It’s the fifteenth of the month after the latest fiscal quarter.
If you’re enough of a political wonk to click on this article, you know that means it’s fundraising report day.
Steve Santarsiero, the State Rep. from Lower Makefield, is running for the open 8th congressional district as a Democrat.
Santarsiero brought in $115,864 from April 1st to June 30th. Additionally, he also loaned his campaign $40,000, giving him a second quarter total of $155,864.
The State Representative’s haul is less than what he raised last quarter, which suggests he experienced a drop off after the initial boost surrounding the announcement of his candidacy.
He also spent $76,956 over that time period, giving him $282,853 cash on hand (about $80K more than last quarter).
“We are excited about the huge show of support for Steve including endorsements from Democratic leaders, local committees, and organized labor,” stated campaign manager Gabrielle Quintana Greenfield. “With over 1200 contributions already, 93% of which are in-state and 70% of which are in the District, we are confident that we are building the support we need to win in 2016.”
We’ll have another report on the fundraising of Shaughnessy Naughton, Santarsiero’s Democratic opponent, and we will also have an in-depth piece on their full FEC reports soon.
The 8th Congressional District contains all of Bucks County as well as part of upper Montgomery County.
6 Responses
@ Paul Roden, Rep. Santarsiero is definitely the best candidate and would be an outstanding member of Congress. This is also not an episode of the West Wing, its a congressional race. The power of ideas is not important and absolutely no one cares about that. Raising money is super important, its the only thing that matters right now.
Who is the candidate who has the most integrity? Who is the candidate who can bring people together? Who is the candidate with the most experience in constituent service and has paid his dues? That candidate is Steve Santarsiero. We need more people like him in the Congress, in the Senate and at all levels of government. He is the best example of an effective public servant. It is a shame money is the only measure of campaign success. We need public funding of election campaigns. The power of ideas and ones character should be the measure of excellence in a candidate, not the amount of money raised.
Yawn!! Tom Manion is going to wipe the floor with Shaughnessy when it’s all said and done.
Run Shaughnessy Run!
uninspiring candidate raises uninspiring haul
Surprised he only raised $115k!!! Ouch. He needed to loan himself $40k just to make the number look respectable. He’s in trouble.