After the caucus leaders delivered their reports, one after another enthusiastically and unanimously endorsing Governor Tom Corbett and Lt. Governor Jim Cawley for reelection, the full committee took their vote.
Corbett and Cawley were the only nominations for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, respectively, and were endorsed unanimously by a voice vote of the committee members.
Cawley took the stage first after the endorsement, walking up to “Eye of the Tiger” and a standing ovation.
“This year, we know what’s at stake. We know that all of us, and all of the citizens of Pennsylvania have a very clear choice. The choice is simple: do we want to return to the old days of lavish government spending and deficits? The days of late budgets and uncertainty?,” Cawley asked. “Or do we want to continue down the path that you and I and our fellow Pennsylvanians have been forging these last three years?”
“Make no mistake, we are in a war of ideas and we need to build a core of Corbett captains to fight that war,” he continued, rallying the committee leaders in the room “You are going to be the boots on the ground.”
The Rocky music continued for Corbett’s entrance.
“You can’t forget the past, but we have to deal with the future,” he began. “We made the promise that we wouldn’t borrow from future generations so we could spend now. And I kept my promise.”
“I’ve gotten a personal lesson in civics, and it’s not at all like it was in the book,” he joked, when talking about teaching social studies as his first job outside of college.
“Did you want us to control spending?” he asked the audience, who responded with a resounding ‘Yes.’… “Well that’s what we’ve done. We reduced the state budget for the first time in 40 years, yeah you can clap on that. You don’t change the game plan at halftime when you’re winning.”
He discussed the merits of the transportation bill, spending wisely on education and the need for bipartisan work to create jobs.
“Jobs are not Republican or Democrat – they’re not partisan at all,” he said.
Before the official nominating process, the committee heard reports from congressional and state legislative leaders.
“Democrats want to erase, as they always do, the good work that Tom Corbett and Jim Cawley have done,” Rep. Tom Marino said, as he delivered the Congressional Report. “We need to tear the tent down and open our party to everyone. You know what Republicans have trouble with? Women. Women need to get more involved in politics.”
State Senator John Rafferty addressed more of the policies at the state level in the State Senate report, particularly a controversial one.
“Yes, we did a transportation bill – $2.4 million. I’m going to spend a moment on that because some of my colleagues are taking heat over that. When the Governor said lets to a transportation bill, I did what you’re supposed to do. I traveled across the Commonwealth. We put together for the first time in this Commonwealth, a comprehensive transportation bill that will create 40,000 jobs,” he said. “We did that because the Senate and House worked together. Tom Corbett weighed in and we were able to get it through the House with a big vote, the Senate with a big vote and to the Governor’s office where it was signed into law.”
The Governor’s potential primary challenger, conservative, anti-establishment Republican Bob Guzzardi loitered outside the committee meeting today and in the lobby of the dinner last night.
9 Responses
What David D said!
Well, “Eye of the Tiger” was from Rocky III where he did win (in the rematch).
However, in this case, Corbett is more like Clubber Lang, who won against an out-of-shape Dem candidate in a GOP wave year. This year’s Dem candidate will have been through an Apollo Creed primary workout.
There really isn’t much of a “Team Corbett”. It’s going to rats deserting a sinking ship (while collecting consulting fees for telling Corbett he has a chance) and planning for 2018.
Do I have to point out that it’s kind of dumb to play the Rocky music?
Because… um… Rocky lost.
Rob McCord is THE nightmare scenario for the Corbett folks. How a SePa guy racks up endorsements from the West of PA should give them real pause.
The women in the race are the right answer in terms of a race based on Demographics. But McCord is a force of nature with a bank account and a rolodex and will overtake anything in its sight.
Team Corbett has to really wake up and get a game plan against McCord….Yesterday.
Dear COS Gromis-Baker: Is Tom Corbett taking time off from his budget speech preparations to go to the Super Bowl with the Cyber Charter Corporate Welfare Queen Cabal and spend quality time with Doug Christie and his RGA friends? Maybe some lowly RGA staffer can slip the Cyber Charter School Mafia, the wiring instructions for the RGA?
Dear Ms.Schneiders: You ask a very good question about Tom Corbett but don’t look East to Christie; look West to UPMC, World Class Jeff Romoff and the political marriage that Corbett’s COS Leslie Gromis Baker arranged between Corbett and Romoff. Romoff is the least popular public person in Pittsburgh and I’m including Ravenstahl, Corbett and Bobby Bonds. When the lid blows on the issues of governance at UPMC, the scandal will be far worse in my very humble opinion than all Corbett’s machinations with PSU. The amazing thing is Corbett was lead into this mess by his own “trusted” advisors. If you don’t believe me than just ask Republican Rep. Jimmy Christiani, who had the courage to take on UPMC and Romoff. COS Leslie Gromis’s husband Scotty ran a negative mail campaign against this courageous young Representative.
This seemed like such a nice event and very positive. Does anyone think that governor Corbett will get caught up in the Christie corruption scandals? That awful democratic boss from Camden got paid off with 6 million in darpa money two years ago for the hospital where he pays himself a huge salary and bonuses. Both Governors agreed to that and I see that he was also paid off on some other project from governor Christie as it relates to NJ only transportation money.
BTW, how many of these unanimous endorsers will be putting out campaign literature for their candidates that includes a picture with Corbett?
I’m guessing it will be a unanimous ZERO.
“do we want to return to the old days of lavish government spending and deficits?”
I’m guessing the GOP answer was: Yes for spending money on their donors. and Yes for creating deficits by under-taxing shale then using deficits as excuse to cut education.
“endorsed unanimously by a voice vote of the committee members.”
What? No votes for Bob Guzzardi? How shocking. (NOT!)