State Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-Phila.) unveiled a plethora of new endorsements this morning as he continues his bid to win the highly contested Democratic primary for Pennsylvania’s 13th District.
Boyle revealed that he has received the backing of 16 additional Democratic leaders and officials from Montgomery County. The 13th district consists of parts of Northeast Philly and Southern Montco.
The full list is included below:
Montgomery County Prothonotary – Mark Levy
Montgomery County Finance Chairman, Area 9 Democratic Leader (Cheltenham, Jenkintown, and Springfield) – Sean Kilkenny
Chairman of Lansdale Democrats – Jack Hansen
Chairman of Lower Moreland Democrats – Todd Eisenberg
Vice Chair of Abington Rockledge Democrats – Robin A. Beall
Abington Township Commissioners – Lori Schreiber, John Spiegleman, Jimmy DiPlacido, Tom Hecker, PhD
Former Chairman of Abington Rockledge Democrats and Township Commissioner- Michael O’Connor
Jenkintown Commissioner – Jay Conners
Chairman of the Board of the East Norriton Supervisors, Area 11 Democratic Leader (East Norriton, West Norriton, and Norristown) – John Zurzola
East Norriton Supervisor – Angelina Salamone
Bridgeport Councilman – Mark Barbee
Whitemarsh Township Supervisor – Robert Hart
Former Chairman and Councilman of Plymouth Township – Vince Gillen
“Brendan represents the hard work and values that the residents of Montgomery County hold true,” said Mark Levy, Montgomery County Prothonotary. “He understands the diverse needs of both Montgomery County and Philadelphia County, and will continue to be a voice for both in Congress, the same way he has represented both in Harrisburg. Brendan has my full support in this race, and I am excited to see his strong leadership shine on a national scale.”
“I am honored to have the support of these Democratic leaders in Montgomery County,” said Boyle. “As I speak with different groups throughout the district, everyone I meet can relate to the message I have put forth, that working people are hurting and need someone in D.C. who will fight for them. Receiving the endorsement of so many individuals who were elected by their peers to serve and lead further motivates me to bring this message to Washington.”
The Boyle campaign also claimed that along with the support of 23 labor unions, he has the secured more endorsements from elected officials in Montgomery County than any other candidate.
Earlier this week, however, Boyle received less welcome news when one of his opponents, former Congresswoman Marjorie Margolies, picked up the endorsements of five Philly ward leaders. Even worse, however, were the comments made by Mike McAleer, the Chairman of the Northeast Ward Leaders, sharply criticizing Boyle for running for Congress and his state House seat at the same time.
Other candidates in PA-13 besides Boyle and Margolies are physician/activist Val Arkoosh and State Senator Daylin Leach.
8 Responses
Hmmmmm, are you nuts, county people turning their backs on their people? This is about who’s the best candidate not who lives where. If that’s the case Marjorie and lLeach shouldn’t even be running since they don’t live in the district. It’s about who can do the best job. Look at who has done what in the past 20 years, arkoosh made millions off of healthcare insurance, Leach wants everyone to get high. Boyle has introduced bills to help our police and Marjorie and her ex husband wound up or almost wound up in those cops handcuffs. Come on who cares if someone lives in Montco or Philadelphia. It’s all one district and who will do the best job.
Elected officials of Montgomery turning their backs on county people. Hmmmm wonder how that will play out when it’s their turn to ask Montgomery votes. Bad move guys. Let it be written let it be done.
Some of the comments on this story and a previous story about five Philadelphia ward leaders supporting MM simply amaze me. I hate to fling accusations, but I believe the comments are from some political hacks who Brendan has opposed in the past. I become very suspicious when I read comments filled with name-calling coupled with simultaneous, opposing arguments (Brendan either is or is not supported by John Doc, Bob Brady, and Philadelphia Democratic Party; Brendan is either too wet-behind-the-ears or he is a long-standing corrupt pol). I find that these comments usually come from some hack where Brendan has denied them a patronage job or some allocation from Harrisburg for bogus work. Brendan is a good guy who will work with anyone on a reasonable request, but he will not engage in any shade of corruption. Some people still have not accepted this fact, and they seem to vent their disappointment by name-calling on these posts. Please stop it. Name-calling has no place on a serious discussion board. If you are going to engage in such behavior, at least have the courage to use your REAL name.
The endorsement of MM by the five Philadelphia ward leaders is a little strange since I understand that two of them previously indicated or pledged their support to Brendan. I assume that nothing nefarious has come to pass. However I also don’t accept Ward Leader Mike McAleer’s reasoning for refusing to support Brendan, especially since his own boss is engaging in virtually the same activity (and who has also endorsed Brendan). The comments don’t pass the smell test. We may not know for a long time what the ward leaders’ reasoning for endorsing MM, but Brendan has more than countered these endorsements by gaining support in MontCo.
Anyone who states that the endorsements in MontCo are meaningless is simply denying reality. This is a big win for Brendan not only for the material support, but also for its psychological effect on how it affects the race’s momentum. I would expect MM to make inroads into Philadelphia. She has been around long enough to establish relationships. However Brendan was supposedly too parochial to reach outside his base in Northeast Philadelphia. These endorsements shout out loud and clear that Brendan has both the desire and the ability to reach into MontCo for support.
I have known Brendan, his wife and family, and much of his staff for over ten years. I have never met a public official and staff who are more hard-working, honest, and intelligent than Brendan and his team. They can speak to high public policy, but they also have a most proficient constituent service system. This is why Brendan romps in his elections (if he even has an opponent), and it also explains why he has a loyal following from everyone to political and community leaders to those down-on-their-luck. The other three candidates seem like fine people, and they would make good representatives, but Brendan would be the best.
Dee Adcock, a 62 year-old businessman who owns and operates a swimming pool equipment distribution company, told me this afternoon he is running for Pennsylvania’s 13th Congressional seat “to restore the American dream for working men and women for the district and the country. The only way we can do that is to get the economy going.”
Didn’t realize some of these endorsements had any clout? For all the democrats in Montgomery County, this sure isn’t a large nor impressive list.
So when the ward leaders went for Marjorie against Brendan, it was because Brady and Johnny Doc cut a deal.
And now when Montco folks go for Brendan, it’s because Johnny Doc bought them off?
I think some folks don’t actually understand what is at work here. Here’s the most likely scenario. Brendan’s district actually covered some parts of Abington, so he definitely has some pre-existing relationships with Montco officials and I’m sure he’s been doing outreach in regards to his House campaign anyway. Either Brendan already had these endorsements and was looking for an opportune time to role them out, or he scrambled to get some low-hanging fruit of people that already were or were close to supporting him. Either way, he was trying to counter the Margolies release from earlier this week by showing some Montco endorsements to counter her Philly endorsements.
If there is any deeper meaning to these releases I’d be shocked.
So Brenny Boy is using Johnny Doc’s money promises to buy off a bunch of local schmoes in Montco – when the young dude has never even lived in the county his whole life? And really, running for two offices at the same time? That’s just sleazy. What has this kid ever DONE in his life, except run errands for Bobby Brady and Johnny Doc down at the union hall? I think these locals were threatened that Johnny would pull all his GOTV workers out of their wards if they didn’t back his lackey. Chris Cristie arm-twisting comes to Montco!
Machine politics at work. Leach is still going to whip some but.