In his appearance at the Press Club luncheon, State Treasurer Rob McCord made some personal comments about sitting Governor Tom Corbett; and now, the governor’s campaign is hitting back.
A release from the Pennsylvania Republican Party states that McCord used the word “dumb” to describe Republicans, said that Corbett’s adherence to Tea Party policies was “stupid” and that the governor was “understudious” about government. They cite a September 2013 CapitolWire article for these claims.
“Once again, Rob McCord proves that he will resort to anything just to gain some attention,” Sweeney said. “Rob McCord has already referred to Pennsylvanians who register Republican as being ‘dumb’ and ‘stupid,’ but today he proved that he’s ready to lower the bar of political discourse even further just to get some attention directed toward his failing campaign. It’s sad that Rob McCord feels that his only option of gaining media attention is not though ideas, but bully tactics.”
But McCord’s campaign doesn’t think the criticism holds water.
“Team Corbett seems very defensive, maybe even a little paranoid, on this subject. Could it be because the governor thinks same sex marriage is like incest and that people are unemployed because they can’t pass drug tests?,” McCord spokesman Mark Nevins told PoliticsPA. “Either way, it’s a little hard to listen to a lecture on desperation from the least popular governor in America.”
The newfound attention on McCord breaks up the PA GOP’s latest fixation on former Revenue Secretary Tom Wolf. In the past weeks, they’ve hit Wolf on his support of the Affordable Care Act and an extraction tax, hardly mentioning the other four candidates running for the Democratic nomination.
Rep. Allyson Schwartz was the early victim of PA GOP attacks, but yet unscathed and running for governor are former DEP Secretary Katie McGinty and former Auditor General Jack Wagner.
5 Responses
Who’s the dummy here? Name calling is for low life’s. Governor Corbett is attracting jobs to Pennsylvania like a speeding locomotive. Jobs mean corporations and corporations are conservative, and conservative means no same-sex marriage. Conservative means doing things on the straight and narrow in a traditional way. If you want same sex marriage, maybe it’s better to move to Detroit, San Francisco or New York, where Democrats are destroying those cities.
Governor Tom Corbett is one of the BEST governor’s Pennsylvania has ever had. He’s closed down prisons and negoatiated with school unions. My property taxes have not been raised – a miracle in itself, since taxes have been raised in other states. Governor Corbett has shown, without a doubt, that he upholds traditional morals and standards. The new transportation policies are great, which will CONTINUE to bring corporations and jobs to PA. At least I know that Governor Corbett is honest….the others, well I just don’t know about them.
Corbett is Stupid pretty simple. He thinks he can screw pa workers and get away with it. He thinks he can screw seniors and get away with it. He thinks he can sell us out to his fatcat oil buddies and get away with it. He thinks he can cut out school funding and get away with it. No Tommy Boy your day to pay up and move out of the mansion is just around the corner. Time of your lies – tick-tock your lies are done
I am sorry but I don’t understand why Corbett was upset. McCord was just stating the obvious
Corbett didn’t complain about being called “understudious”.
Was he too dumb or stupid to understand what it meant? 🙂
Corbett’s policies have been derelict, destructive, deceptive, and disastrous for Pennsylvania.
If Corbett actually rose to an intelligence level on policy that was merely “dumb” or “stupid”, it would be an improvement.