The political world was rocked today by the stunning news that the presumed next Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy was dropping out of the leadership race.
Everywhere around D.C. people are scrambling for an answer. Congressman Charlie Dent was only too happy to give them one.
Appearing on MSNBC with Luke Russert, Dent placed the blame at the feet of extremely conservative Republican House members.
“It’s pretty obvious what happened,” Dent stated. “The same members who wanted to take down John Boehner, I always said were gonna try to frag the next guy. Well, they just fragged Kevin McCarthy.”
Dent went on to say that McCarthy was worried about being embarrassed if he came up short of the 218 votes necessary to become Speaker. There are currently 247 Republicans in the House.
“We may have to assemble a bipartisan coalition to elect the next Speaker of the House of Representatives,” Dent asserted.
“Could the next Speaker be a compromise candidate between Republicans and Democrats?” Russert asked.
“At this point, anything is possibly,” Dent answered.
One other note, it appears that freshman PA Congressman Ryan Costello was the first to break the news.
PA Congressman Ryan Costello confirms that Kevin McCarthy is not running for speaker.
— Laura Olson (@lauraolson) October 8, 2015
Republican caucus meeting is over. Costello, who was among Pa members backing McCarthy, looks surprised.
— Laura Olson (@lauraolson) October 8, 2015
Press found out about McCarthy from Rep. Costello (R-PA) walking out of the Conference meeting.
— Luke Russert (@LukeRussert) October 8, 2015
13 Responses
Fragging frackers !!!!
So what was Charlie Dent doing? Trying to give cover to McCarthy? I don’t think he made a Dent in the rumor mill…
Welp, guess I’ll get the ball rolling then. I think the ‘young guns’ should call themselves the gang that can shoot straight……
I’m surprised there isn’t more crass jokes being made about family values and such. Even though it’s completely warranted
David – As I’m sure you’ve surmised, that depends on your registration.
I guess Bill Shuster was supporting McCarthy to make his own affair with airline lobbyist Shelley Rubino seem “not so bad” by comparison.
What’s worse:
1) having an affair
2) admitting on TV that the entire Benghazi investigation is a political witch hunt
Turns out McCarthy has been having an affair with Renee Ellmers (R, NC) for several years. So that explains why Rep. Walter Jones, also of NC, sent that letter to a female member the caucus leadership. Hey, at least Ellmers is a female – that’s WAY better than what Denny Haster was doing!
I’m gonna frag Pat Unger tonight, if you know what I mean.
He fragged himself
Well, just yesterday, asouthern congressman called for any leadership candidate with “misdeeds” in their background to step aside. Most thought he was talking about Scalise’s problems with white supremacists, but may he knew something about McCarthy…
Looks like Rep. Boyle is already floating Rep. Dent’s name for speaker. Is the Tuesday Group today’s big winner?
If McCarthy is anything like Boehner, he deserved to be “fragged.”