PA-9: Shuster Touts Record on Spending in New TV Ad (VIDEO)

Congressman Bill Shuster emphasizes his fiscal conservatism in his latest television ad.

Shuster is seeking a 9th term in Congress, but (again) faces a primary challenge from Art Halvorson on April 26th.

Earlier this month, Rep. Shuster highlighted his opposition to Obamacare. Now he’s focusing on his record when it comes to spending.

“We have conservative Bill Shuster standing up for us,” a narrator states while taking shots at familiar Democratic targets like President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi.

Over the course of the thirty-second spot, Shuster is identified as a “conservative” three times, four if you count text.

The intent is clear, the Congressman is determined to not let Halvorson get to his right.

The 9th Congressional District consists of all or parts of Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fayette, Franklin, Fulton, Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Somerset, Washington and Westmoreland Counties.

21 Responses

  1. It is ashame that the voters in the 9th district continue not to think and keep voting for Shuster, the beloved puppet of corporate welfare.

  2. Tyler,
    Here we go whining blah blah blah. Smear his personal life. Another Halvorson broken record and make sure to check with Art before you respond. Halvorson’s campaign is acting desperate because you are behind in the polls. Keep on crying keep on attacking. The fact is Bill is Prolife, Pro 2nd Amendment and I forgot to mention that the Libery Caucus founding member Rep. Meadows endorsed Bill. So go ahead and smear Meadows. Keep on complaining because you guys sound like winners.

  3. Bill finally agreed to one debate after four offers from the media. He chose Fayette, an area with low density of Republicans. He wouldn’t dare debate Halvorson in Blair, Bedord, Franklin or Indiana because he is afraid of being asked about his inappropriate relationship with an airline lobbyists or his votes to fund Obamacare and Planned Parenthood. I am sick of hearing about 2014. No one cares! We care about who is the real man in 2016! And we all know that’s Art Halvorson!

  4. Shelly,
    My comment about JFK is a joke. Bill debated Art 4x in 2014. Bill will debate Art again and you and Art need to get a sense of humor. There is a debate scheduled for mid April but I guess that doesn’t cut the mustard.

  5. Please, tell me where I can find documentation of Halvorson saying that Shuster killed JFK.

    And, if Halvorson is as crazy as you guys say he is, why doesn’t Shuster jump at the chance to debate him and show everybody that’s he’s a fool?

  6. Shelly,
    Bill was in Dallas on Nov 23, 1963. Bill is responsible for ISIS. Bill is the one to blame for all America’s mess. As far as I’m concerned all of the Halvorson supporters need to take off you tin foil hats…

  7. Steve-

    What are these sick lies? I notice that Shuster’s lackeys always complain about Halvorson’s criticisms but never actually dispute any of the facts he presents.

  8. Bill is pro 2nd Amendment. Bill is prolife. Bill fights Obama’s war on coal. Bill is against Obamacare. So he is not conservative enough so the negative nancies attack Bill’s family and personal life. I guess Bill is not good enough for your self righteous standards. At least Bill’s campaign did not commit fraud by obtaining fraudulent petitions.

  9. Art Halvorson says he’s a Good Christian man but instead is spreading some of the sickest lies I’ve ever heard in politics. An ok candidate could beat Shuster but anyone I talk to that has met him is usually disgusted by him or feels uncomfortable around him, I bet the people trying to take Shuster out are upset that this is the guy they were stuck with.

  10. Bill is doing a great job and is solid in his conservative principles. I have noticed a large uptick in negativity by Halverson and his supporters in my area. Keep up the good work Congressman.

  11. Booster-

    Talking about Shuster’s record is too negative for you? When an incumbent runs for reelection, he’s supposed to defend what he’s done while he’s been in office. If people aren’t happy with it, they vote for the other guy. It’s called debate.

  12. All I hear from Art’s supporters is that Bill is the antichrist. The negative rhetoric is getting old. Everything wrong with America is Bill’s fault.

  13. Shuster has voted to raise the debt ceiling 14 times since he’s been in office. He just voted against the most recent one because it’s election season and he’s scared to death of Art Halvorson.

    He also voted for TARP, the Fiscal Cliff, the CRomnibus, AmTrak subsidies, farm subsidies, the Ex-Im Bank, and for funding of Planned Parenthood and Obama’s executive amnesty.

    He’s not called “the prince of pork” for nothing. The only way he gets reelected is by hiding his record from the Republican voters.

  14. Shuster does not support jobs. Or at least, he’s does not realize that he has been killing them. During his first term, Shuster voted to extend normal trade relations with China. This meant that China’s communist government would receive subsidies from the Export-Import bank – wasting US taxpayer money that could either be developing the US infrastructure or be left in the hands of taxpayers to promote real sustained growth. He voted in 2015 to repeal the country of origin law for labeling meat. This was in-sync with the globalist agenda of the WTO which demands that the US not label the country of origin for the meat it exports. This strips the US ability to compete as a superior meat producer. Shuster does not work to protect jobs in America.

  15. Without TPA, Congress and the public wouldn’t have had as much ability to review agreements. Also if any trade agreements dont follow the guidelines set by Congress they can’t even be considered. Congress still gets to vote on them. But i’ll look more into this legislation – thanks for sharing

    I just think its misleading for that art guy telling people shuster doesn’t support jobs. I mean seriously?

  16. Corry, I was referring to the Trade Act of 2015, HR 1314, which was part of TPA, ceding Congressional oversight of foreign trade relations to the president in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution. TPA was a fast-track mechanism for ramming trade treaties through Congress with minimum scrutiny. Ultimately, TPA has led to trade deals which open the US up to losing our manufacturing jobs overseas. Shuster also voted in 2012 to reauthorize the Export-Import bank which promotes international corporate welfare – an immoral waste of taxpayer dollars.

  17. DJMason Fast track is a procedure for reviewing future trade agreements. You don’t know policy at all if you are saying it accelerated the loss of jobs. And no trade agreements have been voted on under it so you are incorrect. Please let me know if I’m the one that’s confused however, and i’ll look more into it.

  18. Shuster voted for the Wall Street bailout (TARP) in 2008 (TARP cost the Federal gov’t $37.3 billion by 2015), the $1.1 trillion Cromnibus, which funded Obamacare, Obama’s amnesty program and Planned Parenthood and Shuster voted for fast-tracking Obamatrade which accelerated the loss of U.S. jobs. Shuster is not a conservative. He is part of the establishment in Washington that Obama depends on in order to get what he wants.

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