The campaign of Democratic nominee for Pennsylvania’s 6th District Manan Trivedi, accused Republican opponent Ryan Costello of using his position as Chair of the Chester County Board of Commissioners to hand out million dollar contracts to his political donors today.
According to Trivedi’s campaign, in less than three years as a commissioner Costello has awarded various political contributors with large contracts, totaling more than $29 million.
They further allege that at a meeting today, Costello awarded one of the largest contributors to his campaign for Congress a contract for more than $14 million, nearly matching the cost of all contracts from the past two years.
Trivedi spokesman Daren Berringer pointed to the contracts as an example of how Costello would help to perpetuate the lack of trust in government that many citizens hold today.
“It is clear that in a very short amount of time as commissioner, Ryan Costello has played politics as usual by doling out millions upon millions of dollars in contracts to his political donors,” he said.
“With the culture of corruption being what it is in Washington these days, Ryan Costello would fit in nicely, but voters in the 6th District deserve better from their next representative. Manan Trivedi has pledged to fight for stronger restrictions on lobbying because he believes members of Congress should serve their constituents, not the deep pocketed donors that fund their campaigns.”
Peter Towey, Costello’s campaign manager, countered that many offices must review new contracts before they reach the desks of the County Commissioners, and that at no point does Costello have contact with vendors seeking contracts during the negotiation process.
“These attacks are a joke just like Trivedi’s campaign for Congress,” Towey told PoliticsPA. “These businesses have been providing services to the county long before Ryan ever became a Commissioner, and were recommended by non-partisan staff and voted on unanimously by both Democrats and Republicans.”
“This is nothing more than an attempt from a desperate candidate to distract voters from the fact that Trivedi doesn’t live or work in Pennsylvania, and would be a rubber-stamp for Nancy Pelosi’s extreme views in Congress,” Towey concluded.
19 Responses
How is this different from Turnpike “pay to play” indictments?
Maybe government contractors should be prohibited from making campaign contributions. “Pay to Play” is another name for croney corporatism.
Is it legal? Yes. Does it look good? No. Should Costello avoid those contributions? Probably. Nancy who??
Seeing the contracts were approved by the Democratic commissioner as well I am not sure what Trivedi is getting at.
John, Trivedi’s statement of financial interests show he made 95 percent of his income working for firms in DC. He also owns a million dollar home in DC. His wide worke in DC too. The inquirer did a piece about him being a carpetbagger.
Who got the $ 14 million? It would be expected to the article or at least from the poster
Valid call out but the bigger issue is that Costello refuses to tell Republicans his positions – like Immigration where he refused to answer with position. Over the years he has been pro-choice to then pro-life to now he dodges answering questions. We need a Republican but playing dodge the ball produces milk toast. Avoiding any answers has been his approach for over 15 years. He likes headlines so while people were out of electric Costello did nothing but beat on PECO to get headlines and his one thing was to headline with a motor tour with the Lt. Governor so Ryan could get pictures. Meanwhile his grandstanding sucked PECO leadership trying to get power back on for suffering people.
Then he gave Democrat contolled West Chester Borough County money a big grant with money he was taking from taxpayers all over Chester County to do a pocket rich neighborhood little pocket rich acquisition cause the rich neighborhood didn’t want 4 big houses just like theirs
So what does Costello stand for? Nobody knows cause he has been weasel words & double speak from both sides of his mouth his whole 15 years. We need a Republican. If we can’t have that we need at least positions whice Costello avoids like plague.
Someone should check Montco Commissioners. How does Leslie Richards have $300,000 – and she’s not running for anything. How about Shapiro? OMG? He’s not running for anything either. Where did they get their money, Mr. Trivedi?
Does live or work in Pennsylvania. What the hell is that supposed to mean? The last time I checked Manan Trivedi lives just outside of Birdbsoro and works at Pottstown Hospital. Birdboro and Pottstown were in Pennsylvania the last time I was in that part of Berks and Montgomery Counties.
sounds like somebody didn’t do his homework!
By the way, Kathy Cozzone, the Dem nominee for Pa Senate and a current Chesco commissioner also voted for this contract award. Does that mean she’s part of the conspiracy against Trivedi also? Will Trivedi reject her support? If I were her, I’d definitely pull my support from Trivedi because he’s tarnishing her reputation as much as Costello’s.
I just called Chester County about this $14 million contract award. Turns out it was a competitively procured contract awarded to the low bidder. Should Chester County have gone with the high bidder? Trivedi is so full of crap that he apparently just spews it every time he opens his mouth.
yeah nah
Disgusting to see Costello acting like a beltway insider before August even ends. Trivedi will win this by 4
Desperate times call for desperate measures. I don’t blame the dog for turning its back to the camera.
I guess everyone missed the part where the Democrat Commissioners voted for these contracts too…and they are on-going contracts from before Costello was running. The fact is that governments still need to operate and provide services and when you find a good company to provide services, you stick with them. Perhaps that’s why D’s and R’s voted for these companies. This is just part of Trevedi’s long death rattle before November.
Give the money back Costello is right! $30 million in less than 3 years to your donors?! Someone sure is scratching someone else’s back here. Donate to my campaign I will write you a tax-payer funded million dollar check! I want someone with ethics to represent me in DC. I am voting for Trivedi.
This campaign is a joke. 3x loser running yet again in a race that is on no ones radar screen.
Ironically, I bet Trivedi barely has enough money to pay for the oversized novelty check.
Costello should return ALL campaign contributions from vendors – that’s what an honest man would do. Of course, an honest Republican doesn’t exist any more. And his explanations? LAUGHABLE! Who gets the final vote on ALL county contracts? Ryan and his bosom buddy Farrell, that’s who – and all those vendors know it. Local Government Crony Corruption at its worst.
Give back the Money, Costello!
Even the dog doesn’t want to be associated with Trivedi’s campaign… can’t blame him.