Ever wonder what a Tom Wolf vs. Scott Wagner contest for Governor would look like if only York County residents could vote? Well, have no fear because Harper Polling has you covered.
Wagner wins the contest between the York natives 53% to 40%. For comparison, though, Corbett defeated Wolf by a similar 57% to 43% margin.
There was a gigantic gender gap on this question. Males favored Wagner 60% to 35% while female respondents split evenly 45% to 45%.
Favorability Ratings
27% of Wolf’s York County neighbors view him very favorably while 16% see him somewhat favorably. Conversely, 37% have a very unfavorable view of the Governor and 16% somewhat unfavorable.
On the other hand, 26% have a very favorable view of State Sen. Scott Wagner. Another 24% view him somewhat favorably. Meanwhile, 18% have a very unfavorable impression of Wagner and 14% a somewhat unfavorable impression.
Harper Polling surveyed 582 likely York County voters land line interviews conducted using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) on October 18th and 19th. The margin or error is +/- 4.1%.
10 Responses
gulag, wasn’t Pittsburgh committing wholesale assault on the environment for decades, while the conditions were also killing hard working blue-collar Americans? And you have the nerve to call yourself a Democrat.
Garbage begets garbage
Wasn’t York County the stronghold of the KKK in PA for decades?
Corbett won York County by 14 points despite losing statewide by almost 10. You could run a candidate who spends his weekends dancing around bonfires dressed up in white sheets, and, as long as he had an R in front of his name, he’d win. Heck, he’d probably win by 20.
A Republican wins in York County? Get out of town. Stop the presses.
fake aaron posting again…
Does this surprise anyone? The real questions is, who comes out ahead in Allegheny County, Wagner or Turzai 😉
um … who cares ….
Dem York county folk really like dem some Scott Wagner….he loves fredom, gunssss and hates da governments mmmhmmmmmm.
This isn’t surprising. York County is blood red. Napoleon would win there if he ran as an R. Corbett beat the favorite son there in 2014. Though it is worth noting, the idea of a Governor Scott Wagner puts me into a cold sweat.