In her latest installment of “Katie Direct,” a series of web videos in support of her gubernatorial campaign, Democrat Katie McGinty highlights her work in the Bakery Square section of Pittsburgh, which is now the current home of Google in the city.
“This property was a vacant hole in the middle of a thriving community — bringing that community down,” McGinty explains in the video. “Now it’s a property that helps to anchor the community.”
Bakery Square was once the home of a Nabisco factory until it was closed in 1998. After 2004, the entire plot of land was abandoned.
In 2007, while working for the Department of Environmental Protection, McGinty and her team invested in the site, cleaned it up, and spurred the redevelopment process.
“This is the future we can have when we say yes to protecting the environment — when we say yes to leading and having a vision for Pennsylvania,” says McGinty.
“Now, Tom Corbett will tell us that protecting the environment will hurt the economy, but nothing can be further from the truth,” she adds. “Pennsylvania can be a leading state, not the lagging state we are today.
“Let’s focus on the environment. When we do that, we will grow jobs and grow our economy.”
The video highlights her credentials as a leader and as a someone with experience in building a more sustainable future.
With the other former DEP Secretary, John Hanger, dropping out of the race last week, McGinty is now focusing on her credentials as the environmental advocate — which separates her from the rest of Democratic pack.
McGinty is set to face Auditor General Jack Wagner, Rep. Allyson Schwartz, former Revenue Secretary Tom Wolf and State Treasurer Rob McCord in the gubernatorial Democratic primary in May.