The dynamic Democratic primary for Pennsylvania’s 13th congressional seat continues to heat up heading into 2014.
Arkoosh hires new political director
Stephen Rudman, an attorney based in Montgomery County, joined Val Arkoosh’s campaign this week.
Rudman has a background working with local civic and political groups. Positions he holds or has held include: Treasurer for Pennsylvania Young Democrats, Secretary for Montgomery County Young Democrats, Vice-Chair of the Philadelphia chapter of Americans for Democratic Action, and Vice-Chair of the Young Democrats of America’s Jewish Caucu.
“Stephen’s long-standing work in Montgomery County and the city is a testament to his political expertise,” said Arkoosh. “I am thrilled to be adding Stephen’s extensive insight and knowledge of the district to our growing team.”
Last week, Arkoosh hired Bryan Lesswing as her communications director.
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #37 endorses Brendan Boyle
Brendan Boyle scored another endorsement this week in his bid for PA-13. The FOP Lodge 37, which represents Montgomery and Philadelphia counties, is backing the State Rep.
“Our police selflessly put their lives on the line to protect and serve,” Boyle said in lieu of this endorsement. “I’ll be their voice in Congress, working to ensure that we have sensible gun laws to keep them safe and the tools they need to keep us safe. I will work to make sure that hard working men and women like our police and firefighters are not asked to shoulder additional burdens until millionaires and the largest corporations on earth start paying their fair share.”
Lodge 5, the Philadelphia FOP, previously endorsed Boyle.
Leach endorsed by former President of Equality PA
Adrian Shanker, who recently stepped down as President of Equality Pennsylvania, is supporting State Senator Daylin Leach.
“Daylin Leach has been one of the strongest champions and fiercest advocates for LGBT equality in the Pennsylvania legislature,” Shanker wrote in an email to Leach’s supporters. “He was the first legislator to introduce a marriage equality bill and he has always been cutting-edge in his approach to civil rights for all Pennsylvanians.”
Equality Pa. is the state’s premier LGBT advocacy group.
7 Responses
Second That! My email is liberalsagainstleach@gmail.com
Dear Liberals Against Leach. In spite of follow up comments you are not alone about either Shanker or Leach. Wish we could talk!
To the self-proclaimed proud lesbian who posted on November 16 — You are misinformed about Daylin. Please take the opportunity to meet and talk with him. You’ll change your mind.
Brendan Boyle and Danny Boyle are not related. Danny Boyle had one sister; Brendan has one brother, State Rep. Kevin Boyle. Further, Danny’s father, Pat, was also a Philadelphia police officer; Brendan’s father (and mother) emigrated from Ireland. The only similarity is the last name.
Dear “Liberals Against Leach”
I think you should drop the plural from your handle.
(and consider replacing “liberal” as well)
Well, Adrian Shanker is wrong here. He, like Leach, has a history of being misogynistic andonly caring about marriage. I am a proud lesbian, but I am also proud that I cacan think for myself and won’t be voting for the Klown Prince Of King Of Prussia. He is a fraud on LGBT issues.
“Politics Is Serious Business, We Need A Congressperson, Not A Clown”
-Liberals Against Leach
Of course the FOP endorses Brendan Boyle, he’s the brother of fallen Philadelphia Police Officer Danny Boyle. That’s all well and good but I’d rather vote for a candidate who advocates for ALL citizens (like Daylin Leach) than one who has a close connection to a special interest group.