We’re down to the final hours now and it doesn’t look like we’ll have an agreement before midnight.
Therefore, Governor Wolf is already reaching out to government employees and contractors about how the lack of a budget could affect them.
According to Kevin Zwick of Capitolwire, Gov. Wolf has written a letter to each of the aforementioned groups.
Thanks to a 2009 State Supreme Court decision, state employees will still be paid. Outside vendors, meanwhile, will be compensated for their work after the crisis has passed.
Governor Wolf’s letter to state employees is included below:
Dear Employee,
As you are likely aware, I am working hard to finalize a balanced, responsible budget for the coming fiscal year with the legislature. In the event that an agreement is not reached by June 30, employees should continue to report to work as scheduled. Payroll will continue to be processed and there are no anticipated delays to employees’ scheduled pay.
We rely on your efforts each day to serve the people of Pennsylvania, and we appreciate your work. In the event an agreement is not reached, all of us should continue to provide services to the people of Pennsylvania to the best of our abilities.
We appreciate your patience as we work to reach a final budget agreement. Thank you for your service to our commonwealth.
Governor Tom Wolf
Below is the text of his message to the state’s stakeholders:
Dear Stakeholder,
As you are likely aware, I am working hard to finalize a balanced, responsible budget for the coming fiscal year. In the event that an agreement is not reached by June 30, we know how important it will be for the administration to provide timely information to its partners to help to avoid confusion as we resolve the budget situation.
As this process unfolds, we understand the possible hardship you may experience in balancing your own budget, and we will do everything in our power to ease that burden. We partner with thousands of stakeholders, many of whom have long worked with the Commonwealth, and we will work with all of those affected by a delayed budget. As a former business owner, I understand the mutual reliance that exists between a business and its partners.
As a result of our strong relationship and mutual reliance, we ask you to continue to work with us during the ongoing budget deliberations, just as we will work to provide any outstanding payments upon passage of a budget.
For general information on the budget situation, Frequently Asked Questions are available at pa.gov/PAbudgetFAQs.
For specific payment status, please contact the Payable Services Call Center toll-free at: 1-877-435-7363 or by email at RA-PSCPaymentInquire@pa.gov. Payment status is also available via the Vendor Payments and Invoices In-Process Reports on the following website: www.vendorregistration.state.pa.us.
I understand that this process might bring hardship, but we are doing everything in our power to ease the burden on our partners and come to an agreement as quickly as possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this process.
Governor Tom Wolf