PA-Gov: PA Republican Party Releases New “Obama-Wolf” Radio Spot

The Republican Party of Pennsylvania released a new radio ad today, touting the connections between Tom Wolf and Barack Obama.

The one minute radio ad, titled “Running Mates”, comes just two days before President Obama will be in Philadelphia campaigning for Tom Wolf.

“Voting for Wolf is the same as voting to make Obama our next Governor,” the spot’s narrator assets.

“Consider this, just like Obama, Wolf’s a liberal”, the narrator continues. “Like Obama, Wolf has never met a tax increase he didn’t like. And Wolf’s not just a maxed out financial donor to Obama, Wolf also supported disastrous Obamacare.”

The ad follows a similar theme to the television commercial released earlier this week.

“If we truly must finish what we started, we need to elect Tom Wolf Governor of Pennsylvania”, Michelle Obama said when she campaigned for Wolf last week.

The Republican Party is attacking the low popularity of President Obama in PA, and hoping it connects to voters in the gubernatorial race.

19 Responses

  1. Chris- I did answer her. Nov 2nd 5:07pm.
    My answer was that my use of the term was appropriate for Corbett. I make no apology for it.

  2. davis daino you aint never answered slyvias kwestin about cazlling goevenore corbit. a bad name, you aint no gennelman to do that

  3. Individuals sometimes post with a different name on the same thread so they can attack from a different direction, then they can appear to be taking the “moral” or the high road against their protagonist(s).

  4. I aint know why peeples are pratendng to be me buy postin stuff with my name but I aint like it, I am the only chris and I gots me own stuff to say so whose doin posts and using my name stop it or else,

  5. Chris (posting in English with spelling and grammar) and jjcnpa-

    In the immortal words of Sgt. Hulka: Lighten up, Francis.

  6. jjcnpa, I think David Diano ought to apologize to all women in Pennsylvania for his slur. He demeans all of us by using filthy language to try to make the governor look bad.
    A lot of my friends and me are very bothered by Governor Corbett’s advise about mandatory ultrasounds, and we’re talking about voting against him on Election Day, but when people like Mr. Diano resort to using offensive names to attack other people, it shows him to be a very small man. It tempts me to vote for Governor Corbett just out of spite to punish him for that offensive language.
    Shame on David Diano and other misogynists

  7. They played this ad for all it’s worth this weekend during football games. I saw it at least a dozen times.

    Sylvia, don’t pay attention to David Diano’s postings. His rantings are sophomoric and unprofessional–really an embarrassment to progressives.

  8. Wolfe will win. Corbett is the old guy at your family’s Thanksgiving Dinner that spouts out of touch right wing rhetoric that offends everyone. Plus job growth under Corbett dropped from a high of 7th in the nation before he arrived—to 46 or 47th lowest–in 40 states.
    Corbett accomplished nothing and left us a huge deficit to contend with. Property owners are quite angry about what his cuts to education from kindergarten to college will result in. What a horrible legacy economically Corbett leaves us, plus downgrades from Credit Rating Agencies.

  9. Consultant-
    My response is that Corbett is so offensive in his positions that offensive language is appropriate and mild by comparison.

    What’s worse: (subjectively) offensive language or (objectively) offensive public policy?

  10. Mr. Diano’s response–If you’re offended by my offensive language, then it’s your problem–is straight out of Dan Snyder’s playbook.

  11. Sylvia-
    With Corbett’s advocacy of forced ultra-sounds and suggesting that women just “close their eyes”, name calling of this sort is quite appropriate.
    I give you the following references/definitions:

    1) “An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.”

    2) “The term “douchebag” generally refers to a male with a certain combination of obnoxious characteristics related to attitude, social ineptitude, public behavior, or outward presentation. Though the common douchebag thinks he is accepted by the people around him, most of his peers dislike him. He has an inflated sense of self-worth, compounded by a lack of social grace and self-awareness. He behaves inappropriately in public, yet is completely ignorant to how pathetic he appears to others.”

    3) This is an entire article on the subject:

    “The douchebag is someone — overwhelmingly white, rich, heterosexual males — who insists upon, nay, demand their white male privilege in every possible set and setting.”

  12. davis daino you aint no good for sayin’ bad stuf about goevenore corbitt and saying gross stuff about him and slfvia wash is rite, and you jest are mad cuz goevenore corbitt is gonna win in a land slide and that don’t give you no rite to call him grsoss names so stop it or else,

  13. Mr. Diano, I am not a Tom Corbett supporter, but as a woman and as the Governor’s fellow human being, I take offense to your use of douche-bag to describe him.
    I’m voting for Tom Wolf, and I don’t like some of the Governor’s policies, but he does not deserve to be called names. You owe all of Pennsylvania, especially the females, an apology.

  14. “just like Obama, Wolf’s a liberal” and supports Obamacare.

    Whew. I was worried that because Wolf was rich, he’d be a conservative douche-bag like Corbett who didn’t want the rich to pay their fair share of taxes and didn’t care if the poor had healthcare.

    So, thanks, team Corbett, for pointing out a great reasons to vote for Wolf, and why you’ve been such a terrible governor.

    as for “If we truly must finish what we started”…
    you started selling off the state to the highest bidders (and highest donors). So, we TRULY must stop Corbett from doing any more of that and FINISH his time as Governor as soon as possible.

    But, convincing the Obama haters to hate Wolf is going to be tough, because Wolf is not a black, secret Muslim, socialist born in Kenya (like they think Obama is).

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