Rep. Bill Shuster, Chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, revealed to Politico today that he is dating an influential lobbyist who works for one of the biggest American airline trade associations, Airlines for America.
The lobbyist, Shelley Rubino, is vice president for global governmental affairs for the organization. Its members are highly interested in the ongoing negotiations to overhaul the Federal Aviation Administration. Congressman Shuster is in the middle of the negotiations.
In a statement, Rep. Shuster said, “Ms. Rubino and I have a private and personal relationship, and out of respect for her and my family, that is all I will say about that.”
Shuster also addressed concerns about the potential conflict of interests, saying, “Ms. Rubino doesn’t lobby my office, including myself and my staff” thanks to a policy that his office has in place to deal with personal relationships.
A spokesperson for Airlines for America said, “As a matter of practice, and out of respect for our employees’ privacy, we do not comment on their personal lives.” The group has made it clear that Rubino does not personally lobby Rep. Shuster.
Speaker of the House John Boehner has not commented, and Ms. Rubino also did not respond.
Legal experts say that the relationship does not appear to violate ethics laws.
10 Responses
I’d love to hear some official comments from all the establishment RINOs who spent so much time and effort making up stuff to demonize Shuster’s opponent with last year.
About 5 years ago, I saw him at a local restaurant pub. He was slobbering drunk to the point where he slapped the waitress on the behind and invited her to come back up to his hotel room down the street. She turned him down, and then he and the men he was with got up and left without paying the bill. Do people just not know how sleazy this guy is?
Now we know why he got divorced. He’s a scumbag like his father.
Like father like son……I wish someone would run. I would bet Mahoney would give him a run for his money.
I dunno, but the 70s called. Said to tell the woman to Bill’s left that they want the dress back.
Bill Shuster is a sweaty disgusting womanizer. Saw him all over women in a bar in Pittsburgh a few years ago. He was married at the time, he announced his separation from his wife in July of this year.
Is he married? If not, it’s not a “family values” issue.
…. unless of course they are having sex outside of marriage. Then those “values voters” might have an opinion.
By the photo, they seem quite chaperoned, with 4 people separating them.
Another “FAMILY VALUES” Republican
A show of hands, please: which one of those two is the bigger whore? And no, he doesn’t get a pass just because Daddy Bud was a whore before him. You have to evaluate him on his own (de)merits.