PA-Gov: McCord Boasts 6 Mil On Hand


State Treasurer Rob McCord’s campaign gave a preview of their campaign finance report showing McCord with $6 million cash on hand.

The McCord campaign put together $6.6 million last year, with $1.7 million from McCord himself, $1.334 million carry over from 2012 and approximately $3.6 million from other donors.

McCord was a later entry into the governor’s race last year, officially announcing in September.

“We enter this year incredibly well-positioned to win the Democratic primary in 2014,” said McCord campaign spokesperson Mark Nevins.  “We had a remarkably strong fundraising effort last year – and in considerably less time than any other candidate.  We have significantly more union support than any other candidate.  And while others talk about taking on Tom Corbett, Treasurer McCord is the only one doing it day in and day out.  We’re looking forward to the campaign ahead.”

When the reports are made public early next month, McCord will likely place second in the cash on hand portion of the fundraising race.

Last week, Tom Wolf revealed that his campaign had raised $13.27 million, mostly funded by a $10 million check that the Wolfs wrote themselves for the race.

Two weeks ago, Allyson Schwartz gave a preview of her 2013 fundraising as well. She reported raising $6.5 million for her bid, $3 million coming from a transfer from her congressional fundraising account.

Neither Schwartz nor Wolf shared their cash on hand numbers.

Former DEP Secretary Katie McGinty is rumored to have raised between $2-2.5 million.

Also in the race for the Democratic nomination are State Treasurer Rob McCord, Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski, former DEP Secretary John Hanger, Lebanon County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz and Cumberland County minister Max Myers.

13 Responses

  1. Mayor Pawlowski, is no longer a candidate. He has in fact endorsed McCord which would actually tied nicely in this article. Though, by all means save the real journalism for the professionals.

  2. Mark Nevins tells a commenter on a blog to email him at an official email address after an accusation of shadiness is made? It’s political taboo for a staffer to comment online, let alone when a serious accusation is made, to tell that commenter to email them privately to discuss it further. Yes, indeed, there *should* be journalism on the school privatization question. If McCord staffers are worried about anonymous posters on blogs bringing it up, there’s probably something there Rob McCord doesn’t want people to see.

    Which means that it should be out in the public so we can put an end to his miserable candidacy.

  3. Gary, I’m afraid your post is wildly inaccurate on several fronts. Please check your facts. Feel free to e-mail me at and I’ll get you all the right info.

  4. It’s important that the coverage for all the candidates not just be cheerleading and congratulating those who raised the most, but actually critically examining who they raised money from. Campaign contributors don’t give something for nothing. McCord, in the past, was part of Early Stage Investors PA, which was part of privatizing Chester School District, then cashing out for $38 million, at the expense of Chester’s young people. Where did the money come from is what we need journalists to be asking.

  5. My point was that Keystone Progress is going to start endorsing candidates and working for them this year. Hanger seems to be the most likely candidate for them to endorse.

    I don’t know the extent or effectiveness of their organization against the kind of money the other candidates have. However, they do represent a definite wing of the party.

    There are going to be about 1 million Dem primary voters. The top candidate probably isn’t going to get more than 25%, if fundraising so far is any indication of support.

    So, a candidate who appeals mostly to the progressive wing just MIGHT have enough of a base % to compete.

  6. Yeah, this is GREAT news for John Hanger. Because everything is.

    Congrats to everyone on the McCord team.

  7. Hanger is still popular with the progressive wing (particularly with his stance on pot legalization). He’s also good on energy policy.

    Until some independent polls come out (and the candidates get on the ballot with petitions), it’s hard to say what the winning issue or message will be. Or who will get the newspaper endorsements.

    Hanger is going to have a tougher road getting out his message, but it’s still early and sometimes grassroots/social-media catches fire with a candidate.

  8. Glad to see such strong numbers for Rob. A significant thing he has going for him is he and the people who surround him have been down this road before, and succeeded. With 3 statewide winning races under his belt, he has a strong edge over those with the same money but far less experience doing a 67 county campaign. Come November that will matter. A lot.

  9. @Me — Wow, so much anger. You can’t just support your favorite candidate with positive information about her or him? You need to swear and downgrade your favorite candidate’s competition? That’s sad, but it is revealing. It shows that you feel your favorite candidate is threatened.

    Anyone who is active and knows about Pennsylvania politics is not surprised by the announced numbers for any of the candidates. The only thing the number do is reinforce what everybody has known since last summer: there are only 4 serious Dem candidates for Governor. The 4 serious Dem candidates are: McCord, McGinty, Schwartz and Wolf. None of the others have better than a tiny a chance to win (it is too late for Wagner, especially since he has always been terrible at raising money even when he had as much time as others), and most of them will ether drop out or not get on the ballot.

  10. What’s the breakdown for candidate announcements with Schwartz, Wolf and McCord? I know McCord was sometime in September, but what about the other 2. Using the “got into the race late” card is pretty weak sauce in my opinion.

  11. Oh. Joy. A milquetoast moderate. Great. Watch me rush to the polls. Oh goodness. Look at me go.

    -_- If the Democrats choose some bland generic candidate like McCord as their candidate, they’re pissing away a golden opportunity to bring actual needed reforms to Pennsylvania. They’re allergic to boldness. They seem to think that it’s still, politically, 1996.

    Fuck McCord.

  12. So, McCord and Schwartz each raised about $3.5 million in fresh cash from donors (not transfer or personal donation) and Wolf raised about $3 million from donors.

    These all seem like pretty strong numbers to fund TV ads and mailings and get out their messages. (especially given 4 more months of fundraising)

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