PA GOP: Chris Carney Supports the Largest Tax Increase In History
HARRISBURG – Republican Party of Pennsylvania Chairman Rob Gleason is curious to know if 10th Congressional District Chris Carney will continue to stand in favor of the largest tax increase in history.
“Make no mistake about it: Chris Carney is supporting the largest tax increase in American history,” Gleason said. “At a time when countless families in the 10th Congressional District are struggling to make ends’ meet, Chris Carney has voiced his support for a tax increase that will cripple the economy of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
“How many tax increases will it take for Chris Carney to acknowledge the fact that he’s just another tax-and-spend liberal like Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi? How many Northeastern Pennsylvania must suffer because of his continued support of atrocious policies like the repeal of tax cuts, government-run health care and a nearly $1 trillion stimulus package that has done nothing to keep unemployment in his region from surpassing double-digits?”
“It’s time for Chris Carney to stop focusing on getting re-elected and start paying attention to how his support of the Obama-Pelosi liberal agenda is hurting the needs of the 10th Congressional District. ”
An October 28th, 2008 article in The Sunbury Daily Item reports that “Carney opposed extending Bush’s tax cuts of 2001 and 2003.”(Coulter Jones, “Carney vs. Hackett: Their View On The Economy,” Sunbury Daily Item, 10/28/08)