PA-10: Troiano Reaches Signature Requirement

nick-troianoNick Troiano, 25-year-old independent candidate for PA’s 10th congressional district, announced via press release today that he has collected more than the 3,600 signatures needed to be placed on the ballot in November.

He will be releasing the exact number in an announcement from the Capitol steps on July 30th at 10 a.m.

This news comes four days and three stops before the conclusion of his “Back to the Future” tour, in which he is traveling through the 10th district’s 15 counties in a 1981 DeLorean. With about a fifth of his tour remaining and sufficient signatures collected, he will likely well surpass the required number.

Once Troiano’s signatures, due August 1, are turned into and ratified by the Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation, he will become the 10th district’s first independent candidate in history. In addition, he will be the only independent and the youngest congressional candidate in PA in 2014.

In addition to announcing the number of signatures collected next Wednesday, he plans to discuss political reform that would break down barriers for independent candidates in running against mainstream candidates.

Jerry Kairnes and Jack Donson, Troiano’s Volunteer Petition Circulators, and Daniel Gallagher of the PA Ballot Access Coalition, which works to lower signature requirements in PA for independent candidates, will also be speaking.

Troiano was required to collect more than three and a half times as many signatures as Republican incumbent Tom Marino and Democratic challenger Scott Brion.

PA’s 10th congressional district consists of Bradford, Juniata, Lycoming, Mifflin, Pike, Snyder, Sullivan, Susquehanna, Union and Wayne counties and parts of Lackawanna, Monroe, Northumberland, Perry and Tioga counties.

13 Responses

  1. @IndependentPAvoter22: Raising a lot of money doesn’t mean Brion’s campaign is going in a positive direction; it just means you have friends in wealthy places, a party machine to rely on, and $10,000 in your pocket to contribute to your own campaign (see: Brion’s July FEC report).

    Plus, I looked at Troiano’s website and it doesn’t say anything about cutting Social Security – in fact, it says that he wants to save the program from bankruptcy. Does Marino or Brion have a plan to do that? Cause it seems like Troiano is the only one who actually cares about keeping Social Security around.

  2. Scott Brion has actually raised over $100,000 this far which points to the positive direction his campaign is heading. While Nick is a new young candidate his policy objectives of cutting social security worry me.

  3. My point was not that Nick lacks experience because of his age, my point is that HE LACKS EXPERIENCE period. What does Nick know about the 10th district? He has spent his few years of adulthood in Washington and recently moved home to live with his parents in Pike County. The only jobs Nick has ever held have been political–I’m sorry, that is what is wrong with politicians! How is he going to change a system when he doesn’t know anything but that system?

    When Nick works in the private sector, purchases/rents his own home in the district, and begins to really understand our very large district, then I will seriosuly consider casting a vote for him, until then he is not much better than a carpetbagger.

    Ashley- I am not much older than Nick and yes, I do have MUCH more important things to do then serve in congress. Putting politicians on some pedastal above the average person is a major part of what is wrong with our nation. Nick T, Tom Marino, Tom Corbett, Bob Casey… They are no better than the rest of us and they need to be reminded that they were hired to represent us, not act as if they are better than us.

    “Independent”- Change for the sack of change is not good. Look at what we got from President Obama? Not exactly the change I was hoping for when I cast my vote in 2008.

    Bill Greenlaw- Nick isn’t taking money from PACs but how many PACs would have actually given him any money? It’s easy to say you won’t accept donations that would have never been offered. Where is Nick doing fundraisers? Is it true that he is hosting fundraisers in NYC and Washington? Again, it’s easy to say that your campaign is “citizen funded” and allow the voters of the 10th to assume that those citizens actually live in the 10th when many of them don’t. How about you Bill? Have you donated to Nick? Do you live in the 10th? Do you even live in PA?

  4. Nick is not a typical politician. He is concerned, like most us, that Congress listens most to those that donate most.

    That is why his campaign takes no money from PACs and is citizen funded.

    Ask yourself this: Who is more likely to represent YOU? A congressman that got most of his money from big corporations and PACs, or a congressman that got all of his campaign money from citizens? Unless you are a corporation (and therefore can’t vote) or a PAC (and therefore can’t vote), you should give Nick Troiano a good look. He may be the only hope you have to be truly represented in Congress.

  5. Attacking him on his age or “inexperience” (yeah, do some research on that one) does nothing to change the fact that he’s the only one doing something about the broken system most people claim to acknowledge.

    Congressional approval ratings are in the single digits, demonstrating a clear disappointment with the current system and both parties, and not only are there no other candidates doing what he’s doing, voter turnout is expected to be an all time low.

    Change in our political environment has to start someone. If everyone truly means what they say when they voice disapproval, they should get out and vote for Troiano.

  6. From what I understand about American history, Nick is not the first 25 year old to run for federal office, nor will he be the first 25 year old to serve! In fact, we’ve had over 100 Representatives under the age of 30 in our history, so I don’t think the “inexperienced” arguement holds.

    The main point should be that here we see a candidate that knows that the status quo is not working, that our country is on an unsustainable path, and that both Parties have no interest in fixing our problems. I’m quite pleased to see someone of his intelligence and determination trying to make a positive difference in our country.

  7. Hm. Interesting–not attacking Troiano on his policies, but rather his age. That seems rather short sighted. Youth does not equate inexperience–indeed, Troiano has more experience with DC lobby groups and political machinations than some do-good teachers who run for office twenty years too late because they’re bored with the classroom.

    And *despite* that experience–that exposure to corruption from PACs and toeing the party line–he comes away determined to fix it rather than throwing up his hands and washing his hands of the system.

    Troiano is a brave man. Even if I don’t always agree with him politically, I can appreciate his sense of duty, honor, and morality–which is more than I can say for either of the other two candidates.

    (And as a postscript, let me leave this challenge for others who decry his abilities due to age: If his age is the only thing to which you take exception, why not run yourselves? Surely you could do better, wise elders that you are. But then, you have much more important things to do than to benefit your congressional district, don’t you?)

  8. Finally a knowledgeable, independent candidate for congress. We need more non-partisan voices to address the long term problems facing our country (like entitlements and climate change). Hopefully this can force all the candidates to actually address policy issues, rather than the usual regurgitated talking points of the two parties.

  9. To the other “independent” voter, would you rather Tom Marino (who could care less about PA-10, and much prefers his salary and PAC money), or Scott Brion (who has hardly raised $10k on his own, despite being a succesful businessman)? Not saying I support any of them either, but I think change from the norm would do PA-10 some good, don’t you?

  10. Congratulations! Nick drove around the 10th district in a borrowed car and got people to sign a piece of paper that a majority them don’t understand. His next major goal in life should be getting a job and moving out of his parent’s townhouse.

    What exactly do you run for congress on when you have no real life experience, have never made a motgage payment, have never paid a property tax bill, have never held a non-low-level-political job, have never held a lower office, and no real understanding of the 10th district. I’ve met Nick and he’s a smart and polite kid (a bit too arrogant but what 25 year old isn’t?) but he is in way over his head. I wish him luck in the future but even though I am no fan of the Republican or Democrat in this race, I cannot vote for someone with such little real world experience to represent us in Washington.

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