PA-Gov: Schwartz Takes Shot at Wolf in Fundraising Email

Allyson-Schwartz-2013-lores1More shots were fired in what is sure to be a brutal battle for the Democratic nomination for Governor was fired today.

Allyson Schwartz’s campaign sent out a fundraising email this morning that took aim at opponent and new front-runner Tom Wolf. It wasn’t a harsh hit and it didn’t even mention Wolf by name, but it was enough to suggest that we’ll be seeing more along this line in the future.

“Let me give it to you straight: our opponents (that’s right – opponents, more than one!) are millionaires who are willing to throw in whatever it takes of their wealth to win. The latest totals have millions already being spent on television ads,” writes Corey Dukes, Allyson Schwartz’s campaign manager.

Dukes statement comes at the beginning of a fundraising plea, asking supporters to contribute so they can match the money spent by their unnamed millionaire opponent.

While Wolf is never specifically identified, it is obvious who Dukes is referring to. Wolf made millions through his cabinet company and even gave $10 million of his own money to his campaign. Recently, he has aired numerous TV ads and two polls this week showed him with a massive lead over Schwartz.

The email suggests that the Schwartz campaign plans to keep hammering Wolf on his wealth in the future. The candidates are both expected to attend a gubernatorial debate tonight at the annual Progressive Summit. Don’t be surprised if Schwartz, and perhaps others, use this line of attack tonight.

In terms of the Wolf campaign, they don’t seem to be distracted. They sent their own email, along with a memo describing how they plan to build on their recent momentum.

“Wolf now has a target on his back as the race moves forward,” his campaign presciently writes in their memo to supporters.

Other Democratic candidates for Governor include State Treasurer Rob McCord, former DEP Secretaries Katie McGinty and John Hanger, former Auditor General Jack Wagner, and Lebanon County Commissioner Jo Ellen Litz.

8 Responses

  1. Wolf has to overcome the years of free advertising accumulated by elected officials performing their state jobs. The value of the free PR must be worth millions of dollars. Part of being an elected official is promoting your accomplishments via the media. The political value: Priceless!!!!!

  2. Here is what I saw today while out getting signatures on petitions. This is from actually talking to 100 people 25% of the people were very excited about Tom Wolf and said he was their choice. 25% are turned of by politics. 25% will vote for any Democrat come November. 25% have heard of Tom Wolf and are leaning towards him. The 65 and up age group like the profit sharing that Wolf’s employees receive. All age groups see him as a down to earth person. The issues that had people fired up are Education, Property Taxes, Voter ID, Jobs and Roads.

  3. Ryan, about 50% of PSEA members voted against their own self-interest (i.e. jobs) in 2010 when they supported Corbett for Gov. Don’t tell me their the best lobby in PA. That’s pure bullshit. The only endorsement that matters will be the voters in May. Everything else is just window dressing in my opinion.

  4. sean-
    McCord is a pretty solid campaigner, and has been collecting endorsements like some people collect Pokemon.

    While I do feel the gap will narrow once McCord gets on the air, it’s really not clear if he can close the gap. It depends if Wolf’s lead solidifies in the minds of voters, or if it’s just vapor once the other candidates start their ads.

  5. David is right. Also she will have an issue in the general election with her votes at a federal level.
    Wolf has money and he is pissing it away with cheesy commercials. he is building name recognition but just like the GOP presidential primary he will fizzle out in a few weeks. He is attempting the same power play with financing as Schwartz has.

    All the while McCord is slowly and methodically building powerful support across the state, ie. PSEA, Philly Black Clergy, etc.
    There is no more powerful lobby than the PSEA.

  6. I think there is no need to cry wolf just glad the other candidates see how serious tom wolf is and they are finally waking up.they let wolf on tv by himself for 4 weeks looked like he was the only one running is it to late gor the others to catch up we shall see.

  7. “…plans to keep hammering Wolf on his wealth …. Don’t be surprised if Schwartz, and perhaps others, use this line of attack tonight”…

    Don’t be surprised if this attack falls flat on its face. Schwartz’s campaign started off with a large sum from her congressional account, and used that financial advantage to (try to) intimidate would-be challengers and brag about their fundraising. (even though the bulk of the fundraising wasn’t from Gov contributions). So, it’s pretty hypocritical to complain when you’ve already got a few million cash-on-hand and scoffed at Hanger’s calls to limit primary spending.

    Wolf served in the Peace Corp, in India, and plowed a field with a wooden plow pulled by an ox. At a progressive summit, almost everyone is going to attribute his success to the good Karma he got from that. 🙂

    Schwartz needs to worry about stuff like her vote FOR the NSA and how she has the most conservative voting record of the PA congress members.

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