impeachment,” he said.
Rep. Marino did not provide any example of when Attorney General Holder violated his oath.
Last year, Rep. Barletta asserted impeachment could pass the House though he wasn’t sure how it would be received.
15 Responses
Impeach every member of the House of reps, and Obama. Start over, get rid of the PACS and drug cartels who own these slimeballs.
Amen to all of the above!! I think they want to impeach THE WRONG PERSON.!!
The scandalous thing here is this clown was a US attorney for the mid district of PA.
Mr. Marino (along with his twin Barletta) clearly want to see the pot stirred as much as possible. If the topic “consistently comes up at town hall meetings,” it’s most likely because most level-headed folks in the 10th don’t waste their time attending his dog and pony shows. Believe me, if Obama has done anything impeachable, there will be people much more versed on the subject than he is raising hell. Marino (and Barletta) are just pawns of the republican’t leadership, seeking as much attention as they can get.
Josh please provide. Listing of charges that meets the criteria for impeachment
Impeachment is reserved for high crimes and treason. Obama has done nothing even approaching the level of an impeachable offense, and will be out of office in less time than it would take to impeach him even if he had. Congress knows this, but would love to waste 15 months and $200 million or better of taxpayer money playing politics. Utter nonsense. Get to work on something important. If you need some ideas on more productive use of your time, we’ll send you a list a mile long.
“Congressman Marino did not provide any examples of….”
As though anyone must look real hard.
The most lawless administration in our nation’s history is wide open to impeachment and much more.
I am entertained at the mocking liberals, who think their lawless hold will last forever or that the armed citizenry has an endless reservoir of patience. Go ahead, liberal dingbats, mock away.
Catering to the very lowest common denominator – in the small ‘one source of news crowd’ this seems to be an real and viable option. I like how he hardly mentions which offenses the President has supposedly committed?
Do any of them rise above lying or misleading Congress to invade Iraq. Thousands of American lives, trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of Iraqi lives – and all that is left is a very unstable region.
Unfortunately, I don’t see this bum losing anytime soon.
Casino Marino!! This guy is getting senile. He thinks he can bully everyone. How about his wife being “selected” to sit on the PBA Judicial Review Panel!! coincidence? LOL!
Reason #10: grabs headlines for the wrong reasons.
And it might be the one thing that makes the GOP lose the House next election!
Mr. Marino, what have you accomplished besides blocking everything the President tries to do. You and the Republicans are sad and pathetic.
Go ahead Mr. Marino…I dare you and the GOP to impeach Obama. That way the Dems can kick your pathetic asses a third time for the White House next year. The GOP needs to stop whining and do their jobs instead of bullcrap like this.