A new conflict has broken out in the PA-6 congressional contest.
This one is over financial disclosure forms.
A FEC formality, the Costello camp is criticizing Parrish for not filing one either this year or last year. They believe that lawsuits against the Democratic nominee in other states are the culprit, alleging that there is something there that Parrish doesn’t want revealed.
“Until now we have viewed Mr. Parrish as a desperate political opponent,” Costello Campaign Senior Advisor Vince Galko stated. “It is now clear that the states of Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Hawaii and his bank, as well as, those who have done business with him are all correct in pointing out that he is also a fraud.”
“There is no story here, just a clerical error in Washington,” Parrish’s Campaign Manager Joe Bachman told PoliticsPA. “The Office of the Clerk of the House failed to provide Mr. Parrish with the necessary information to file his FDS. Mr. Parrish proactively identified the issue to the Clerk’s office. The Clerk’s office took responsibility for the error and Mr. Parrish is working with them to file his FDS without penalty.”
“Trying to turn a bureaucratic oversight into a scandal shows just how desperate Mr. Costello is to distract from the real issues in this campaign, and is particularly laughable for a member of Congress who didn’t make it through half of his first term before finding himself the subject of an ethics complaint for selling his legislative agenda to the highest bidder while still a candidate,” Mike Parrish added. “Mr. Costello started his Congressional career by selling out his constituents, and unsurprisingly, it has become a disturbing pattern. From the Patriot Program, to the NRA to his support for Donald Trump, a bigoted racist, for President, Mr. Costello has shown time and again that he puts self-interest, special interests and party before country. Given how badly Mr. Costello has sold out our community, it’s no wonder he wants to change the subject. We can do better.”
PoliticsPA also asked about the allegations the Costello team made about the lawsuits.
“Mr. Parrish isn’t trying to hide anything,” Bachman answered. “This was honestly a clerical error at the Clerk’s office. Mr. Parrish proactively reached out to them to initiate the process, and is working with them to file his disclosure, which will list his assets and liabilities as required.”
The 6th Congressional District consists of parts of Berks, Chester, Lebanon and Montgomery Counties.
8 Responses
Good move by Costello: trying to force Parrish to admit to the lawsuits, etc. He either admits (and is hurt) or looks dumb for not filing forms. Calling it a clerical error after blaming others for not getting paperwork to you that’s available on the web is weak. Costello isn’t desperate; he’s driving headlines to drive Parrish into the ground later.
o my. an elected politician (Dem or GOPer ) is not able to actually read and understand the federal or state election codes, despite the the help of numerous paid lackeys. he then blames FEC and various house of representatives minions for not getting him the forms in time to do a timely filing. numerous literate human beings just go on the internet and fills out the FEC form and sends it in . on time.
of course, i did not have any paid lackeys or minions…
@PA Dem: Isn’t the Patriot Program the one they put their most vulnerable incumbents on? Lol
So this is what Ryan is focusing on rather than going to the convention as an elected delegate….
Slamming Parrish for being a part of the NRCCs Patriot Program, now that’s desperate. Interesting to see Parrish already throwing the kitchen sink in July.
So… Costello is going to roll over Parrish right? I mean Parrish has like no money. Unless they’re afraid that Clinton-Trump is going to swamp the Congressman’s boat.
This seems like a classic case of punching down. Why would Costello give Parrish the attention? Although I gotta say, amateur move by Parrish’s team.
Sure, I’m a Democrat, and want Parrish to win. But this honestly looks so desperate by Costello. Like, if it was the Dem attacking his opponent over not filing a form, I would find it just as pathetic. What is Costello gonna do when it comes time to go on TV? Attack Parrish about a clerical error? Just comes off as one of the weaker opening salvos I’ve seen.
Also, no other Republican (including the Fitzpatricks) has even gone after their Dem opponent yet… This makes Costello look genuinely worried about what is supposed to be a reach seat at best.
Is Parrish’s campaign manager serious with that statement? Chill dude. Save it for when you’re desperately behind by 20 points in an October poll.